23 March 2022
Dear Parents and Guardians
Alhamdulillah this has been a very busy term. As the deputy principal of Australian Islamic College, I would like to welcome every single one of you and greet you with salamu alakum wa rahmatalli wa barakatu. During these difficult and trying times, I would like to express my gratitude to all staff, students, parents and the wider community for all of your patience and support during these difficult times that we are currently going through.
I would like to remind all parents and care takers a few very important things as we navigate our way through these difficult times.
Punctuality: Please be mindful that the school assembly starts promptly at 8.25am. Arriving late can be disruptive during the assembly and especially at the start of the first lesson. Literacy is the first lesson of the day where reading is a priority. If students are late, the miss this lesson. This is vital learning for the students and they cannot afford to miss out on these lessons. Please be on time.
Early Departure: If your child has an appointment or you would like to pick them early, please report to the Primary office first to collect an Early Departure note. Students will not be released from class until an Early Departure Note is presented to the class teacher. Please allow extra travel time to pick your child earlier if your appointments are far from the school. We do not allow for Primary students to walk to the High school office unattended. They must be picked up from the Primary school.
Supervision: There is no formal supervision of children before 8.00am. All Staff are on duty after school until 3.45pm. Please ensure your child is picked up on time. After 4.00pm they are taken to the Primary office. Please be mindful that the staff on duty or office staff has to stay back to look after the child and this causes a lot of inconvenience. Please contact the Primary office if there is an emergency and you are unable to pick up your child on time.
Uniform: Students are expected to wear school uniform which must be neat and clean. All students must be in the correct school uniform. It is also recommended that uniform is labelled so it can be easily retrieved if lost. Please check the yellow Lost Property bin outside the Primary office for any lost items.
Lunch Order: Please ensure lunch orders are clearly labelled and placed in a sealed envelope with the correct amount. We encourage children to develop healthy eating habits and minimise eating junk food.
A reminder to families who have children in both Primary and High School - please refrain from allowing the older sibling to order lunch for Primary siblings. Primary and High school have different lunch times. There have been instances where the Primary sibling had to wait for some time for lunch to be delivered. Please try to give each child the required amount of lunch order money to avoid this issue.
Recess and Lunch: Please ensure your child has been adequately provided with enough food for the day. There have been cases where students did not bring food at all. Parents are responsible for the welfare of the child. Students are reminded to check their school bag at recess time if there is lunch provided. If not, a phone call is made to the parents to bring lunch to the school for their child.
Appointments: Communication between parents and the school is highly valued. Parents are requested to make an appointment through phone, class dojo or TEAMS if they need to speak with the Class Teacher, Behaviour Coordinator, Deputy Principal or Principal.
I hope in sha allah this year is a prosperous one for one and all based on academic and social success.
Sr Zana Hassan
Deputy Principal Primary