21 June 2022
Assalamu alaikum,
Alhamdullilah, we have had a productive and enjoyable Term Two in Year 5. NAPLAN has come and gone, and we thank all of the students and parents for the preparation and completion of all activities. A special thank you goes out to Ms Kay Abrahams who helped facilitate the catch up of all those students who were absent on the days of the test.
In Science, the students have been learning about light and it’s sources. This unit provided opportunities for students to explore the properties of light and how it enables us to see. In conjunction with this unit, the students constructed their own periscopes which was a thoroughly enjoyable for both teachers and students alike.
In what was great timing in regards to occurring simultaneously with the federal election, HASS focused on Civics and Citizenship in particular democracy and government. This unit was a great insight for the students in terms of how Australia is run at a local, state and federal level.
Health has focused on the benefits of physical activity, of which there are many, mental and emotional wellbeing as well as physical.
Jazak Allah to all Year 5 families for their dedication, support, and assistance in ensuring the best possible outcomes for their child’s education at AIC Thornlie.
Year 5- Educators
Mrs Meyer & Mr McCloskey