14 December 2021


Assalam O Alaikum

Dear Parents/guardians,

Welcome to the Term 3 2021 Edition of the Year 5 Newsletter.

We have had an amazing and productive term filled with fun and adventurous activities. Our term began with Eid -Ul-Adha and the students had an opportunity to celebrate Eid festival. We also arranged an award ceremony where Students’ achievements had also been recognised through certificates winners for values of exemplary behaviour to the academic awards.


Our day starts with a one-hour Literacy block, where students revise the concepts learnt through warm-up, followed by sharp reading (students un-pack the text sentence by sentence), spelling and writing (following seven steps). This term they have learnt skills of persuasion by writing some persuasive texts and calling for action using emotive language and modal verbs.

Buddy reading with Kindy


Numeracy class starts with warm-up. We have started the term off by investigating divisibility of different numbers, finding average, ordering fractions on number line, finding equivalent fractions, converting fractions to decimals and applying these skills to word problems. Students are solving word problems which involved mathematical concepts that they have learned throughout the term to boost their creative thinking and enhancing mental skills. The students successfully completed investigations on unit conversion, perimeter and recognising the properties of 2D shapes. Other topics that were covered this term included finding elapsed time, constructing angles, collecting data through hands on activities, displaying data in line /column graph and interpreting different types of graphs.

Science & Design and Technologies

This term in Biological Science we have been exploring the adaptation of different animals and plants through hands on activities and experiments. Hands on science investigation encourages students to observe and make discoveries of their own and this enhances their critical thinking skills. Students thoroughly enjoyed our science lessons and increased their knowledge immensely. Each week of this term the students performed experiment to learn how plants and animals adapt in different environment. They had the great opportunity to go for an excursion to Kings Park, where the students explored the adaptation of desert plants through hands on experience. Our students looked like little scientists when they were investigating different unique plants of Australia.

National Science Week 

The Year 5B used kitchen ingredients: citric acid and baking soda with water to create a shooting rocket. They learned that when they mix both ingredients in the correct portions with water, they are able to create a gas reaction (carbon dioxide), which would cause their rocket model to soar upwards. We weren’t able to capture the flying rocket because it was too quick! However, we were able to capture the ‘aftermath’ – check out the CO2 bubbling!

Class 5D explored plant systems as part of their biological science studies. Students had fun creating their own 3D modelled diagrams.

For science week, Year 5E class were exploring solids and liquids as they created Oobleck, to acquire knowledge on how liquids can transform to solids through the touch of a hand.


In Geography, students learnt about the major countries of North America focusing on the United States of America. Students understood the influence climate and other geographical characteristics have on human activities. The cause and effect of how the vegetation in savannahs can be damaged and how important it is to take care of savannah. They also identified ways indigenous Australians changed the environment by the methods they used to catch and collect food for their continued survival.


In health, we learned about media classifications, we also studied the 5 common emotions and learned to react to each individual emotion positively. Apart from that, we reviewed the 3 types of abuse and what actions we should take if we experience abuse. Lastly, we differentiated natural and built environment and the benefits of keeping active.


It’s all about Indigenous art. We looked at the history of indigenous, the significance of these art in their culture as well as the features that make indigenous art so unique.


Group work

Excursion to Kings Park                   

Our little scientists!

Escaping in nature


Fremantle Dockers coaching our students – Multicultural School Program

Annual Spelling Bee Competition

– Year 5 Teachers: Sr Gladys, Sr Jane, Sr Zakia, Sr Angela, Sr. Huda