14 December 2021


This term has seen some very exciting and interesting narratives from the year ones.  They are starting to use a wider variety of language including adjectives and adverbs. 

Our morning daily review is such an important part of our day. Some students get to go to a different teacher for daily review each morning and it helps our whole year one cohort to feel connected.

Book week was the highlight of this term. The students enjoyed dressing up as their favourite characters. There were many superheroes and princesses.


WOW! The year ones have started to add and subtract three-digit numbers. They are very impressed with themselves at they way they can learn new concepts and skills. 

They are getting rather proficient with telling the time to the half hour and they have started to work out duration using hours, weeks, and months.

Shape is always fun. They had a go at making cubes using mats with some success, however, Playdough proved to be much more efficient for making 3 dimensional shapes.

History and Geography

In geography the class has been looking at the weather and hasn’t there been some weather through the last term.

History has been about leisure activities and communication and how they have changes over the years. Family traditions were also explored through the term and the students were able to discuss and compare their family traditions to others.

Science and Steam

Biological sciences is a favourite topic for the year ones. They studied different living things including mammals, fish, birds, insects and plants.

This term’s steam projects include catapults, anemometers, racing bristle brushes and art robots.