14 December 2021
The Pre-Primary’s have had a very exciting term
In HASS we have been learning about Emergency Services and Community Helpers. These are the people who help us in our community, such as the police, fire brigade, doctors, farmers, librarians and dentists.
We learnt what to do and who to call in an emergency. We explored the different roles our community helpers have and who we need to go to if we need some help.
We were lucky to have Nurse Gemma visit us. She taught us what happens in a hospital and the different jobs people have there, such as doctors, nurses and surgeons. We got to practise using stethoscopes and bandaging patients, just like they do in a hospital.
In Science this term we learnt about Chemical Sciences. We explored what different materials look and feel like, and what happens when they come in contact with things such as magnets and water.
In Technologies, we explored coding using Bee-Bots. We devised a path and programmed our Bee-Bot to follow that path. It was quite tricky at first, but we got really good at it and it was lots of fun!
In STEM, we designed and created boats that were able to float on the water. We used our knowledge of materials to design and make a boat. We then tested our boat to see if it floated. After, we reflected on our creation and thought about how we would improve our design for next time.
We’ve had an amazing year together in Pre-Primary. We hope everyone has a fantastic break and comes back eager for another year of fun and learning!