Term 3

Netball Club


Our school was invited to participate in the Netball Multicultural Carnival in August this year, an experience our students truly cherished. Our girls from grades 7-10 were selected to represent our Campus at this year’s event and despite the limited training, our teams showcased their commendable netball skills and teamwork. Sportsmanship was evident amongst our teams, and this resonated in the way they played. Beyond the game itself, students made new acquaintances with students from other schools. Our girls truly represented their school and their faith in a mature manner and all students returned feeling happy with their achievements and [...]

Netball Club2022-03-31T12:12:40+08:00

Soccer Club


Twenty Year 7 and Year 8 boys were chosen for the high school soccer club at Australian Islamic College, Dianella. These boys have been put through their paces regarding fitness, skills, discipline and sportsmanship. We have been fortunate to receive brand new soccer goals kindly purchased by A.I.C. Dianella for our students. Our old soccer goals were made from plastic and broke after a short amount of time. The new soccer goals are made from a metal that is sturdy, so it won’t break easily, but also has a bit of flex in it so it won’t hurt the students [...]

Soccer Club2022-03-31T12:12:55+08:00

Calligraphy Club


The Pen is Mightier Than the Sword Calligraphy, the art of writing Our noble college embarked on teaching calligraphy skills during our Friday Clubs sessions. The aim was to teach students to take pride in how they write and to master the formation of letters and appreciate the other benefits as derived from writing. Calligraphy aims to produce a reaction, just like any quality piece of sculpture or painting, its goals are to invoke a deeper meaning and communicate with the viewer on both the linguistic and creative level. Calligraphy stimulates neuronal activity, helping us to develop a broader vocabulary [...]

Calligraphy Club2022-03-31T12:13:19+08:00

Year 6


Literacy In literacy, students have been exploring free verse poetry. They have mastered the structure and understand the purpose of writing this type of poetry. Students have enjoyed examining poetic devices and analysing why these are used in poetry. We have also been exploring procedural writing which ties in with our Science. The Year 6 students used procedural writing to make their own bread. Recipes included sweet milk bread and delicious damper. Mathematics This term in Maths, students have been working very hard to achieve great results. Along with our daily Math warmups, students have been [...]

Year 62022-03-31T12:13:30+08:00

Year 5


Math Mathematics is an integral part of everyday life. Through explicit instruction and daily Maths warm-ups, the year 5’s have been learning about estimation and rounding off numbers, multiplying 3digit by 2 digit numbers and division in Term 3. We also learned how to calculate Volume of 3D shapes, Area of regular shapes and calculating elapsed time. Part of our everyday math lessons are our warm-ups where we revise the key concepts and basic facts taught. Students are presented with a variety of questions of the same concepts on a PowerPoint and are challenged to show their understanding on mini [...]

Year 52022-03-31T12:13:41+08:00

Year 4


It has been another busy term for the year four cohort with many more interesting activities to come. We have been working extremely hard to improve our writing skills through both our literacy block and our genre writing. We have made chatterboxes and fruit salad and written a matching procedural text. We are continuing to develop our narrative writing skills and the students are sharing some wonderful original ideas to write about. Maths The students are making great leaps in understanding the relationship between mathematics taught in the classroom and that used in the everyday world. Through explicit instruction, the [...]

Year 42022-03-31T12:13:55+08:00

Year 3


The Year 3 classes have been very busy, engaged and immersed in learning this term. WOW! What a productive term. We have dived into literature, creating texts, speaking, listening, working mathematically, problem solving, conducting Science investigations, participating in higher order thinking topics, working on our STEM projects and developing our lateral thinking skills. Book week was an exciting event with the theme: "Old Worlds, New Worlds and Other Worlds". The character parade was a fantastic event which saw children dressing up as their favourite fictional book character. Literacy We have immersed the children in literature, encouraging [...]

Year 32022-03-31T12:14:05+08:00

Year 2


We started Term 3 off with Acer testing in Maths and Reading MathsIn maths, we started learning addition & subtraction of 2 digit numbers using MAB blocks, jump strategy and split strategy with and without trading, then moved on to learning about fractions, sharing and 2d shapes.WritingFor writing, we have focussed on persuasive texts. We wrote on a fair few topics and the most popular one among the students was "Is being famous the best thing in the world?"ScienceIn science, we have been learning about biological sciences. We have learnt about how humans, animals and plants change as they grow. [...]

Year 22022-03-31T12:14:14+08:00

Year 1


English This term has seen some very exciting and interesting narratives from the year ones.  They are starting to use a wider variety of language including adjectives and adverbs.  Our morning daily review is such an important part of our day. Some students get to go to a different teacher for daily review each morning and it helps our whole year one cohort to feel connected. Book week was the highlight of this term. The students enjoyed dressing up as their favourite characters. There were many superheroes and princesses. Mathematics WOW! The year ones have started to add and subtract [...]

Year 12022-03-31T12:15:04+08:00



The Pre-Primary have been very busy this term. In HASS we have been learning all about Australia, the states and territories, our native flora and fauna and Australia’s famous landmarks. We read the story Possum Magic, an Australian classic, which led into labelling the states and territories on a map of Australia. We then made the Australian Flag and an Aboriginal Flag. We followed that with lovely dot paintings based on the well-known Indigenous Dreamtime Story Rainbow Serpent. We also learnt about our native animals - kangaroos, koalas, wombats, kookaburras and the platypus. We studied their features, habitat, diet and [...]


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