14 December 2021
Assalamu’Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Alhamdulillah, as the 2021 school year draws to a close, I look back proudly on the huge assortment of activities and achievements by our students. It is a good time to reflect on what we have achieved, update upon some important changes and look forward to an even more successful 2022.
I would like to acknowledge the hard work of all our teachers and parents for their continuous support towards the school.
Year 6 Orientation Sessions
Our 2022 Year 7 cohort from AIC Kewdale Primary and Thornlie had orientation sessions in Kewdale high school. They conducted the High School Assembly as part of the Transition Program before attending the information session and tour of the high school. It was great to see their smiling faces for orientation during Week 6 & 8. I know many had siblings or other family members already enrolled in AIC High School but for others, being the oldest, it was their first taste of high school. They were impressed by the curriculum options available to our students and were looking forward to their high school journey starting next year.
Merit Awards for academic achievement
Congratulations to all the recipients of Year 7 – 9 Merit Awards presented in Term 4 to acknowledge students’ Term 3 academic achievements. It is important to remember that the criteria for these awards is rigorous and not easily handed out – therefore all the worthier!
End of Term 3 Results Analysis
Individual student results were analysed after End of Term 3 reporting cycle to provide students with the opportunity to gain an understanding of how they have progressed through from last reporting cycle in the four core subjects: English, Maths, HASS, and Science.
Year 7 – 9 students received their End of Term 3 result analysis in Week 2 of Term 4 which included their GPA for the End of Term 3 reporting cycle. The result analysis helps students identify their strengths and weaknesses and allows them to plan their next steps towards achieving their goals.
Digital Footprint
Digital footprint, digital shadow, online reputation, digital tattoo — whatever you call it, it’s a term that’s too important to ignore yet often isn’t discussed in homes or classrooms.
When you write the digital story of your life, the pen is not always in our hand.
In just a weeks’ time, you are going to toss your backpacks and schoolbooks aside for a well-earned break. This also means that you will be looking for things to do! Some of those things will inevitably involve tech.
Every online step you take can leave a digital trail. It’s called your digital footprint and it’s made up of all the information about you on the internet. This includes the trail that you knowingly leave, such as comments and images, and the information that you may unknowingly leave, such as your logons and your browsing history. We all have the power to decide what the picture of us will look like, so paint a positive picture of yourself.
Think about content and the consequences of posting it. Are you aware that something that happens on the spur of the moment – a funny picture, an angry post – can still be online years later?
Don’t make comments, post images or forward something that might upset someone else.
Strengthen privacy settings, use strong passwords, change passwords regularly and do not share them.
Type your name into a search engine looking for images as well as text. If you’re not happy with anything you find, remove the content yourself if possible, or politely ask the person who posted it to delete it.
Showcase the positive things you do through blogs, images, video, and community participation.
For more information https://www.esafety.gov.au/young-people/your-digital-reputation
With the term approaching the threshold of the extended summer holidays, everyone is wished a relaxing and safe experience. Time to recharge and spend time with family, friends and acquiring new memories.
May Allah SWT help and guide us to nurture the souls and minds of our students for them to achieve success.
– Sr.Sehrish Chaalni
Deputy Principal – Lower Secondary
Kewdale Campus