12 September 2022

Assalamu alaikum!

Our school has been liaising with Curtin University for the past two years to offer the UniReady Enabling Program to a carefully selected group of Year 12 General students. These students, on successful completion, will achieve a 70 ATAR and eligibility for university entry to pursue tertiary subjects of their choice, in sha Allah.

At AIC, this special program runs concurrent with school courses during which students complete two core subjects (Academic Writing and Communication) and two elective subjects. The students will round off their studies with an exclusive tour of Curtin University Bentley Campus in Term 4.

Since this is an intensive course that requires high academic skills, sincere effort, regular attendance, working against tight timelines while balancing school, UniReady subjects and workplace learning, let’s hear what some of our students have to say about the program:

On Track to a Teaching Degree

Firstly, I would like to say that I was very privileged to be able to do this course in Year 12 instead of having to do it after school. I chose UniReady because it was the best pathway for me to enter university and begin my journey in tertiary education. UniReady will give me a 70% ATAR which will open may doors for me in university where I can continue my studies. The units I did in UniReady were Fundamentals of Academic Writing, Foundations of Communications, Introduction to Commerce, and Applying Mathematics. I chose these units as they were the most useful for me and what I want to study in the future. My future plan for university is to study Teaching, Insha’Allah. My journey so far in this course has had many ups and downs. UniReady is much more different to school subjects as the standards are much higher. For example, the due dates and plagiarism checks are much stricter than they are at school. The easiest thing I found in UniReady is that every unit has many resources that help you through your assessments. The most difficult thing I found in this course is the strictness on plagiarism and the many different types you can do even by accident. Another important skill needed in this course is time management, as every assessment has a due date, and you will need to manage your time to be able to complete it. My advice for future UniReady students is to pay attention in class and to read your weekly topics on a regular basis.

– Sara Tarin

The Power of UniReady

If you’re not doing ATAR and you would like another way to enter university, then Alhamdulillah our school has given Year 12s doing the best option -UniReady!

I chose UniReady as it was the best option for me and the workload I could take. This will allow me to pursue in university what

I’m most passionate about i.e., Major in Law and my Minor in Business. By doing UniReady you can also apply to university early which can help you tremendously especially in competitive degrees that may be hard to get into. The course content is difficult to understand at first because the standard is university standard, but with the help of the amazing teachers who teach this course and their advice, knowledge and support allow us students to grasp the content easily. It is a big adjustment at first but once you get the hang of it, it becomes easier. You will need to obtain good time management skills as it takes a while to complete assignments and study for exams alongside schoolwork. I always had a monthly calendar/planner on my door and look at it every day I come home from school to see what assignments I need to start on and when they are due (I also do this for my school workload) this ensures that I know what I need to get done, set my priorities and accomplished my goals! Some advice I’d like to give is that although it can be difficult at times completing Uniready is rewarding and a big step into the future, just know your teachers are there to help you along the way, they want you to succeed and for you to do well!

– Zahraa Almajbool

Sight Set on Medical Sciences

Alhamdulillah in Year 12, I got the chance to be part of the UniReady program and to be able to realise my dream of going to university. I chose to study Health Studies and Applied Mathematics as I plan to study Laboratory Medicine at Curtin University. There are stressful times while studying but with focus and effort, it will be worth it. There are times where you have to pull all-nighters to finish studying a topic and memorise loads of content or complete an assessment, but the end result pays off. The main advice I would give to future UniReady students: don’t stress because it won’t help and revise each and every topic at home. And write down your own notes for every topic because you will thank yourself later during a test.

-Manija Raskekh

Designing My Dreams

I chose to enrol in UniReady because I want to major in Interior Architecture at university and eventually design my own mosque as my ultimate objective. I’ve taken courses in Academic Writing, Communications, Commerce, and am currently completing Humanities. As far as my experience goes, it was quite nerve-wracking, especially when it came to time management and assessments. I’d advise being methodical with your time management, concentrating, and making sure you finish everything before the due date to achieve success.

-Sara Omer

Building Blocks of My Future Career

I decided to do UniReady because I saw this as an opportunity from the General pathway to go university to pursue a career in construction management. The content in UniReady is completely different to what we learn in school, the standard is higher, and it has improved my general work habits, making me a hard-working student. The take-home assignments are slightly easier than the exams because there is much content to memorise for the exams. Time management is key skill in UniReady – procrastinating is practically impossible as there is so much content to learn and deadlines to meet. I recommend UniReady for students who feel like they missed their opportunity to go into ATAR but who are ready to do work at a university standard at school and in the future.

-Farhan Rofik

Pathway to My Passion in Health

I chose UniReady because it allows me to have a good understanding of the work needed in university. I study Health sciences and Mathematics as my electives as these subjects will help me do a Bachelor of Health Sciences and later, study Medicine. The core subjects Academic Writing and Communications prepare you for university – the work requirements are completely different from school expectations such as referencing and the formal style of responses. The journey so far was a bit difficult at first but once you understand what is needed in the assessments needed it becomes easier. My advice for future UniReady students is to have good time management and a good understanding of the content taught in class as well as going through all the information whenever your free, and ALWAYS check the rubric on the questions before answering the actual questions as the rubric helps you a lot on how the answer should be answered.

-Iftu Mohamed