14 December 2021
Senior students sitting for the AUSIT Young Translator of the year 2021 competition
They partake in the competitions as it helps them to be more inquisitive and to research independently.
The junior students sitting for the AUSIT Young Translator of the year 2021 competition, helping them to see the extent of knowledge they have on the Arabic language.
In the Assembly Abdirahman Ayach yr 12 displays the beauty and eloquence of the Arabic Language.
The teacher is giving a speech about the importance of Arabic language in the presence of the school principal and the head of learning Arabic language.
The students are partaking in an Arabic Quiz as they practice critical thinking and develop a habit of inventive learning.
Yr 7 students came together to make Eid poster
They are cutting papers into different shapes and write celebratory Eid sentences. They also draw and add colours to make their work vibrant.