9 September 2022

Term 3 in a Glimpse

We are at the end of term 3. Alhamdulillah, this term has flown by so quickly. We had a very eventful term. Thank you to all parents of year 1s for your continued support. Together with your support, we are able to do our part of teaching our students to be the best version of their selves. In term 3, we had the following events:

National Science Week

We celebrated science week in week 5. Year 1s did different experiments in their classes during the science week.

Book Week-Character Dress up Day

This year, the theme for book week was ‘Dreaming with eyes open’. Students dressed up as their favorite characters.

Spelling Bee Competition

In week 7, we had the spelling bee competition. There was only one student chosen from each section of year 1s. The winner of the competitor was Nubair Hassan from year 1B.


In Literacy this term we developed our 7 steps writing skills focusing particularly on persuasive writing. They also did Literacy rotations every morning after warm ups. In their rotations, they practiced their spelling words, sentence structure, handwriting, reading eggs and sharp reading with their teacher. During sentence structure, the children have been practicing writing sentences in the present, past and future tens along with the use of punctuation.


This term, Year 1’s learnt about telling time-both digital and analog. They also learnt about 3d shapes. The students also developed their understanding of addition and subtraction as well as number value and place value.


In HASS, year 1s learnt about family traditions, why they are special. They also learnt about past and present. In geography, they learnt about weather symbols and explored the map of Australia.


In Science we explored and our understanding about biological sciences, which included learning about different living animals and different parts of their bodies, as well as looking into their habitats. This term we also focused our time for our STEM projects, which will be exhibited on term 4.


In Health we learnt about keeping safe and expressing our emotions in a safe and cohesive way. We participated in lots of discussions. Year 1s also learnt about friendship, how we can make friends, how should we behave with our friends.


In Art this term we explored the use of visual arts. This time round we turned our focus to a famous children’s author and illustrator, Eric Carle. We focused on the different illustrating techniques used by Eric in his many beautiful books. The children enjoyed collaging and applying lots of beautiful strategies to make gorgeous pieces of art.