24 March 2022

Assalamu Alaykum Dear Parents

What an eventful term that came along with its own set of challenges and difficulties. Alhamduillah, we have managed to persevere and tackle the challenges head on. In year 6 we focus on preparing students for high school and providing them with the necessary skills that will enable to thrive and succeed in all subject areas.


The Warm-Up 10mins:

Its short, its sweet, it most certainly is effective. What is now a part of our every morning routine. Students start off the morning with literacy warmups that helps develop students’ comprehension skills, vocabulary, creativity and phonics knowledge.

Rotations 15mins:

It’s a smooth transition from the warm-ups to the rotations activity.  students know exactly where to go and what to do and are immediately on task. Students are divided up into 5 groups each group doing a separate activity with the tasks being rotated everyday. Each week the groups rotate between guided reading, ReadingEggs, complex sentence writing, text exercises and task cards. Each of the activities develop students literacy skills and provides students with a strong foundational knowledge of literature and literacy.

Spelling Mastery 15mins

No game can be played without understanding the rules. A well develop textbook that breaks down the most complex rules of the English language into bite size, easy to understand activities. The Spelling Mastery text is an all-in-one pack that focuses on English rules, vocabulary building and phonics knowledge.

Writing 20 mins.

They’re warm, they know the rules they got the tools now its time to play the game. The first half of the term students put their reporter hats on and focused on writing a recount for a news report. Whether they had to develop a problem for a story or sizzling start that got a reader engaged. The second half of the term students had their creative synapses firing with narrative writing. Students were given a picture prompt that set their foundation for their writing piece. No doubt will have a future author in the making!


Every lesson begins with a warm-up that cover past mathematical knowledge. We are putting Prime Math to the test. At the Australian Islamic College, we are always looking for the best text for our students. Prime is new to the school but not the world of Mathematics. The students dabbled with BODMAS, measured angles and are breaking down fractions. This year we have also incorporated a lesson with rotations that incorporate word-problems, Mathletics and games to demonstrate how math’s is found in all areas of life.


Science is all about the Earth shaking, ground-breaking, tsunamis roaring and tornados blowing! Disasters come in many forms and natural disasters are the most dangerous of them all. Students now have a sound understanding of the relatively large, ball of rock that we call Earth. We explored the science of tectonic plates, the layers of the Earth and how they contribute to the Earths natural disasters. Volcanos, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes drought and flooding formed the bases of our science investigation.


A topic that covers more than diet and fitness. This term we looked at protective behaviors and self-image. Its important for students to understand their surrounding environment and be aware of dangers. More importantly students must also know how to deal and what to do in those situations. The second half of the term focused on taking risks, per-pressure, self-acceptance and motivation and how they contribute to mental and emotional health and wellbeing


Some say there is no future in History that does not mean we cannot learn from it. Federation, governmental structure and laws, elections, Aboriginal history, human rights and Australia’s involvement in the war. These are some of the topics we looked at in class. Students had a deep look into Australia’s history and to the path that led us hear today.

Visual Arts

A picture paints thousand words. In other words, no novel series can complete with the level of art work produced by our students. Different themes, different topics, lines and shapes, harmony day and aboriginal art that’s where our students drew inspiration from. The talented work have bought light, colour and creativity into our classroom which are on display.