14 December 2021


In maths, we started learning addition & subtraction of 2 digit numbers using MAB blocks, jump strategy and split strategy with and without trading, then moved on to learning about fractions, sharing and 2d shapes.


For writing, we have focussed on persuasive texts. We wrote on a fair few topics and the most popular one among the students was “Is being famous the best thing in the world?


In science, we have been learning about biological sciences. We have learnt about how humans, animals and plants change as they grow. We have also looked at the life cycle of a butterfly. Our assignment for the end of the term is based on researching and writing about the life cycle of a frog, supported by diagrams.


In HASS, we started the term with history. We have been learning about the first fleet. Within these lessons, we have learnt about the first and most famous explorers to find Australia. This included James Cook and his ship “The Endeavour“. We have looked at how the convicts coming from Europe adapted to life in Australia and the different jobs and responsibilities they had. In the second half of the term, the year 2 students have been learning more Geography. Leading from our map work in term 2 we are now looking at how different areas compare to each other. This even included the areas in which we all live. We found out that some of us live quite far away from school!