2022 – Term 1 [Kewdale]

Executive Principal’s Message


Dear Parents/Guardians and Members of our Community Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmutallah wa Barakatuhu As we are approaching toward end of term 1 2022, and the weather cools down, it is important to take steps to minimise the impact of COVID-19. Vaccines are a safe and effective way to protect your child, and the community. I would like to encourage and remind you all to book a COVID-19 Vaccination for your child. Over 50 per cent of all children aged 5 to 11 have now received a first dose, with many now due for a second dose (eight weeks after the [...]

Executive Principal’s Message2022-04-04T12:29:56+08:00

English & Drama


English and Drama Department The Year 8 and 10 students studied units of poetry from around the world and analysed the use of poetic conventions to position readers with aesthetic pleasure and meaningful messages. They then tried their hand at the genre. Please find below a selection of poems by our students. Can we breathe now? By Ikram & Suwayda Year 8 Many people are racist and that is not okay A young man named George Floyd was killed on the 25th of May Another day a Black man lie dead [...]

English & Drama2022-03-31T12:36:48+08:00

IT – Food & Tech


Food and Technology We want to welcome Sr Sumaira Shehzad who is a qualified Chef. She has been teaching Food &Tech students the skills and techniques used in professional kitchens and how they are applied to home kitchens. The students have demonstrated their skills learned in the classrooms through re-creating delicious recipes. The Year 7-8 have learned traditional breakfasts, while our Year 9-10 have learned more complex recipes that challenged their skills and further developed their knowledge. Here are some of our students’ creations.

IT – Food & Tech2022-04-04T12:27:58+08:00



HARMONY DAY Harmony Day is a day to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, based on the successful integration of migrants into our community. Harmony Day is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, regardless of cultural or linguistic background, united by a set of core Australian values.  We celebrated Harmony Day on Wednesday, the 23rd of March. Students were encouraged to wear their cultural outfits, whilst adhering to the Islamic dress code, and bring cultural food to share with their peers. The day had started with the Australian National Anthem followed by an Islamic speech about [...]




Asalaamu'alaykum Dear Community,This term has been a great start to the year alhumdulilah. The H.P.E. department has developed multiple initiatives, programs and academies this year to give our students the opportunity to showcase and further develop their talents. In previous years, the soccer and netball academy have proven to help students develop into great student-athletes and citizens. This year we have introduced 3 more sporting academies, which are the basketball, volleyball and badminton academies. The badminton academy is further running full-time after school training sessions every Tuesday and Thursday. This is done under the leadership and coaching of our state coach, [...]


Principal’s Message


Dear Parents & GuardiansAssalam o AlaikumAlhamdulillah, as Term 1 of the academic year is close to ending, I wish you all the best for the term break and the year ahead. The term has not been without challenges, and we have had to make several changes to manage the Covid and close contact issues. We do appreciate your understanding at these times. We continue to battle with the ongoing problems of children’s attendance due to the Covid pandemic. It looks like pandemic life is a new routine; however, it cannot be an excuse to blow off a [...]

Principal’s Message2022-04-04T10:49:01+08:00

Deputy Principal – High School


Dear Parents & GuardiansAssalam o AlaikumAs we head towards the end of Term 1, I want to thank all members of the AIC community. We are still facing challenges associated with COVID-19, as we continue to navigate both staff and students having to isolate. As a school we are doing our best to minimise disruption to learning and thank everyone for their understanding.  Prerequisites for Learning There has been a significant focus on re-establishing high expectations in 2022.We have appreciated the support from students and parents as we focus on adherence to College routines, policies and procedures. [...]

Deputy Principal – High School2022-03-31T12:39:01+08:00



The month of Ramadhan The Religion Department encourages our school community to make the most of the month of Ramadhan. The teachers and students are fortunate this year that many days of Ramadhan are during the school holidays. This gives everyone the extra free time to dedicate to worship during the month of Ramadhan.   We find ourselves in very challenging times with the covid pandemic, the financial challenges due to high cost of living and the uncertainty of global tension. The community is encouraged not to allow these issues to be a distraction from the [...]




Vocational Education and Training (VET) department at the Australian Islamic College has again achieved a 100% success rate last year which not only made students who completed a Vocational Education course job ready with all the necessary skills in their chosen course, but played a major role for many in achieving their WACE graduation certificates last year.This year we have 158 students (years 11 and 12) that are doing a VET courses. What is being offered are the following:Certificate II in Workplace SkillsCertificate III in BusinessCertificate II in Sports and RecreationCertificate II in Sports CoachingCertificate II in Community ServicesCertificate II HospitalityCertificate [...]


High School Math


OLNA Year 10-12 Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 who were required to sit OLNA had gone online and attempted the tests in Numeracy, Reading and Writing using the site: http://olna.com.au/ The school registered all those students and the student were given user names and passwords to practice all those questions. Just as with NAPLAN, we make extensive use of the OLNA results and parents are reminded that success with OLNA is essential to achieve WACE. The school also organised online Maths Enrichment classes for year 10-12 students. Year 7 & 9 Numeracy Enrichment Classes Students [...]

High School Math2022-04-04T12:25:01+08:00

Head Office

139 President Street, Kewdale WA 6105

Phone: 08) 9362 2100

Fax: (08) 9362 5810

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