Term 3 [Thornlie]

Digital Technologies


Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, Year 5A,5B & 5C This term all year 5 students have been creating online games for a chosen audience., making digital stories and many other great ideas to create a game online using Scratch. Students were encouraged to share their ideas with peers to receive feedback from each other. Using Scratch as a coding website that helps you to easily design games that you can share and play. This has been a productive and enjoyable experience for all students especially when they’ve worked collaboratively with each other. We are now working on improving our games in [...]

Digital Technologies2022-03-31T12:22:46+08:00

Physical Education


Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, Fundraising and Carnival Practice We have been super busy this term fundraising for our 2021 sports carnival and held our ‘eco-friendly’ annual toy and book sale on Thursday 26th of August. Thanks to all the kind donations of toys and books, the children at AIC Thornlie had a variety of things that they could purchase and enjoy. MashaAllah we managed to raise over $600 which will all go towards our medals and ribbons for our event this year. A big thank you to our sports captains for their valuable help and contribution on the [...]

Physical Education2022-03-31T12:23:10+08:00



Assalamualaikum Parents & Guardians, Kindy A & B | Islamic Studies  This term, Kindy A and Kindy B are well settled and ready to learn more. They may be only 4 years old but, they have big dreams and determinations to achieve big things. As their teacher, it is such an excited feelings to watch them growing and gaining so much confident in their learning journey throughout the year. Alhamdulillaah, our Kindy A and B are completing most topics required to cover for the term recently and most of them memorizing most of the daily do’as which are being taught [...]




Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, I pray this will find you in the best of Eman and health. My name is Adil Ashami, I am a new Arabic teacher at this lovely school. Since I have started teaching at AIC Thornlie, I have been working on the four language skills which are: Reading Writing Listing Speaking My focus this term is the listing and speaking skills. Every student in the class will a chance to practice these two skills at the beginning of the class. Alhamulillah, most of students improved their speaking and started to speak with confident. [...]


Year 6


Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, Subhan Allah, Alhamdullilah! What a great start to a new term. The time has gone by so fast and we are already in term 3. It has been a fantastic term for us right from day 1. The year 6’s are having lots of fun doing just not academic studies but also other fun activities. Let’s a take a quick look at all that we have been doing so far. National Science Week The school theme for National Science Week 2021 was Food: Different by Design. As it honours the United Nations International Year of Fruits and Vegetables and the [...]

Year 62022-03-31T12:27:32+08:00

Year 5


Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, This term has been a great term for the year 5’s. Time flew by so fast!! The students have been involved in many fun and engaging activities. Excursion At the end of last term, our classes enjoyed a fun and educational excursion to Scitech. The students participated in many activities including watching the perfect firestorm show, experiencing the universe at the interactive dome theatre and other hands on activities. Book week Each year the CBCA has brought children [...]

Year 52022-03-31T12:27:43+08:00

Year 4


Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, SubhanAllah, we’re half-way through Term 3 already! What a busy year it has been for our Year Four students who have continually been acquiring knowledge and gaining new experiences throughout the year. From having fun during book week and science week, creating string telephones and making food in class to learning about lifecycles of numerous animals, and the native animals and geographical features of Africa; just to name a few. English This term we covered procedure writing. Students followed a procedure, which instructed them on how to make string telephones in class, [...]

Year 42022-03-31T12:27:54+08:00

Year 3


Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, Design Week The Year 3A students took on the challenge to design a habitat for their chosen animal.  They first did their research on Mr Google. Then used PowerPoint to present their information. It took them 3 weeks before all 29 of them had a go at sharing their information with their classmates during the Speaking and Listening sessions.  It was such an exciting time. The next phase was to design an animal habitat ensuring that they label their fixtures according to prey, predators and life cycle.  Some of the dioramas were outstanding with lots of [...]

Year 32022-03-31T12:28:04+08:00

Year 2


Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, This year has kicked off to a great start. We are flying into Week 9. In Our Classroom We Have Been Learning About: Science In Science, the teaching focus was Biological sciences. Students learnt about the life cycle of different animals and their habitats. Students were given a research assignment were they were required to research and find out information about their given AUSTRALIAN ANIMAL. Upon completion, students will present their findings to their classmates. STEM For STEM, students planted their own bean plants! They investigated, observed and measured [...]

Year 22022-03-31T12:28:15+08:00

Year 1


Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, Masha-Allah the year has gone by so fast! The Year 1 team has been very busy and hard at work making fabulous progress every-day! Science For Science this term we are focusing on Living and Non-Living things.  Through class discussions and hands –on experiences children are learning about the characteristics that distinguish living and non-living things.  By observing video clips and still photos, children are engaged to think and develop their understanding about living and non-living things. Keeping in line with this term’s Science programme, the teachers have further extended the children’s [...]

Year 12022-03-31T12:28:23+08:00

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