Term 3

Year 3


Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, Design Week The Year 3A students took on the challenge to design a habitat for their chosen animal.  They first did their research on Mr Google. Then used PowerPoint to present their information. It took them 3 weeks before all 29 of them had a go at sharing their information with their classmates during the Speaking and Listening sessions.  It was such an exciting time. The next phase was to design an animal habitat ensuring that they label their fixtures according to prey, predators and life cycle.  Some of the dioramas were outstanding with lots of [...]

Year 32022-03-31T12:28:04+08:00



Term 3 in a GlimpseTerm 3 has passed so quickly and the September holidays will soon be with us. This term was filled with fun, loads of discovery, and lots of learning and new adventures. Thank you parents of our students for everything you do for your children to make them successful. Without families like yours, they would not be where they are today and also it make our work easy, thanks for your support. Eid Dress Day Eid took place in the first week of Term 3 and students had the opportunity to wear their beautiful Eid outfits to [...]


Year 2


Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, This year has kicked off to a great start. We are flying into Week 9. In Our Classroom We Have Been Learning About: Science In Science, the teaching focus was Biological sciences. Students learnt about the life cycle of different animals and their habitats. Students were given a research assignment were they were required to research and find out information about their given AUSTRALIAN ANIMAL. Upon completion, students will present their findings to their classmates. STEM For STEM, students planted their own bean plants! They investigated, observed and measured [...]

Year 22022-03-31T12:28:15+08:00

Deputy Principal Upper Secondary Message


There is nothing more rewarding for a teacher than to see their students self-determined and increase in the desire to improve themselves, academically and spiritually. This is when a school knows impact is being made on the lives of the students. AlhamdulilAllah our year 10, 11 and 12 students have all embarked on this journey this year and have shown remarkable growth from when they started in 2021 to where they are at now. Career Counselling We were fortunate to take all year 10 and 11 students to the Perth Skills Career Expo this term to provide exposure and awareness about [...]

Deputy Principal Upper Secondary Message2022-03-31T12:50:17+08:00

Year 1


Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, Masha-Allah the year has gone by so fast! The Year 1 team has been very busy and hard at work making fabulous progress every-day! Science For Science this term we are focusing on Living and Non-Living things.  Through class discussions and hands –on experiences children are learning about the characteristics that distinguish living and non-living things.  By observing video clips and still photos, children are engaged to think and develop their understanding about living and non-living things. Keeping in line with this term’s Science programme, the teachers have further extended the children’s [...]

Year 12022-03-31T12:28:23+08:00

Deputy Principal Lower Secondary Message


KEWDALE: Alhamdulillah as we come to the end of Term 3, our focus on student learning and well-being continues. Our purpose is to meet the learning needs of all students and provide each young person with the opportunity to achieve success in their desired future. Year 7 – 9 Semester 1 Academic Achievement Awards We celebrated our high achievers this term with over 150 Year 7 – 9 students recognised at the Semester 1 Academic Achievement Award ceremony. These awards are presented with the hope they would create meaningful moments of recognition that will inspire others and reinforce the behaviour [...]

Deputy Principal Lower Secondary Message2022-03-31T12:51:50+08:00



Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu, What an eventful and fun filled term it has been. We have learnt so much and participated in so many activities. Whether it was program based or plan based activities. Literacy We have commenced weekly spelling words which the students practice all week and are tested on at the end of the week. The students really look forward to Friday as they want to showcase their sounding out and writing skills when spelling the words out. It is wonderful to see the students’ confidence pick up as the term has progressed Ma-Sha-Allah. [...]


Deputy Principal Primary Message


Assalam u alaikumI hope this message will find you in the best of health and Iman in sha Allah. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, parents for a productive and thriving term back at the Australian Islamic College. We have had a very busy term and I would like to take this time to highlight a few fantastic things that have happened in Kewdale primary this term. Our teachers go above and beyond what is expected and show their commitment to the school, the students and the wider community day after day.Sporting EventsAlhamdulillah, we have [...]

Deputy Principal Primary Message2022-03-31T12:51:02+08:00



Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians, As Early Childhood Educators, we are committed to planning a stimulating and challenging play based program, which enables each child to visit and revisit experiences, practicing, refining and consolidating skills and knowledge. Literacy and Numeracy Our explicit instruction in Literacy and Numeracy form the foundation of our teaching and learning. The teaching and learning each day allows for children to be engaged and take ownership of their learning.  In Literacy, the focus has been developing phonological awareness and increasing alphabetic and letter–sound knowledge, Word building and Reading.  In Numeracy, we intentionally engage [...]


Principal’s Message


Dear Parents and Guardians Assalam o Alaikum, The school is committed to the academic, social, and spiritual well-being of our students. Efforts have been put daily for students’ academic excellence, behaviour improvement and display of good mannerism. We believe that it is important for our students to be connected to the school through positive relationships and a strong sense of community. It is with great pride and excitement that I am writing to inform you that the school is introducing ‘The Academic Scholarship Program for the Years 7 to 10 students’. This Scholarship is merit-based on the academic excellence of [...]

Principal’s Message2022-03-31T12:51:26+08:00

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