2022 – Term 1 [Dianella]



Welcome to the 2022 school year at the Australian Islamic College Dianella.We have been very busy in Pre-Primary settling in and making new friends. Thank you to all our students for doing their best to learn the new classroom routines and rules. The students have all settled very well into their learning environment which is more structured than they are used to in Kindergarten. Literacy, Numeracy, social and emotional development are the focus of our Pre-Primary programs. HASS This term the teachers enjoyed interacting with their students and asking them questions about themselves to create an autobiography for [...]




Kindergarten teachers would like to welcome all our kindergarten students and families to AIC Dianella. We have been very busy settling in and making new friends. Early Childhood Education is paramount to setting strong foundations for lifelong learning in our students. We therefore strive to create strong and supportive relationships with all of our families and see teachers and parents as partners in supporting children through their learning journeys.Term 1 is a time for students to learn about themselves and others. Learning about themselves is a fundamental part of early childhood development, especially as children start to ask questions about who [...]


Principal’s Message


Dear Community,  I trust this short message finds each and every one of you in the best of health and spirits.  As you all know, with Covid-19 now in WA and case numbers rising daily, it has been a very challenging term for us, but Alhamdulillah, our challenges are trivial compared to what other countries and states have had to go through. Throughout these difficult times our students, teachers and parents have shown amazing grit, determination, resilience and maturity. Your understanding and cooperation in a constantly changing environment has helped us navigate through these challenging times. I congratulate you and [...]

Principal’s Message2022-04-05T12:57:10+08:00

Head Office

139 President Street, Kewdale WA 6105

Phone: 08) 9362 2100

Fax: (08) 9362 5810

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