Year 2

14 December 2021

Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians,

This year has kicked off to a great start. We are flying into Week 9.


In Science, the teaching focus was Biological sciences. Students learnt about the life cycle of different animals and their habitats. Students were given a research assignment were they were required to research and find out information about their given AUSTRALIAN ANIMAL. Upon completion, students will present their findings to their classmates.


For STEM, students planted their own bean plants! They investigated, observed and measured their bean plant growth over a week.


For Art this term, we are focused on visual arts. Students were required to create artwork that included lines, textures, warm/cool colours and shapes. In order to create their art pieces, students were introduced to famous artists and their famous work. Students responded to the Famous painting by “Van Gogh” Starry Night/Paul Klee.

Then, students were given the opportunity to practice and draft an art masterpiece.

Book Week

The Theme for Book Week 2021 was “Old World’s, New World’s and Other World’s”.

Students and staff took part in dressing up as their favourite book character. Everyone enjoyed dressing up and taking part in the book-week celebration.


In English we have been learning about procedure writing. In order to provide students with a more hands-on experience, students made

  • chocolate milkshake,
  • cake-pops,
  • fruit skewers and
  • rocky-road 
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