2022 – Term 1 [Kewdale]

Year 6


Assalamu Alaykum Dear Parents What an eventful term that came along with its own set of challenges and difficulties. Alhamduillah, we have managed to persevere and tackle the challenges head on. In year 6 we focus on preparing students for high school and providing them with the necessary skills that will enable to thrive and succeed in all subject areas. Literacy The Warm-Up 10mins: Its short, its sweet, it most certainly is effective. What is now a part of our every morning routine. Students start off the morning with literacy warmups that helps develop students’ comprehension [...]

Year 62022-03-31T12:43:06+08:00

Year 5


It was amazing to usher old and new students into our classes this term. We also welcomed Sr Safia, into Year 5! It has been an interesting term with new rules and routines. Nevertheless, our Year 5 students are resilient students! They took on the challenge of wearing the mask throughout the day and taking initiative to maintain social distance. This is what we’ve been up to in Term 4: Literacy Our daily literacy block includes guided reading activity, spelling and writing. This term we focus on two genres: Narrative and Persuasive. It has been lovely to [...]

Year 52022-03-31T12:43:18+08:00

Year 4


Return to School Alhamdulillah, we have had a successful start to the year, meeting many new and familiar faces who were excited to return to school after the long break. We settled down into our routines and set goals for us to kick throughout the year! As the term progressed, many things became a little different for us, as we implemented many safety measures to minimise the risk of Covid-19 and keep us safe. Our students have continued to adopt many hygiene practices, such as regular hand washing and sanitising after using the toilet, before and after eating and [...]

Year 42022-03-31T12:43:32+08:00

Year 3


English Sharp ReadingSharp Reading is a teaching and learning framework that provides direction for students and equips them to be SHARP (efficient, cutting edge) in their understanding of reading. Sharp Reading allows students to THINK while reading in order to unpack and understand text. This is our daily morning routine since the beginning of term 1 with the year 3 students.Persuasive & Narrative WritingNarrative writing allows students to discuss how language is used to describe the settings in texts, and explore how the settings shape the events and influence the mood of a narrative. Students also drew connections between personal [...]

Year 32022-03-31T12:43:45+08:00

Year 2


Alhumduliliah we have had a busy and productive term in Year 2, despite these trying times and many challenges. Literacy This term in Literacy, we learned about the features of a narrative text exploring the structure of a narrative text while developing our imaginative skills. In grammar, we developed our fluency in proper nouns, capital letters and conjunctions. We covered a range of reading comprehension strategies such as finding word meaning in context and drawing conclusions to make inferences. Numeracy In Numeracy, we developed a range of skills in [...]

Year 22022-03-31T12:44:04+08:00

Year 1


The Year One Team: 1A - Sr. Shamin: “Assalamualaikum! I have been in this school for the last five years and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together. I strongly believe that early education is not about didactic instruction and information. It is about hands-on experience with the world of people, things, concepts and mentoring adults who help children understand how the world works and all that they are capable of. It is about discovering skills and knowledge, challenge [...]

Year 12022-03-31T12:45:34+08:00

Physical Education


Welcome to our first edition of Physical education news for 2022! This term it has been all about cricket! The students have been learning and practising their cricket skills. Many of our students have shown great skills in bowling, batting and fielding. This term we had some basketball clinics for our year 5 classes and cricket clinics for our pre-primary classes. We also had special football clinics with Br Adam and Br Tony with our senior boys in year 5 & 6. Our annual school clean-up day was on March 4th 2022 and we had student clean up officers come [...]

Physical Education2022-03-31T12:46:00+08:00

Religion – Primary


All praise is due to Allah Ta’aala our Creator Sustainer and Nourisher. With the grace and mercy of the Almighty, term 1 2022 had a very smooth and exciting start. Many wonderful new kids had joined us in Primary and our journey of learning began.Students have thus far this year been learning about various topics in Islamic Studies which InshaAllah will equip them to become better Muslims as the future leaders of our community.Qur’aan teaching continues as normal, and an effort is also made to make the students understand the meanings of the short surahs of the Qur’aan. We request all [...]

Religion – Primary2022-03-31T12:46:21+08:00

Deputy Principal – Primary


Dear Parents and Guardians Alhamdulillah this has been a very busy term.  As the deputy principal of Australian Islamic College, I would like to welcome every single one of you and greet you with salamu alakum wa rahmatalli wa barakatu. During these difficult and trying times, I would like to express my gratitude to all staff, students, parents and the wider community for all of your patience and support during these difficult times that we are currently going through. I would like to remind all parents and care takers a few very important things as [...]

Deputy Principal – Primary2022-03-31T12:46:48+08:00



Welcome to Kewdale Primary School Library. We have a fantastic range of fiction and non-fiction books, graphic novels, series, classics and sports books available for students to borrow. All children across the school, from Kindy to Year 6 are able to borrow books for a week at a time. Children can change their books frequently if they prefer, or renew them. Kindy, Pre-Primary and Year 1 can borrow 1 book per week and Year 2–Year 6 can borrow 2 books per week. Please make sure your child has a sturdy library bag to protect their books. Our students have access [...]


Head Office

139 President Street, Kewdale WA 6105

Phone: 08) 9362 2100

Fax: (08) 9362 5810

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