9 September 2022
The Term 3 journey began with flying colours. We delved into investigations and school events such as book character dress up, science week, literacy week and numeracy week. Nevertheless, that wasn’t the only exciting thing we done this term there was so much more to come.
In Literacy this term we developed our 7 steps writing skills focusing on narrative and persuasive writing. We took part in Sharp Reading which is a teaching and learning framework that provides direction for students and equips us to be SHARP (efficient, cutting edge) in our understanding of reading. In Reading Comprehension, we used comprehension strategies to build our literal and inferred meaning and began to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features. In Grammar and Spelling we learned a range of grammar concepts including technical nouns, prefixes, suffixes, command verbs and prepositions
In Numeracy we explored concepts of Number and Algebra where we counted to and from 10 000. We classified numbers as either odd or even and recalled addition and multiplication facts for single- and double-digit numbers. Concepts of Measurement and Geometry taught us to identify symmetry in the environment and match positions on maps with given information. And Last but not least concepts of Statistics and Probability had us conducting chance experiments and listing possible outcomes. We also conducted simple data investigations for categorical variables and interpreted and compared data displays.
This term for science we investigated biological sciences we learnt and read all about living things and grouping them on the basis of observable features and distinguishing them from non-living things. We explored the school garden, looking at various forms of living and non-living things.
National Science Week
This term, we celebrated science week. We all took part in creating our very own science experiments in class and ended science week with an experiment in assembly where we all excitedly watched the scientist present us with elephant toothpaste.
This term in year 3, we studied about the importance of rules: who makes rules, why rules are important, and the consequences of rules not being followed. We learned about the historical origins and significance of celebrations and commemorations in other places around the world and those observed in Australia, such as Chinese New Year, NAIDOC Week.
Visual Arts
This term in Visual Arts, we extended our understanding of the visual elements as we reflected on our use to create artwork using different mediums. We experimented with varying techniques and explored the different properties and qualities of materials that can be used creatively. We explored art from other cultures and considered where and how artwork is presented to an audience.