14 December 2021
Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians,
SubhanAllah, we’re half-way through Term 3 already! What a busy year it has been for our Year Four students who have continually been acquiring knowledge and gaining new experiences throughout the year. From having fun during book week and science week, creating string telephones and making food in class to learning about lifecycles of numerous animals, and the native animals and geographical features of Africa; just to name a few.
This term we covered procedure writing. Students followed a procedure, which instructed them on how to make string telephones in class, which they tested out with their friends to see how well they worked. The students really enjoyed hearing their friends, through their cups, from the other side of the field.

This term the Year 4 classes made wraps, soup and had a high tea party. The students were exposed to recipes, which they had to follow with support from their parents and teacher. Students were then asked to write a procedure on how they made their food. The students really went all out to make sure they were proud of their final product, and Alhamdulillah it was an amazing experience. MashAllah, our students are so talented! They’re little master chefs and event planners in the making. SubhanAllah, their planning, preparation, decorating and team work was all so very impressive.
Book Week
MashAllah they were a colourful, creative group of characters. Unfortunately, after two attempts to have the school parade, it continued to rain. Nonetheless, the students enjoyed dressing up and being in character for the day, Alhamdulillah. Great costumes and outstanding effort Year 4’s, you all looked terrific! MashAllah.
As we approach the end of the year, the students are being challenged more in order to prepare them for Year 5. The Year Four students have had a busy year with an unpredictable start but MashAllah, they are resilient and have come a long way. We are positive that this year group will continue to progress in order to reach their target settings this semester.
Jazzak Allah Khair
– Kay Abrahams, Aisyah Buchori and Rizka Edwards
Year 4 Teachers