Kewdale Campus

Year 12 Farewell Brunch


KEWDALE: As a token of appreciation for our Year 12 students who will be graduating AIC this year, we held a grand farewell brunch at AIC Kewdale on the 17th of November 2021.A farewell is a significant event in a student's life since as it signifies the end of a student's educational experience at a college or school.  It is one of the most effective methods of conveying a heartfelt farewell to your friends, classmates, juniors, and, most importantly, your teachers.The farewell also presented a good opportunity for the management of the school to acknowledge the great efforts throughout the students' [...]

Year 12 Farewell Brunch2021-12-15T12:19:24+08:00

Scholarships 2021


KEWDALE: For the first time in it's history, Australian Islamic College, has taken the initiative of awarding scholarships to outstanding students from year 7 to year 10. This initiative will further motivate more students into performing well and making a case for themselves in the future.   The scholarships were awarded based on the academic performance as well as commitment and performance that compliments the vision and values of the college. A hearty congratulations to all the students who were awarded with the scholarships.

Scholarships 20212021-12-15T12:18:26+08:00

AIC Students visit Parliament House


PERTH: Our year 6 leaders were invited by Cassie Rowe MLA, to The Parliament of Western Australia. Cassandra Michelle Rowe is an Australian politician. She has been a Labor member of the Western Australian Legislative Assembly since the 2017 state election, representing Belmont. The visit started off with breakfast with Miss Rowe, followed by a visit around the parliament house along with other student school leaders. There was also a Q&A Session which gave the students a great opportunity to interact not only with other students but also Miss Rowe and her colleagues. Such opportunities are great learning experiences especially for young students. The visit was [...]

AIC Students visit Parliament House2021-12-15T12:18:32+08:00

NAPLAN Exam Results 2021


PERTH: Australian Islamic College would like to express our heartfelt congratulations to all of the recipients of the NAPLAN Achievement Awards Ceremony, which were held on the 28th of October, 2021, at AIC. In recent years, our College has concentrated on the development of evidence-based techniques, early intervention programs, and guaranteeing the implementation of clear teaching practices throughout all of our schools. These efforts are now bearing fruit in the form of exceptionally high student performance. Present at the NAPLAN awards, the Executive Principal, Br. Abdullah Khan said, "The results for NAPLAN testing of Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 [...]

NAPLAN Exam Results 20212021-12-15T12:18:38+08:00

Seerah Week at AIC, Kewdale Campus


KEWDALE: The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) Seerah Week celebrated at Australian Islamic College ended with a beautiful Awards Ceremony hosted at the Kewdale campus on the 22nd of October, 2021. In the Arabic language the word "Seerah" means to travel or to be on a journey. We as Muslims need to follow the journey of Prophet (S.A.W) to be successful in this life and the hereafter. Both students and teachers participated in the Seerah Week to show their love and respect for Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) by covering topics about his life, from the beginning to the end, how he dealt with different [...]

Seerah Week at AIC, Kewdale Campus2021-12-15T12:18:44+08:00

The Academic Scholarship Program 2021


Assalam o Alaikum, The school is committed to the academic, social, and spiritual well-being of our students. Efforts have been put daily for students' academic excellence, behaviour improvement and display of good mannerism. We believe that it is important for our students to be connected to the school through positive relationships and a strong sense of community. It is with great pride and excitement, the Australian Islamic College announces Academic Scholarship Program for the Years 7 to 10 students. This Scholarship is merit-based on the academic excellence of a student. The scholarship provides a discount on school fees with the following [...]

The Academic Scholarship Program 20212021-12-15T12:18:46+08:00

Origami Club


Origami is the art of paper folding, most commonly linked to Japan. In the origami club, we explore and hone our folding skill and use paper to create different shapes and sizes. Every week in origami, we learn something new. The origami club encourages a very independent learning situation. Every week, we are given multiple instruction papers relating to a theme to choose from, and we use the words and illustrations on them to make the desired object. However, in case we ever run into some trouble in the making process or struggle to understand what the instruction paper is [...]

Origami Club2021-12-01T17:14:23+08:00

Archery Club


In the past weeks that we have been learning archery, I, for one, feel like we have learnt a lot. Before Mary (our instructor) had begun training us, most couldn't tell between the tip of the bow from the end!In these few weeks, we have learnt not only how to shoot an arrow, but now we don't even miss the target much anymore!Mary single-handedly taught the whole archery class the correct method on how to shoot an arrow. These are the steps:01On one whistle blow, everyone is to approach the shooting line, arrows facing down and bows not dragging on the ground, and [...]

Archery Club2021-11-05T17:04:40+08:00

Kindergarten Settling In


A big warm welcome to Kindergarten to all families. We hope everyone is beginning to feel settled in Kindy A and B. We would like to first thank everyone for being supportive of their child’s start to their educational journey. We have enjoyed getting to know you and your beautiful families. Each morning, we make sure to greet each child entering our classroom as we aim to build their sense of belonging and foster their becoming of confident and enthusiastic learners. It is encouraging to see the children eager (generally) to arrive each morning. As adults, I think we often [...]

Kindergarten Settling In2021-09-15T16:55:28+08:00
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