School Policies

The Australian Islamic College Perth Inc policies are reviewed and updated regularly to ensure compliance with Department of Education Registration Standards and other State and Commonwealth laws.

The Director General of the Department of Education is responsible for ensuring that the school observes the registration standards, including the standard about its complaints handling system. Any student, parent or community member is entitled to contact the Director General with concerns about how the school has dealt with a complaint. Information is available on the Department of Education website. While the Director General may consider whether the school has breached the registration standards, the Director General does not have power to intervene in a complaint or override the school’s decision.

After thoughtful consideration and recommendations of our staff and faculty, Australian Islamic College has formulated the following policies:

Pedagogical v2

Pedagogical v2

Anti Bullying Policy

Anti Bullying Policy

Asbestos Policy

Asbestos Policy

Assessment and Reporting Policy High School

Assessment and Report Policy High School

Assessment Policy Primary School

Assessment Policy Primary School

Asthma Care Policy

Asthma Care Policy

Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

Canteen Policy

Canteen Policy

CCTV Policy

CCTV Policy

Child Protection Policy

Child Protection Policy

Complaints & Disputes Policy & Procedure

Complaints & Disputes Policy & Procedure

Computer & Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Computer & Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Critical Incident Policy

Critical Incident Policy

Duty of Care Policy and Procedure

Duty of Care Policy & Procedure

Equal Opportunity Discrimination Harassment Policy

Equal Opportunity Discrimination Harassment Policy

Excursion and Camp Policy

Excursion and Camp Policy

First Aid Policy and Procedure

First Aid Policy & Procedure

Head Lice Policy & Procedure

Head Lice Policy & Proceudre

Heat & Sun Protection Policy

Heat & Sun Protection Policy

Internet Access Policy

Internet Access Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Risk Management & Safety in School Policy

Risk Management & Safety in School Policy

School Fees Policy & Procedure

School Fees Policy & Procedure

Snake Safety Policy & Procedure

Snake Safety Policy & Procedure

Student Counselling Policy

Student Counselling Policy

Student Self Harm Policy

Student Self Harm Policy

Student Social Media Policy

Student Social Media Policy

Student Welfare PE Sports Policy

Student Welfare PE Sports Policy

Student Safety, Wellbeing and Behaviour Support Policy HS

Student Safety, Wellbeing and Behaviour Support Policy HS

Student Wellbeing & Behaviour Management Policy PS

Student Wellbeing and Behaviour Management Policy PS

Substance Abuse Policy

Substance Abuse Policy

Thornlie Mosque Policy

Thornile Mosque Policy

Visitors Policy Perth

Visitors Policy

Volunteers Policy

Volunteers Policy

Whistleblower Policy

Whistleblower Policy

Pedagogical v2

Pedagogical v2

Anti Bullying Policy

Anti Bullying Policy

Asbestos Policy

Asbestos Policy

Assessment and Reporting Policy High School

Assessment and Report Policy High School

Assessment Policy Primary School

Assessment Policy Primary School

Asthma Care Policy

Asthma Care Policy

Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

Canteen Policy

Canteen Policy

CCTV Policy

CCTV Policy

Child Protection Policy

Child Protection Policy

Complaints & Disputes Policy & Procedure

Complaints & Disputes Policy & Procedure

Computer & Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Computer & Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Critical Incident Policy

Critical Incident Policy

Duty of Care Policy and Procedure

Duty of Care Policy & Procedure

Equal Opportunity Discrimination Harassment Policy

Equal Opportunity Discrimination Harassment Policy

Excursion and Camp Policy

Excursion and Camp Policy

First Aid Policy and Procedure

First Aid Policy & Procedure

Head Lice Policy & Procedure

Head Lice Policy & Proceudre

Heat & Sun Protection Policy

Heat & Sun Protection Policy

Internet Access Policy

Internet Access Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Risk Management & Safety in School Policy

Risk Management & Safety in School Policy

School Fees Policy & Procedure

School Fees Policy & Procedure

Snake Safety Policy & Procedure

Snake Safety Policy & Procedure

Student Counselling Policy

Student Counselling Policy

Student Self Harm Policy

Student Self Harm Policy

Student Social Media Policy

Student Social Media Policy

Student Welfare PE Sports Policy

Student Welfare PE Sports Policy

Student Safety, Wellbeing and Behaviour Support Policy HS

Student Safety, Wellbeing and Behaviour Support Policy HS

Student Wellbeing & Behaviour Management Policy PS

Student Wellbeing and Behaviour Management Policy PS

Substance Abuse Policy

Substance Abuse Policy

Thornlie Mosque Policy

Thornile Mosque Policy

Visitors Policy Perth

Visitors Policy

Volunteers Policy

Volunteers Policy

Whistleblower Policy

Whistleblower Policy