Term 4

Year 5


It’s hard to believe we’re nearing the end of Term 4, 2021. The Year 5 classes have been working very hard this year and have achieved some amazing outcomes. Students have been developing their personal identities, discovering their strengths and weaknesses, discussing their emotions and feelings, identifying their values and developing their decisions. The Year 5 students displayed a great deal of enthusiasm when they were tasked with the challenge of designing and building their own form of model using Popsicle sticks. Their eagerness were very rewarding and inspiring. The amount of creativity and skill that has been displayed with [...]

Year 52022-03-29T13:46:28+08:00

Year 5


What a year it has been! We are very blessed to be able to have face to face teaching throughout the year. We have witnessed amazing growth in students’ learning and maturity. It is very sad to say goodbye to our students. We hope that we have made an impact in your child’s learning and we wish them the very best for their future. This is what we’ve been up to in Term 4: Literacy We continued with our daily literacy block, which consists of guided reading activities, spelling and writing. Our writing focus for the [...]

Year 52022-03-29T19:40:51+08:00

Year 4


Assalamualaikum, SubhanAllah we are nearly at the finish line. It’s amazing how fast the year has passed but then again time flies when you’re having fun! The year 4’s have already learnt so much this year and have continued to do so in term 4. At the end of term 3, we were fortunate enough to be able to go on an excursion to Fremantle Prison. The students went on a tour and saw some of the prison cells of convicts that we had previously learnt about in class. Students were able to have the opportunity to experience what it [...]

Year 42022-03-29T13:46:23+08:00

Year 4


We have had an amazing year so far with so many new adventures to come. Read through to see what we have been doing in this productive term. Exhilarating experiences: This term has been filled with adventurous activities from our amazing Sports Carnival, STEM Exhibition and Fun Run. Year 4 students have had a blast with these extracurricular activities. Students’ achievements have also been recognised through our semester awards – still to happen. Through these trying times, Year 4 students have been putting their best foot forward academically and have strived to do their best. May [...]

Year 42022-03-29T19:40:45+08:00

Year 3


Year 3B – Exciting Events Learning is really exciting in year 3B. It was cool to code with ‘Ozobot’. We did colour coding on paper, Coding with ‘OzoBlockly’ in laptops and using Ozobot apps in iPads as well. We have learned how to do the dot paintings and the meaning of aboriginal art symbols and have created a story using the symbols with dot painting. It was amazing! Moreover we have used tessellation technic to create art. It was great! After researching about an animal, students have created a 3D habitat of their animals using recyclable materials. They were awesome! [...]

Year 32022-03-29T13:46:16+08:00

Year 3


Literacy Sharp Reading Sharp Reading is a teaching and learning framework that provides direction for students and equips them to be SHARP (efficient, cutting edge) in their understanding of reading. Sharp Reading allows students to THINK while reading in order to unpack and understand text. This has been our daily morning routine since Term 1 with our Year 3 students. Narrative Writing Narrative writing allows students to discuss how language is used to describe the settings in texts, and explore how the settings shape the events and influence the mood of a narrative. Students also drew connections between personal experiences [...]

Year 32022-03-29T19:40:41+08:00

Year 2


Feels like only yesterday we were welcoming nervous year 2 students into our classrooms and suddenly we have reached the end of the year and we begin to say goodbye to our brave and brilliant year 2 students. Our students have worked extremely hard to prepare for year 3 and we can confidently say they are ready! Just look at what our year 2 students have achieved this term in STEM. This term’s STEM project was integrated into our science program. This term’s focus was materials and their properties. Our year 2’s STEM objective was to design and build a [...]

Year 22022-03-29T13:46:56+08:00

Year 1


Welcome to Term 4, the most busy term of the year. Masha-Allah the year has gone by very quickly and we could not have done this without the continued support of our parents! Our Sports Carnival, which is one of our most exciting school events, was held on 2 November. All students’ practiced very hard and demonstrated true sportsmanship as they represented their team factions with pride on the day. Research indicates that increase in physical activities for children results in them performing better academically. It also tells us that having positive feelings in our hearts raises our self-esteem as [...]

Year 12022-03-29T13:47:03+08:00



Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu Subhanallah the final Term of this eventful and challenging year is well under way. This term has been a very busy and productive term where our students are now Alhumdulillah ready to tackle year 1 InShaAllah. Literacy Spelling tests have been such a success this term, they have enjoyed the challenge of more difficult words and performed brilliantly throughout the testing sessions. They also really enjoy writing sessions, where they can showcase their abilities to write meaningful stories. Numeracy During Numeracy this Term, the students were challenged with ordinal numbers, positions and locations of items, time [...]


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