14 December 2021
Character Dress up Parade
Since 1945, the CBCA (Children’s Book Council of Australia) has brought children and books together across Australia through the annual CBCA Book Week, and in 2021 this event was held in October. To celebrate Book Week and encourage students to read, we started our day with a Character Dress Up Parade. Students and teachers adorned themselves with popular character costumes. From Kindy to Year 6, all classes participated in this parade that was held after morning assembly. This event was a lot of fun and full of excitement! It was D.I.Y. (do it yourself) and the most creative and fabulous costume from each class was been awarded with a book prize.
Library Book Bag
From 2022, all students from Kindy – Year 6 will be required to have a library book bag. This is to protect books from early damage. “No Bag, No Book” will be implemented from next year.
Stocktaking and Overdue Books
The annual library stock take will take place during the last week of school. Borrowing and class visits will stop. Students are required to return all library books prior to commencement of our stocktaking. Please ensure all of your books are returned on time.