21 June 2022
Assalamu alaykum,
I pray this finds you in the best of Imaan and Health.
My name is Abdur Raheem and I am one of the Quran and Religion teachers at AIC Thornlie campus.
This term the students within that short time have showed great progress and it has been a pleasure to meet and have the opportunity to teach all of our students.
In Pre Primary we had revised a few core concepts in Islam. Namely the 6 articles of faith and the 5 pillars of Islam.
The 5 pillars of Islam was a focal point for our students this Term. Students were able to recall the 5 pillars and some detail about each. This was consolidated by an in class activity wherein the students made a hand with each finger representing a pillar of Islam.
Exploring the story of Prophet Nuh a.s was one of our final projects . The prophet Nuh a.s strove to call people to Allah. Ultimately only a few adhered to his warnings until Allah sent the flood that would leave only those who worshipped Allah on the face of the earth. Students were thrilled to try and recreate a replica of the ship of Nuh a.s to take home.
May Allah in his grace accept our efforts and the efforts of the students and grant them all a blessed future in this world and the next. Ameen