14 December 2021


Assalam O Alaikum

Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to Welcome you to the Term 3 2021 Edition of the Year 6 Newsletter.

We are delighted by the quality work students in year 6 have shown this term. We have been very busy in the classroom conducting experiments, sharing information and diving into our units of work.

What we are learning:


We start every day with our literacy block, it includes our literacy warm-ups, guided reading rotations, spelling mastery/ spelling warmups and writing block. This term we are focusing on persuasive writing following the 7-steps-writing structure. Students are also learning how to write procedures exploring how to make or do different things, including bread, which links with our science unit on mold.


Every day students do their numeracy warm-ups for 15 minutes at the beginning of every lesson. During this warmup they revise concepts they already know. This term students have been learning about equivalent fractions, multiplication of decimals, division of numbers larger than 999, 3D objects, nets of prisms and pyramids, chance using dice and much more. Every week students solve word problems, helping them to understand how the topics they have learned can be related into the real word, this also helps them further develop their comprehension skills and problem-solving abilities. Students have completed two investigations, helping them explore concepts taught and apply them into the real world.

Science & Design and Technologies

This term students thoroughly explored the fungi kingdom and conducted numerous experiments on mold and how it can grow. Students were able to understand how and where mold grows, different types of fungi, and determined through investigations and exploring which ones are beneficial, which ones aren’t and how it can be found in our daily life. Students learned yeast is a type of fungi, and how it is used to make bread, therefore students tried their cooking skills this term, consolidating our unit with some delicious bread.

For our design and technologies strand, students used their inquiry skills to research and learn about kinetic and potential energy and how this knowledge can be implemented into building a structure that moves. Students created and built robots, arcade games and toys and explained the kinetic/potential energy in it.

National Science Week


In our geography unit students learned about Asia as a continent. We explored different countries and four different regions of Asia. Students explored culture, religion, land size and the different conditions in which people live across the continent. Students also learned about migration and hibernation and how and which animal migrate as the seasons change.

Visual Arts

Students explored different elements of art this term. We started off the term learning about color blending and moved on to geography within art pieces. Students created their own art pieces, like mandalas and learned about patterns and how they can be incorporated into art.

Eid Festival

Students celebrated Eidul Adha at the beginning of the term. There were rides, camels, bouncy rides, and a wide variety of food. Students dressed up and thoroughly enjoyed the festival, they displayed beautiful manners and respect during the festival. We ended up the day by watching a movie and talking about this big day.

– Year 6 Teachers