30 March 2022
This term the basketball club has grown to 25 students, surpassing all other terms by far. The new year 7s of 2022 were super keen to join basketball club and have played with immense enthusiasm. We also have returning basketball club members who have made great progress. An example is Sami Omer from year 9 who was a bystander in previous terms to now being an all-out attacker and defender.
Most if not all students have progressed over time. We incorporated Mr. Jacob’s photography club to show students their shooting form which also gave the photography students an opportunity to practise on semi fast moving objects.
Due to covid cases as well as close contact rules, clubs were cancelled for a fortnight but are now back on. Students are working on their fitness as well as comradery and mental toughness. We hope to continue and progress even further Inshaa Allah. Once we have developed ourselves, we hope to verse other campuses and schools Inshaa Allah.