14 December 2021
The Year 2 Diaries! – Term 3
The Term 3 journey began with flying colours. Coming right out of EID celebrations to the exciting news of a EID festival around the corner! Nevertheless, that wasn’t the only exciting thing we done this term there was so much more to come.
Ruth Faulkner Library
We met Authors and illustrators of children’s story books when we went on our trip to the Ruth Faulkner Library. The Lovely authors told us all about their experiences and journeys to becoming successful international sellers. They read us their top secret, newest books that no one has heard yet shhhhhhh! They even taught us how to illustrate stories of our own and brought reading to life.
Celery Experiment by Year 2B
Plants need water to survive and they draw water up from their roots through their capillaries. The capillaries are hollow and act a lot like a straw. Adding color to the water helps us visualize this usually invisible process.
The process is called transpiration and it’s essential for moving water to all parts of plants, even to the tops of the tallest trees. The experiment with a stick of celery reveals that this happens through special tubes, called xylems, which take up the food colouring.
2C students looking at bubble machines for our stem project. The students enjoyed learning about the mixtures of soap and water and made messy bubbles.
2D class growing their very own plants and learning all about the life cycle of a plant.

In HASS we are learning all about our local community and how we are all connected to the people and places of our community. we put on our enquiry caps on and researched places within our local community.
This term for art we focused on colours and over lapping shapes. We learned all about primary and secondary colours, warm and cool colours and how to overlap shapes in a cool way which makes a picture look 3D.
Achievements (27-30)
We got awarded certificates for following the five keys our school represents confidence, persistence, resilience, organisation and getting along. We also competed in Quran and spelling bee competitions.
Coming up!
For the next weeks remaining we will be working hard for our end of term 3 assessments Insha’Allah. Week 9 we are planning on going to on an exciting excursion SCITECH. The excursion will be informative but most importantly FUN.
That’s all from the Year 2 Diaries in Term 3. Make sure you join us again in Term 4 where you can read about some more of our exciting news and events.
Till next time
– Keep learning and keep striving!
The Year 2 Teachers