14 December 2021
Religion Department Kewdale Primary
All praise is due to Allah Ta’aala our Creator and Nourisher. With the grace and mercy of the Almighty we are quickly approaching the end of Term 3 2021.
Alhamdulillah usual teaching and learning went well over the term as our students were enlightened by our wonderful teachers regarding many different topics in Islamic studies. The year 6’s in particular have learnt extensively regarding the life of Uthmaan R.A and Ali R.A and taken great lessons from their lives. Students have also progressed well in Qur’aan reading and memorisation.
We were fortunate to attend and participate in the AIC Annual Interschool Qur’aan recitation contest held at our Thornlie Campus. The students tried their best and really read the Qur’aan most beautifully. The students had prepared themselves well with the help of our wonderful teachers who had put a lot of time into training them.
We are grateful to Allah for all our accomplishments and thank the administration for really supporting and encouraging such events.

Alhamdulillah we are always trying our best at AIC to help our wonderful students to love Allah Ta’aala and fulfil the purpose of our creation.
Jazaakallah Khair

– Abdullah Haffejee
Religion Department
Kewdale primary