2022 – Term 1 [Thornlie]

Executive Principal’s Message


Dear Parents/Guardians and Members of our Community Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmutallah wa Barakatuhu As we are approaching toward end of term 1 2022, and the weather cools down, it is important to take steps to minimise the impact of COVID-19. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to protect your child, and the community. I would like to encourage and remind you all to book a COVID-19 Vaccination for your child. Over 50 per cent of all children aged 5 to 11 have now received a first dose, with many now due for a second dose (eight weeks after the [...]

Executive Principal’s Message2022-04-04T12:50:00+08:00

PE – Primary


Welcome I would like to send a big welcome back to our students and to all the new families who have joined our school this year. Alhamduillah this year our pre-primary children are having sports lessons on a Friday, and it has been so wonderful to see them learn and have fun during their sessions. COVID and Skipping It’s been quite a challenging start to the year, but the children have been so positive about all the new rules and regulations.  Sports help children stay focused on their work and cope with all the new pressures. [...]

PE – Primary2022-04-05T13:29:40+08:00

Head Office

139 President Street, Kewdale WA 6105

Phone: 08) 9362 2100

Fax: (08) 9362 5810

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