13 September 2022


NAPLAN results arrived in the school recently. Congratulations to those students who now achieved Great results. It is especially pleasing for those students who have worked really hard and have taken advantage of the support provided at home and at school. A hard copy of Naplan Results would be provided to students to take home.

For the year 9 students who did not achieve band 8 in any of the component, will have to sit for OLNA in 2022 Term4 Week 3-4. Additional support will continue to be available.

ICAS External Assessment For Yr 7-10

This year about 85 students participated in the ICAS Assessments for year 7-10 for Mathematics, English, Science and Digital technologies online. We would like to thanks students, parents and staff for their commitment towards the external assessments.

ACARA Item Trial 2022 – Testing NAPLAN Questions

Students from year 7 and year 9 were selected to participate in the trial NAPLAN test. The purpose of the Item Trial is to evaluate potential NAPLAN test questions (‘items’) for use in future NAPLAN test. The tests were administered at the school by external test supervisors.

Students doing their Mid-term Assessments in the exam hall

OLNA –Year 10-12

Some of the Year 10-12 students who did not achieve category 3 in first Round of OLNA in March, sat for the second round of OLNA in week 7 and week8 of term 3. After school online classes were conducted for these students and the students practiced the questions from https://olna.com.au/

We would like to thank students, teachers, and parents for the hard work and efforts they put in. The results will be released in Oct 2022.

Maths students at work (Br Donald’s class)

From Kite to Pythagoras

The Year 7 Maths Extension Class were asked to design a kite. In doing so they learnt important skills such as unit conversions, area, sustainability (maximum fabric had to be used), and how scale ratios apply in real life. The students came up with many colourful designs. The idea of kite was then extended to introduce Pythagoras theorem given that the two diagonals of a kite intersect at right angles. Students were then shown a model of Pythagoras theorem.

Seen in picture are Elif Baser, Fatimah Patel and Zoya Basit with kite designs and discussion on Pythagoras theorem.

Maths students at work (Sr Katherine Muller’s class)

Year 9 girls working on Water Park investigation.

Year 9 working on Education Perfect

Year 9 working on a 3D model (using Autodesk TinkerCAD)

Year 10 girls working on DESMOS (graphing parabolas)

Year 9 Girls – starter activity – Drawing NETS of 3D shapes

Year 9 Girls – making a cylinder from the Net

Year 7 Starter Activity – calculations

Maths students at work (Br Afzal’s class)

Year 8 students, Zakaria Mashadani, Bassam Al-Azzawi and Ammar Furqan participated in the University of Melbourne: Mathematics and Statistics Research Competition 2022, in the intermediate category. The students found a solution to a complex competition question using Python code and Excel spreadsheet, prepared a formal report and submitted the report to the competition committee on 10th August 2022.

Maths students at work (Br Donald’s class)

Year 9 Extension Class were asked to design a theme park. They had to apply their knowledge of Linear Concepts involving the Cartesian plane, distance between two points, mid-points and equation of a line. The design had to be practical in terms of accessibility to facilities and easy movement within various theme-based activities such as waterslides and children’s pool area. Featured below is a design by Lojain Shams.

Numeracy Week

During Week 7 Term3, Maths Department students and teachers celebrated the Numeracy week. Presentations, competitions and activities were organised by Maths teachers and students and presented in the school assembly.

Muslims’ Contribution in Mathematics