2022 – Term 3 [Kewdale]

Year 2


Literacy 2A - We shared ideas and work collaboratively to create a narrative story. 2B - The students engaged in Sharp Reading 2C - We explored various ways of communicating. Numeracy 2A - We used manipulatives to measure things around us with a non-standard measurement unit 2B - We Learned division through grouping. 2C - We played multiplication and grouping games using dice and counters Arts 2A - We explored the elements of art [...]

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Year 1


Term 3 in a Glimpse We are at the end of term 3. Alhamdulillah, this term has flown by so quickly. We had a very eventful term. Thank you to all parents of year 1s for your continued support. Together with your support, we are able to do our part of teaching our students to be the best version of their selves. In term 3, we had the following events: National Science Week We celebrated science week in week 5. Year 1s did different experiments in their classes during the science week. [...]

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Ruth Faulkner Library Excursion The kindergarten students visited the "Ruth Faulkner Library" to participate in "Chewsday storytime" organised by Wright Street Dental in collaboration with the Belmont Library. Students had the opportunity to meet the local dental health nurse from Wright Street Dental and explore the importance of dental health through story and song. Students also explored the museum and were amazed to view things from the past and their functions. National Pyjama Day On the 22nd of July; was a perfect way to get cosy and comfortable [...]


Head Office

139 President Street, Kewdale WA 6105

Phone: 08) 9362 2100

Fax: (08) 9362 5810

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