14 December 2021

There is nothing more rewarding for a teacher than to see their students self-determined and increase in the desire to improve themselves, academically and spiritually. This is when a school knows impact is being made on the lives of the students. AlhamdulilAllah our year 10, 11 and 12 students have all embarked on this journey this year and have shown remarkable growth from when they started in 2021 to where they are at now.

Career Counselling

We were fortunate to take all year 10 and 11 students to the Perth Skills Career Expo this term to provide exposure and awareness about the many options and opportunities available to them. Students were also involved in individual Career Counselling sessions with our school counsellors to help direct them to their path of choice and successful future careers.

Course Selection 2022

This term we have completed the important step for year 10 and 11 students to select their courses for 2022. Students were placed into three distinct pathways based on prerequisites being met. A Parent information session was conducted to help keep our families informed about this important process and provide support and advice where needed.

Year 11 Pathways

Student Pathways for year 11 are communicated in semester 1 of year 10. Students must continue to meet the prerequisites throughout year 10 to remain in the Pathway. Requests for a pathway change require students to complete a Course request form and meet the prerequisites before semester 2 in 2021.

Year 10 GPA >  70Year 10 GPA  50-69Year 10 GPA > 50
OLNA DemonstratedOLNA DemonstratedOLNA not Demonstrated
 ATAR EnglishGeneral EnglishFoundations English & Math
Applied Islam 1 OR Divine SeekersApplied Islam 1 OR Divine SeekersApplied Islam 1 OR Divine Seekers
Minimum 4 ATAR CoursesMinimum 3 General CoursesMinimum 3 General Courses
VET & General course optionalVET Certificate OptionalMinimum 1 VET Certificate
Minimum 1 List B courseMinimum 1 List B courseMinimum 1 List B course

Year 11 and Year 12

It is our endeavour to give secondary students in years 11 and 12 additional time to meet the demands of the West Australian Certificate of Education and complete the required syllabus. As such we will be commencing new courses of study for year 11 and 12 in term 4, week 5, Monday 5 November 2021. With this additional time, we will be able to give more time for developing the key concepts and skills, year 11 and 12 students need to successfully meet the WACE and ATAR course demands.

Year 12 | Final Term

It has particularly been my pleasure working with this special group of year 12 students. Some are now finalising their course work and others are preparing for the mock and WACE examinations. We have worked very closely with our year 12 students, always being available to them providing much needed support and guidance and being committed to seeing each individual grow.

We ask Allah swt to grant our year 12 students continued success as they finalise the year and wish them all the best in their mock and WACE exams.