Principal’s Message
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatulahi Wabarakatuh,
I wish to welcome all our wonderful parents to Term 3.
Alhamdulillah, it has been a very productive and eventful term with a range of school activities and school events in addition to high quality teaching and learning at our school this term.
Some of the events are listed below
Students Merit Certificates
- To acknowledge students’ hard work, achievements, improvement and good behaviour, teachers present certificates. This practice hopefully will encourage and motivate other students.
- Cleaning Incursion (waste Wise Project).
- Pre- Primary and Year 1 classes went to the Lollipops Play Land.
- Pre-Primary and Year 5 classes participated in planting Trees Day (in conjunction with the Armadale Land-Care Group)
- Year 6 classes went to the Parliament House
- Year 3 classes will be going to Scitech this term
- Year 4 classes will visit the Fremantle Prison
- Year 5 classes will be going to the Bounce in Jundaloop.
Eid Ul Adha Celebration
To celebrate Eid Ul Adha, our students and their teachers came in their beautiful Eid outfits, Masha-Allah . Alhamdulillah we had a fabulous day.
Science Week
All classes were actively engaged in a science activity (Food & Technology)
Book Week Parade (Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds)
To celebrate Book Week, both our students and their teachers came to school in their amazing costumes.
Assembly Speeches
Our Religion teachers are scheduled to deliver speeches on Islamic values during our Morning Assemblies. This practice is to reinforce our school ethos on Islamic Values and Academic Excellence.
ACER Tests in Weeks 1-2; Mid-Term Assessments in Weeks 4-5
and the End of Term Assessments in Weeks 8-9. End of Term reports will be available on line in Week 10.
Parent – Teacher Meeting
Parent – teacher Meeting has been scheduled on Thursday, 23rd September 2021.
Quran Reading Competition
The Annual Quran Recitation Competition this year was held in our Campus on Thursday, 5th August. We are very proud of our students who were selected to present our Campus to participate in this very special and important event. Those students were:
- Year 1: Azka Usman (third place)
- Year 2: Sabrina Islam (first place)
- Year 3: Hammad Haffejee (third place)
- Year 4: Zayd Ridwan (second place)
- Year 5: Mohammed Bihi (third place)
- Year 6: Ahmed Qureshi (third place)
Well done, Masha-Allah boys and girls. May Allah always guide you to His Path and may He protect you always.
NAPLAN Results
Alhamdulillah this year our students achieved outstanding NAPLAN results. To acknowledge students’ hard work and their amazing results, the school presented special certificates.
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the teachers for their hard work in preparing them and to the parents for their wonderful support and dua.
With continued support and dua from our respected parents, Insha-Allah our school will continue to prosper in peace.
Kind Regards,
– Endah Hayes
Thornlie Campus
Parents and Guardians,
As Early Childhood Educators, we are committed to planning a stimulating and challenging play based program, which enables each child to visit and revisit experiences, practicing, refining and consolidating skills and knowledge.
Literacy and Numeracy
Our explicit instruction in Literacy and Numeracy form the foundation of our teaching and learning. The teaching and learning each day allows for children to be engaged and take ownership of their learning. In Literacy, the focus has been developing phonological awareness and increasing alphabetic and letter–sound knowledge, Word building and Reading. In Numeracy, we intentionally engage children in exploring mathematical ideas, relationships and language in planned learning experiences on a daily basis.
Many of the activities are theme based, sometimes these themes are planned in advance and other times they are influenced by the children. We provide constant adventure for exploration and wonder. We have introduced Investigations through the implementation of the Walker Learning approach.
Our Kindergarten teaching and learning strategies also include Whole Brain Learning, Positive behaviours, Learning through play and Station Rotation activity time. Each day the children enjoy a diverse range of play and real-life learning experiences that are set up in class which include, Art and Craft, Role Play, Shopping, Dress Up , Pet Shop, Vet Centre, Zoo, Wild Animals, Animal Farm and The Australian Outback.
This term, the students explored their ideas and extended their thinking in STEM by participating in Design and Technology projects linked to the class themes, projects and learning experiences.
National Science Week 2021 Theme
Food: Different by Design the kindergarten students made a healthy open faced animal sandwiches.
Book Week Theme
‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’ took place on the 26th August. The children came dressed according to the theme in costumes based on their book character. All the children looked amazing!
Thank you to all our wonderful Kindy parents who are in constant touch with us via class dojo and for your continued assistance with supporting your child to complete tasks for homework. We have one more term to go so we will continue to build on and improve the students’ academic growth and attitude, inshallah!
– Yours in Education,
Kindergarten Educators
Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu,
What an eventful and fun filled term it has been. We have learnt so much and participated in so many activities. Whether it was program based or plan based activities.
We have commenced weekly spelling words which the students practice all week and are tested on at the end of the week. The students really look forward to Friday as they want to showcase their sounding out and writing skills when spelling the words out. It is wonderful to see the students’ confidence pick up as the term has progressed Ma-Sha-Allah.
We have introduced the students to subtraction, 3D shapes, sequencing of events and days of the week. Our math’s workbook is available online and this makes it so much easier to display the planned activity on the interactive whiteboard, so the children can be guided through the activity.
The learning intention for each lesson in each learning area is clearly outlined to the students. This gives a clear guideline of what is intended for the students to gain at the end of each lesson.
Book Week
Alhumdulillah the children had a day where they could dress up as their favourite character from a book. The theme for this year’s book week was ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’’. Ma-Sha-Allah to each one of the students who took part in the event and made it a memorable for everyone involved.
Science Week
Science was such a success. The National Science week for this year was ‘Food: Different by design’. Our Pre-primary chose to discus and design a salad bowl to go.
The students enjoyed choosing the vegies which they would like to include in their salad and were very hands on the making process Ma-Sha-Allah.
The pre-primary classes went to the local park to do some planting buddying up with the year 5 class. They learnt about how plants help us and the wildlife, and why it is important to plant more plants to grow.
The children used tools to plant young plants and enjoyed seeing how to get the plant out of the pot using the trowel. There was an opportunity to look and listen in the environment and ask any questions they had.
– Sumayah, Leslie and Paula
Pre-Primary Teachers
Year 1
Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians,
Masha-Allah the year has gone by so fast! The Year 1 team has been very busy and hard at work making fabulous progress every-day!
For Science this term we are focusing on Living and Non-Living things. Through class discussions and hands –on experiences children are learning about the characteristics that distinguish living and non-living things. By observing video clips and still photos, children are engaged to think and develop their understanding about living and non-living things.
Keeping in line with this term’s Science programme, the teachers have further extended the children’s learning and understanding by getting them to build a habitat for an animal of their choice. The children were very excited to work on this project. The teachers were also very excited to see how the students brought in their prior knowledge and creativity to life when working on this project. Exciting!!
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our parents for their active participation in this project, by supporting your child with their research and helping them gather the materials required to build the habitat. When families work in partnership with the school, the success of our students is ensured. We are in this together!
This term for Literacy we have been working on the Narrative genre. Narrative writing or story writing is a text that entertains the reader. The story has a setting (time and place), some characters (people, animals or objects to life) and a plot (problem and solution). Students have been learning to plan and implement the different elements of a narrative and present connected events in order, to tell a good story. Through this process of story writing we have developed some great authors and fantastic illustrators here in Year 1. So watch this space!!
Thank you again to everyone for your ongoing support. We look forward to another great term ahead Insha Allah.
– The Year 1 Team
Year 2
Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians,
This year has kicked off to a great start. We are flying into Week 9.
In Our Classroom We Have Been Learning About:
In Science, the teaching focus was Biological sciences. Students learnt about the life cycle of different animals and their habitats. Students were given a research assignment were they were required to research and find out information about their given AUSTRALIAN ANIMAL. Upon completion, students will present their findings to their classmates.
For Art this term, we are focused on visual arts. Students were required to create artwork that included lines, textures, warm/cool colours and shapes. In order to create their art pieces, students were introduced to famous artists and their famous work. Students responded to the Famous painting by “Van Gogh” Starry Night/Paul Klee.
Then, students were given the opportunity to practice and draft an art masterpiece.
In English we have been learning about procedure writing. In order to provide students with a more hands-on experience, students made
- chocolate milkshake,
- cake-pops,
- fruit skewers and
- rocky-road
It was YUMMY!
They were given the required ingredients and materials to make and enjoy the food procedure.
Looking forward to more exciting adventures and learning in Term 4.
– Ghazal, Nahaari and Aysha
Year 2 Teachers
Year 3
Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians,
Design Week
The Year 3A students took on the challenge to design a habitat for their chosen animal. They first did their research on Mr Google. Then used PowerPoint to present their information. It took them 3 weeks before all 29 of them had a go at sharing their information with their classmates during the Speaking and Listening sessions. It was such an exciting time.
The next phase was to design an animal habitat ensuring that they label their fixtures according to prey, predators and life cycle. Some of the dioramas were outstanding with lots of thoughts put in to make it stand out. Review the pictures for some of them.
Look at some of their research materials in Power Point
Year 4
Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians,
SubhanAllah, we’re half-way through Term 3 already! What a busy year it has been for our Year Four students who have continually been acquiring knowledge and gaining new experiences throughout the year. From having fun during book week and science week, creating string telephones and making food in class to learning about lifecycles of numerous animals, and the native animals and geographical features of Africa; just to name a few.
This term we covered procedure writing. Students followed a procedure, which instructed them on how to make string telephones in class, which they tested out with their friends to see how well they worked. The students really enjoyed hearing their friends, through their cups, from the other side of the field.

This term the Year 4 classes made wraps, soup and had a high tea party. The students were exposed to recipes, which they had to follow with support from their parents and teacher. Students were then asked to write a procedure on how they made their food. The students really went all out to make sure they were proud of their final product, and Alhamdulillah it was an amazing experience. MashAllah, our students are so talented! They’re little master chefs and event planners in the making. SubhanAllah, their planning, preparation, decorating and team work was all so very impressive.
Book Week
MashAllah they were a colourful, creative group of characters. Unfortunately, after two attempts to have the school parade, it continued to rain. Nonetheless, the students enjoyed dressing up and being in character for the day, Alhamdulillah. Great costumes and outstanding effort Year 4’s, you all looked terrific! MashAllah.
As we approach the end of the year, the students are being challenged more in order to prepare them for Year 5. The Year Four students have had a busy year with an unpredictable start but MashAllah, they are resilient and have come a long way. We are positive that this year group will continue to progress in order to reach their target settings this semester.
Jazzak Allah Khair
– Kay Abrahams, Aisyah Buchori and Rizka Edwards
Year 4 Teachers
Year 5
Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians,
This term has been a great term for the year 5’s. Time flew by so fast!! The students have been involved in many fun and engaging activities.
Book week
Each year the CBCA has brought children and books together across Australia through Book Week. During this time schools spend one glorious week celebrating books. This year the theme was ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds’. The students enjoyed dressing up for book week this term as their favourite book character.

In health, students learnt about how to stay safe online. They were involved in many class discussions about online safety and what it means to them. They learnt many skills to be able to protect themselves online. Next term the students will design a pamphlet about online safety.
– Likaa Abdul-Rahman, Estelle Meyer and Melissa Julian
Year 5 Teachers
Year 6
Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians,
Subhan Allah, Alhamdullilah! What a great start to a new term. The time has gone by so fast and we are already in term 3. It has been a fantastic term for us right from day 1. The year 6’s are having lots of fun doing just not academic studies but also other fun activities. Let’s a take a quick look at all that we have been doing so far.
National Science Week
The school theme for National Science Week 2021 was Food: Different by Design. As it honours the United Nations International Year of Fruits and Vegetables and the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development, we the year 6’s planned to make a healthy lunch. We got to make beef and vegetable burgers where we, the students were hands on and could help cook, while following a procedure. It tasted so you and not forgetting the fact that is was wholesome and healthy.
This term, we have been learning how to mix and blend colours on the colour wheel to create gradients and blends of colours. We also had a look at print making and the tools and techniques used in printmaking. We created a coloured gradient of shades and then we explored creating patterns with various lines and shapes and also using some stencils. We also did a range of art this term including symmetrical abstract paint designs.
HASS has been teaching us a very clear lesson which many of us forget quite often – GRATITUDE. We should be grateful for what we have instead of complaining about stuff that we want but don’t need. It has been really interesting to learn about these countries that are developed, developing or less developed, which makes us realize how lucky we are to live in this beautiful country. We did posters on the country we were allocated and also did an oral presentation on the countries landmarks, food, religions etc.
Science is fun. This term in science, we are learning about micro -organisms and the purpose of yeast in bread making. We started our lessons by observing the different types of bread and what the ingredients were in them, how they taste, smell and feel. We have gained immense knowledge through our lessons as we had quite a lot of hands on activities like experiments with yeast. It was quite interesting to see how mould grows when we did an experiment with bread. We also did this great experiment trying to find out what happens when yeast is mixed with sugar and water. We were very happy to see our predictions come true when the bottle with the water, sugar and yeast helped the balloon placed on it to fill up with air teaching us that yeast is activated by liquids such as water and milk and that it requires food, the right temperature and conditions to grow.
Health covers a lot of valuable information we need to know as growing children. Internet safety or staying safe on the internet is a very important topic for us youngsters. Resilience too plays a vital role in our lives and we need to learn to calm down and bounce back Significant changes are happening in our lives, we will soon be moving to High school, will have many more teachers and different classes, and changing friendship groups. There might be situations where we will need to be resilient and these lessons help us build resilience.
Our skills in English are improving. We like learning the meanings of our list words so that we can put them into good sentences and improve our vocabulary. Our ACER vocabulary results have increased quite significantly because of this.
Last but not the least, Math. It is very challenging, but we are improving our mathematical knowledge every day. The fluency tests we do on Fridays, is improving our speed in doing sums and we are getting better and better at Problem Solving.
Physical Education
Physical Education is something we all look forward to in order to release all our stored up energy. We have been practicing for the upcoming sports carnival, by practicing our throws and long jumps.
Digital Technology
In IT, we have been learning about different platforms and what makes games enjoyable which will help us in future projects and game developments as we are moving in to a future that will not be able to exist without technology.
All in all, year 6 is challenging but we are enjoying the challenge as ‘The Sky is our Limit.’ We can say that we the year 6’s, have been working very hard to do our best and we are also really looking forward to our graduation at the end of the year. Insha Allah we pray our hard work will pay off.
COVID 19 had put a stop to many good things we usually do. One such thing is excursions. But because of our strict lock downs initiated by the Premier, we were able to enjoy our first excursion to the Parliament House and the Electoral Education Centre. We got to meet the MP Mr Chris Tallentire who came to welcome us. The tour guide then took us around in the immaculate Parliament House explaining everything in detail. Our Premier Mr Mark McGowan came and spoke to us. He said, ‘ Any one can become a member of the Parliament . You do not have to be the cleverest person.’We even got the chance to watch a bit of Parliament in action. At the EEC we learnt quite a lot on how elections were conducted and some of our students even got the chance to stand as candidates for the Mock elections. All in all it was a fantastic day out from normal routine.
– The Students of Year 6 2021
Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians,
I pray this will find you in the best of Eman and health.
My name is Adil Ashami, I am a new Arabic teacher at this lovely school.
Since I have started teaching at AIC Thornlie, I have been working on the four language skills which are:
- Reading
- Writing
- Listing
- Speaking
My focus this term is the listing and speaking skills. Every student in the class will a chance to practice these two skills at the beginning of the class.
Alhamulillah, most of students improved their speaking and started to speak with confident.
– Adil Ashami
Arabic Teacher
Assalamualaikum Parents & Guardians,
Kindy A & B | Islamic Studies
This term, Kindy A and Kindy B are well settled and ready to learn more. They may be only 4 years old but, they have big dreams and determinations to achieve big things. As their teacher, it is such an excited feelings to watch them growing and gaining so much confident in their learning journey throughout the year.
Alhamdulillaah, our Kindy A and B are completing most topics required to cover for the term recently and most of them memorizing most of the daily do’as which are being taught in the class.
Their achievements deserve congratulations! MashaAllah Kindy A and B!
Digital Technologies
Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians,
Year 5A,5B & 5C
This term all year 5 students have been creating online games for a chosen audience., making digital stories and many other great ideas to create a game online using Scratch.
Students were encouraged to share their ideas with peers to receive feedback from each other. Using Scratch as a coding website that helps you to easily design games that you can share and play.
This has been a productive and enjoyable experience for all students especially when they’ve worked collaboratively with each other. We are now working on improving our games in terms of making them more challenging with multiple rewards and achieving various game levels.
– Bahaa Banani
Digital Technology Teacher
Physical Education
Assalamualaikum Parents and Guardians,
Fundraising and Carnival Practice
We have been super busy this term fundraising for our 2021 sports carnival and held our ‘eco-friendly’ annual toy and book sale on Thursday 26th of August.
Thanks to all the kind donations of toys and books, the children at AIC Thornlie had a variety of things that they could purchase and enjoy. MashaAllah we managed to raise over $600 which will all go towards our medals and ribbons for our event this year.
A big thank you to our sports captains for their valuable help and contribution on the day and to Sister Delly, our wonderful cashier.
Sports Teacher