Term 3 [Kewdale]

Vocational Educational & Training


Vocational Education & Training 2021 Vocational Education and Training (VET) department at the Australian Islamic College has been working with other Registered Training Organisations to make sure that our students have every available option for them when looking at a career after they leave the college. Current students are on track to complete their courses and InshaAllah this will give them four (4) C grade equivalents towards their WACE graduation. Vocational Education and Training courses have also proved very beneficial not by just getting employment but also towards gaining entry into university where the VET courses they have completed has [...]

Vocational Educational & Training2022-03-31T12:16:50+08:00



Senior students sitting for the AUSIT Young Translator of the year 2021 competition They partake in the competitions as it helps them to be more inquisitive and to research independently. The junior students sitting for the AUSIT Young Translator of the year 2021 competition, helping them to see the extent of knowledge they have on the Arabic language. In the Assembly Abdirahman Ayach yr 12 displays the beauty and eloquence of the Arabic Language. The teacher is giving a speech about the importance [...]


Health and Physical Education


Dear Parents and Community Members, Asalaamu’alaykum Alhumdulilah we have had a great and successful term in the Health & P.E. department during term 3. We have competed in multiple sporting events within Our school and inter-school events. It was the first time Our school hosted an inter-school volleyball tournament with many prestigious schools. This was a great success and will be an annual event insha’Allah. Our girls team came first and won every set in the tournament, this was a great achievement. The boys did very well and came in second place, after only losing 2 points in the final [...]

Health and Physical Education2022-03-31T12:17:32+08:00



Year 10 | Photography The photography elective is running for the 2nd semester this year. Most of the students were very excited to get their hands on the DSLR cameras for the first time. The students learned about the different modes of setting the DSLR camera. They also learned about the different factors that affect a photograph - Saleh IbrahimPhotography Teacher Year 7-10 | Woodworks This semester our Yr7-10 woodwork student have applied their skills to create their projects. The Yr7s made a toolbox, Yr8s Quran table, Yr9s tea/jewellery box [...]


Humanities and Social Sciences


Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa BarakatuhAlhamdulillah, the term has flown by. it has been another amazingly busy term with a great deal of success to celebrate. We have had another exciting term Masha’Allah - full of activities, challenges, and growth.As part our curriculum this term for year 10 Humanities and social science we covered Geography, where they focused on pollution and recycling in Australia. The concepts of Sustainability, climate change and wastage were the key focus. The course incorporates both theoretical and practical learning. This, it was great opportunity for the year 10 HASS girls to take part in a STEAM [...]

Humanities and Social Sciences2022-03-31T12:18:04+08:00



Science Week 2021National Science Week is an opportunity to reflect on the lifesaving work done on our behalf by STEM professionals, especially the medical researchers and health professionals combating the COVID-19 pandemic.The AIC, Kewdale science team organised a display of different demonstrations to honour the works of these many scientists. The event was set up in the new state of the art, Ibn Al-Haytham Science Block (Named after- Pioneering Scientist- Father of Modern Optics).Students had the opportunity to enjoy a hands-on experience with the equipment and demonstrations. Sr. Pashtoon Waheedy demonstrating making hot bubbles with solid carbon dioxide [...]




NAPLAN Results | Year 7 & 9 NAPALAN results arrived in the school recently. Congratulations to those students who now achieved Great results. It is especially pleasing for those students who have worked really hard and have taken advantage of the support provided at home and at school. Hard copy of Naplan Results have been provided to students to take home. For those year 9 students who did not achieve band 8 in any of the component, will have to sit for OLNA in March next year. Additional support will continue to be available.  ICAS External [...]




World Book Day Celebrations The English Department of AIC, Kewdale High School organised World Book Day Celebrations on 30th June 2021 (Week 11, Term 2) to foster the love for reading amongst children and young adults. The campus came to life with teachers and students dressed up as their favourite book characters and competing for prizes. Students participated with much enthusiasm in various activities such as Spelling Bee Competitions, Read Aloud Competition and Script Writing Workshop. The teachers along with the Year 10 student council members also organised a Book Day themed cookie bake-sale, the proceeds of which went towards yearly subscriptions for two magazines for the school library. Though the rain tried to [...]


Digital Technologies


Digital Technologies Another great term has been completed by the students of AIC Kewdale primary. Some highlights to look forward to in this terms newsletter are: Exploration of robotics New hardware – Micro:bits Game creation through coding Year 2 Students were learning about algorithms and the importance of giving precise and clear algorithms. We introduced algorithms by taking visual pictures of LEGO building on iPads. The second part of our lessons, was students had to write an algorithm to create a potato man. It was very interesting to discover the bug where some students did not write clear algorithms and their [...]

Digital Technologies2022-03-31T12:19:07+08:00

Physical Education


Welcome to our Term 3 Physical Education Schoolzine news! This term we welcomed Br Hasanin who will be part of the physical education department in Primary school and we welcomed back Sr Nuria from long service leave. This term was a busy term with many activities taking place in the physical education department. We had netball clinics, badminton clinics and athletic clinics for our students, thanks to the sporting school grants, we are able to give more opportunities for students to develop their sporting skills. Our Year 5 classes are taking part in the Fremantle Multicultural schools program, we are [...]

Physical Education2022-03-31T12:19:20+08:00

Head Office

139 President Street, Kewdale WA 6105

Phone: 08) 9362 2100

Fax: (08) 9362 5810

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