Newsletter – Term 4 – Kewdale Campus

Principal’s Message

Dear Parents & Guardians

Assalam o Alaikum

Alhamdulillah as we are coming to the end of another very successful and busy year 2021, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the support you have given both to your child and the school. I would like to congratulate parents and families for the success of their children.

We are proud of our students; this has been reflected in our celebrations of their success in the Kindy & Pre-Primary Graduation Ceremonies, Year Level Awards & Year 12 Graduation Evening. We have provided our students with an opportunity to celebrate their success and accomplishments in a manner that is safe, respectable, and in the spirit of their achievements.

The Sports Awards Presentation & Annual Sports Carnival, Theme Based Assemblies, and Awards, Seerah Week & Quran Recitation contest, and of course Lower Secondary School Scholarships Scheme, Excellence Awards & Principal’s Tea invitation each term have boosted the morale and spirit of the students.

Summer break is providing you a great opportunity to sit with your children and discuss family and Islamic values and your expectations from them. Please provide them a Biography of Prophet (PBUH) they can read and reflect upon during holidays.

If students laze away the days of summer without using their minds, they can lose up to a month of learning. Keep your child engaged with an academic enrichment program along with fun, and brain-friendly activities. Educational computer games can engage students’ minds, but make sure your child is spending enough time away from the screen and social media. The use of mobile phones, as well as the computer, needs to be carefully monitored to ensure that your child has enough sleep and maintains healthy contacts.

Devise a plan, tell your child that reading and learning activities will be an important part of their summer. Homework has been set for all students to complete for the start of the holidays. Homework routines create clear expectations for your child, so they know what is required of them. It also helps them to develop good study habits of doing their work.

This will help your child to get off to the best possible start when school reopens. We expect students to complete homework and to hand it in on the date set by the teacher.

The Early Start for Year 11 & 12 classes has given students a scholarly boost, productive and intensive revision time in holidays. This summer break is providing ample opportunities to students to study course content and prepare for exams, increasing their confidence and motivation for their forthcoming exams and assessments. Please guide your children in their studies effectively, so that they could manage stress and reach their goals.

Evidence suggests that physical activities play a vital role in your children’s maturity, emotional and social development. You can encourage your children to play sport according to their choice at least for 60 minutes every day.

I would take this opportunity to thank our teachers and staff for their painstaking work, perseverance, and patience. Their consistent planning, teaching, marking, encouraging, modelling, and explaining have come to a realization. We appreciate everything they have done for the school and the students. They must be proud to see their student’s attainment climbing another step on a ladder of success and achievement. Thank you very much to our teachers and staff for their hard work, commitment, and tenacity.

We wish you and your children happiness and success in the future. We look forward to welcoming all children refreshed and ready for the challenges of the year 2022 back to school on Thursday, January 27, 2022, at 8.20 am in sha Allah.

I wish you a blessed summer, in sha Allah


– Br. Mohammed Nazar Khan


Kewdale Campus


Outside Play

In our kindergarten we have made it a point to spend time outside daily. Children need to remain active throughout the day, and outdoor play allows them to get fresh air and explore their environment more. Hands-on learning, the natural environment and loose parts in the outdoors stimulate children’s senses through what they hear, touch, see and feel. Outdoor experiences provide an opportunity to explore, discover and appreciate the natural world, as well as be active, strengthen fine and gross motor movement skills, test physical limits and get messy. Time spent in the outdoors is an important part of our daily program for all children.

Cooking and Baking

We always include cooking and baking in our Kindergarten classrooms. As well as being fun, cooking with children gives them the chance to be introduced to fresh, healthy food and helps them to develop healthy eating habits. Hands on cooking activities help children develop confidence and skill. Following recipes encourages children to be self-directed and independent, and it also teaches them to follow directions and develop problem-solving skills. Fine motor and eye-hand coordination skills develop by chopping, mixing, squeezing, and spreading. It also allows children the opportunity to use the knowledge they have and apply it by counting, measuring, following a sequence, following directions, and cause and effect.

Indoor activities:

Children busy in different indoor activities

Fun Run and Assembly:

School Fun Run gives students the opportunity to remove themselves from the classroom and to give their minds and bodies a change of scenery. We had a beautiful walk around the Tomato Lake and in between, the children had the opportunity to play the Bear Game with Sr Nuria.

Kindy children also participated in Fun Run and Fun Run Assembly.


Children busy in creating their projects

– Kindergarten Teachers


Welcome to Term 4 in Pre-Primary! What a busy term it has been so far, and there is still have so much more to come. From Sport Carnivals to STEAM projects to our up-and-coming graduation, this term has surely been one full of exciting events.

Fun Run

The children in Pre-Primary did an amazing job raising money for their Fun Run. A child from Pre-Primary B raised the most amount of money out of the whole school and Pre-Primary A as a class raised the most money in the whole school. Due to the crazy weather we have had over these last few months, our Fun Run was postponed. However, in Week 6 we were finally able to go on our Fun Run around Tomato Lake. The children all had a great time and were very excited to see so many people waiting at each spot around the lake.

Sports Carnival

The Pre-Primary children this term had their sports carnival at the Gerry Archer Athletics Track. The children participated in running races, parachute, and some team games. The children rotated through the team games of egg and spoon, flags race and bean bag race. The children all participated fantastically in all races and games. The children showed some great sportsmanship cheering along their team members and cheering for their House Factions. It was wonderful to see everyone dressing up in the House Colours ready to support their team. The children were very excited to participate in the Sports Carnival and to ride on the bus to the Athletics track too.


This year the children having been focused on making projects for the STEAM Exhibition. The children have worked individually and independently in some projects and have come together as a team and worked on their team skills for other projects. The children were really proud of all they had made and accomplished this year and were so excited to see all their projects displayed at the STEAM Exhibition.

STEAM Exhibition

All the children really worked extra hard this year to create some awesome projects. The children were given a chance to showcase all the hard work they had done all year for the whole school to see at the STEAM Exhibition. The Pre-Primary children were very excited to go and see all the other projects the primary school had made, as well as to see their own projects and art work at the exhibition.

Photo Day

Each year the school holds a photo day for all the children to have their photo taken with their classmates. It is always a fabulous momento for the children to have to look back on in the future.

Graduation Performance

At the end of this term, the children will be graduating Pre-Primary for their new beginning in Year One next year. The children have been working very hard on their performance for their graduation. The children will be performing a short skit demonstrating all their drama skills including voice and movement that they have practised in Drama this year. They will also be singing some nasheeds at the graduation in Week 9.

Exploring Through Play

In Pre-Primary, we try to allow the children time to investigate and explore their ideas and interests through play. In our classrooms we have areas set up for the children to discover and discuss things we are learning about. This term some of the children were exploring more in-depth about minibeasts as we are doing a performance about minibeasts for our graduation. Other children have been role playing a café setting where they are interacting taking orders and developing their customer services skills, making some delicious meals for everyone to order and eat. Other children have been exploring, building and creating on the tinkering table and doing some letter and invitation writing in the Post Office Area. The children have also been exploring and learning about Aboriginal symbols and how they are used to tell stories. The children have been recreating the symbol shapes using playdough.

Literacy & Numeracy

This year, the children have worked tirelessly to improve their literacy and numeracy skills. This term the Pre-Primary children have been focused on a lot of reading and writing tasks. The children have built up a strong literacy foundation throughout the year. In numeracy this term the children have been developing their addition and subtraction skills. The children are getting more and more confident adding and taking away small groups. The children have come so far from the beginning of the year and it is wonderful to see all the progress all the children have made and all the skills they have developed.

As we come to the end of another year and prepare the children for their graduation and their big transition to Year One, the Pre-Primary teachers want to thank all the children for their hard work and effort this year and we wish them a successful graduation and a wonderful year next year in year one. It will be sad to see them go but we are all so proud of the accomplishments all the children have made throughout the year.

All best for the coming years!

– Pre-Primary Team

Year 1

Our Year 1s have had a fun filled, jam packed term!

Sports Carnival

Our students participated in a range of physical activities during the Lower Primary Sports Carnival to develop their gross motor skills and help enrich their team spirit. Well done to all the students who participated and demonstrated good sportsmanship!

Fun Run

The students also participated in the annual Fun Run around Tomato Lake this term. We were exceptionally proud of their effort to raise funds towards the Fun Run!

STEAM Exhibition

Our annual STEAM Exhibition was huge success as a cohort Year 1 worked cohesively to construct sustainable projects. Students demonstrated exemplary research, planning and engineering skills producing phenomenal projects to present at out STEAM exhibition.


In Literacy, this term, students focused on developing their understanding of a Narrative text and its features.


In Numeracy, students focused on time to the hour and half past, fractions (halves), skip counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. As well as ordinal numbers, partitioning, place value and money. Students used hands-on manipulatives during math rotations to further develop their understanding of these key mathematical concepts.


In Science, students developed a range of inquiry skills as they investigated how materials change.


In Drama, students were encouraged to explore the aspects and elements of performance using their voices as tools to explore tone and pitch. They also developed their understanding of using facial expressions to communicate.


In Health, students learned how to be assertive in keeping safe. They also learned strategies to help solve problems in conflicts, become persistent, repair friendships and recognise personal qualities and achievements.

– Year 1 Teachers

Year 3


Sharp Reading

Sharp Reading is a teaching and learning framework that provides direction for students and equips them to be SHARP (efficient, cutting edge) in their understanding of reading. Sharp Reading allows students to THINK while reading in order to unpack and understand text. This has been our daily morning routine since Term 1 with our Year 3 students.

Narrative Writing

Narrative writing allows students to discuss how language is used to describe the settings in texts, and explore how the settings shape the events and influence the mood of a narrative. Students also drew connections between personal experiences and the worlds of texts, and share responses with others through narrative writing.

Reading Comprehension

The students used comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and began to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features.


The students learned a range of grammar concepts like: verbs represent different processes; for example doing, thinking, saying, and relating and that these processes are anchored in time through tenses.


Year 3 students have been focusing on ‘Spelling Mastery’ from Term 2. It is six-level Direct Instruction series that teaches students dependable spelling skills by blending three approaches: the phonemic approach, the whole approach and the morphemic approach.


Number and Algebra

The students have count to and from 10,000. They have classified numbers as either odd or even. Students have recalled addition and multiplication facts for single-digit numbers. They have recognised the connection between addition and subtraction and solve problems using efficient strategies for multiplication. Students have modelled and represented unit fractions. They have represented money values in various ways. Students have correctly counted out change from financial transactions. They have continued presenting number patterns involving addition and subtraction.

Measurement and Geometry

Students have identified symmetry in the environment. They have matched positions on maps with given information. Students have recognised angles in real situations. They have interpreted and compared data displays. Students have used metric units for length, mass and capacity. They can tell time to the nearest minute. Students made models of three-dimensional objects.

Statistics and Probability

Students have conducted chance experiments and listed possible outcomes. They have conducted simple data investigations for categorical variables. Students have interpreted and compared data displays.


Chemical Science

Chemical sciences – runny or not. Students have learnt about the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Students have discussed about the properties of solids, liquids and gases, how heating and cooling can change the state of solids and liquids. Students have predicted and then observed what happens when different materials are heated.

The students also presented their Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math (STEAM) projects in the STEAM exhibition.


The Year 3 students have studied about our neighbouring countries and compared the many ways they are similar and different to Australia. Students have learnt about how and why places are similar and different, and how they can participate in their community. Students have understood the diverse background of Australians and the influence of religion by new migrants.


The students worked on improvised and devised drama based on narrative structures in familiar drama styles.

They extended their understanding of roles and situations as they created, improvised and devised. Students have begun to experiment with selected forms and styles when improvising or devising drama. They will continue to develop improvisation, voice and movement skills. Students have been introduced to the elements of space, character and time. Students will experience drama as performers and audience members. Students have begun to use rehearsal processes to support audience engagement and continue to learn appropriate responses to the drama of others. As they make and respond to drama, students will identify and reflect on the elements of drama used in a performance. Students have had the opportunity to experience drama from a range of cultures, times and locations.


The students worked on a range of health subjects including: understanding the importance of a healthy and balanced diet in maintaining general wellbeing; recognising the importance of being physically active to improvement health and wellbeing; and describing situations and events that happen to them that lead to different emotions. Our students also had the opportunity to participate in the 2021 Lower Primary Sports Carnival.

– Year 3 Teachers:

Sr Suman

Sr Julia

Sr Naema

Sr Hadil

Sr Rebecca

Sr Zahraa

Year 4

We have had an amazing year so far with so many new adventures to come. Read through to see what we have been doing in this productive term.

Exhilarating experiences:

This term has been filled with adventurous activities from our amazing Sports Carnival, STEM Exhibition and Fun Run. Year 4 students have had a blast with these extracurricular activities. Students’ achievements have also been recognised through our semester awards – still to happen. Through these trying times, Year 4 students have been putting their best foot forward academically and have strived to do their best. May your hard work always be recognised and celebrated!


Our writing this term has taken us to magical places full of wonder. Students in Year 4 are learning about narrative writing with a focus on ‘Showing Not Telling’ so our readers precisely know what the character is feeling and doing. To help students in this endeavour we have explored adverbs, adverbial phrases, noun groups and adjectives.

We have also applied our understanding of spelling rules, strategy of chunking to ease the learning of spellings, and editing to refine their punctuation skills.


We have covered a wide range of concepts this term in Numeracy from being introduced to division, to learning about money and decimal places –tenths, hundredths and thousandths, our Year 4’s sure have had a well rounded numeracy journey. Students have hand hands on experiences with 3D shapes using pop sticks and cutting them in half to create cross sections.

In our numeracy investigations students have applied their skills in practical ways. Students analysed a spinner and learnt about chance and probability. Students have also learnt budgeting by providing them with a voucher of $100 and how to plan their day at Adventure World under that budget and making the most out of the day. Students are dealing with real world situations in numeracy to help prepare them for the future.


This term in chemical sciences we have been exploring the properties of different materials, what they are made of and what they are used for. We have used our scientific skills to explore the different types of gloves. As part of investigation, we are observing the absorbency of different materials. Through our observations we also recorded the drop in temperature and the insulation by different materials.


In History, we have been learning about the contact between Australian Aboriginal people and their Asian neighbours. We have researched the reasons behind the journey, and who were their neighbours. We also learnt about the impacts of the settlement of the British on Indigenous population of Australia. Students have been able to closely look at the relationship between the Governor Arthur Phillip and the Aboriginal member of the community – Bennelong.

In Geography, we have been learning about sustainability and how we need to manage our natural resources. Students have worked in groups to create a waste management sticker for a bin and a PowerPoint presentation about sustainability – the need of the hour. Students worked on their presentation during class and collaborated effectively online after school.


Our creative minds have been blossoming this term with students working on drama and its elements. Students extended their understanding of role and situation, as they continued to explore ideas through improvisation. Students continue to explore the elements of drama and selected drama forms and styles to communicate ideas using role, situation, space, character, and time. They continue to use rehearsal processes to enhance audience engagement and shape the drama for an audience. They have also written, rehearsed and delivered speeches on topics of their own choice.

– Year 4 Teachers: Sr Diana, Sr Mamoona, Sr Rebecca, Sr Safia and Sr Zahraa

Year 5

What a year it has been! We are very blessed to be able to have face to face teaching throughout the year. We have witnessed amazing growth in students’ learning and maturity. It is very sad to say goodbye to our students. We hope that we have made an impact in your child’s learning and we wish them the very best for their future.

This is what we’ve been up to in Term 4:


We continued with our daily literacy block, which consists of guided reading activities, spelling and writing. Our writing focus for the term was Narrative and Informational Text. Most students have mastered the structure of each writing text. We hope that through consistent practice, students will become even more creative with their writing!


This term we review all strands of numeracy and incorporated higher levelled problem-solving strategies. Additionally, students have been quite ‘hands-on’ with their learning.


We investigated the three states of matter. We dove deep into the different properties of each matter and learned about how adding and removing heat can transform matters into different states. We also investigated reversible and irreversible changes. In addition, we had a guest presentation, Sr Nashwa, to help us understand viscosity.


This term we learned about the difference between needs and wants. We learned about personal and community needs and wants. Furthermore, we studied about economy. We also learned about the different resources: capital, natural and human. Apart from that, we studied how the Indigenous people utilise natural resource and knowledge of country to care for their land.


In Health, we learned about those who are in our trusted network and how to problem solve using the POOCH and Traffic Light Problem Solving strategies. Apart from that, we learned about the five happiness and success blockers and how to counter these blockers.


This term we focused on the dramatic arts. We learned to plan and structure a working script. We were also given the opportunity to perform our script using the different elements of drama. Apart from that, we also created different themed visual arts for the STEAM Fair.


Our yearly FUN RUN was a huge success and we are very encouraged to have students raise funds for the school. Students had a wonderful time completing a lap at Tomato Lake.

Sports Carnival

Our annual Sports Carnival was a hit! We were blessed to have such amazing weather to enjoy the day with many activities. The event gave us the chance to develop our ability to perform in a highly competitive setting and to build teamwork and good sportsmanship.

STEAM Exhibition

Our yearly STEAM exhibition aims to engage the 21st century learners in critical and creative thinking. This year, our Year 5 had amazing and creative projects to showcase.

– Teachers: Sr Gladys (5A), Sr Jane (5B), Sr Zakia (5C), Sr Angela (5D) & Sr Huda (5E)

Year 6

Assalamu Alaykum

Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to take the time to welcome you to the Term 4 2021 Edition of the Year 6 Newsletter.

We have had an extremely busy term with our Year 6 classes, learning in the classroom, preparing for their graduation, attending carnivals, transitioning to high school, preparing for the STEM Exhibition and much more. We are very proud of everything they have achieved this term and how far they have come.

What we are learning:


Our mornings are always busy with the literacy block where students complete their warm-ups, guided reading rotations, spelling warmups and the writing block, where they practice their narrative writing skills. This term we are focusing on persuasive writing following the 7-steps-writing structure. Students are also learning how to write fractured fairy-tales which connect with our narrative unit.


Students have one hour of numeracy every day where they complete their numeracy warm-ups for 15 minutes at the beginning of every lesson. During this warmup, they revise concepts they have learned throughout the year. This term students have been expanding their knowledge in equivalent fractions, multiplication of decimals, division of numbers larger than 999, 3D objects, nets of prisms and pyramids, chance using different objects, tree diagrams, positive and negative numbers and have been introduced to algebra and finding missing numbers. Every week students solve word problems, helping them to understand how the topics they have learned can be related into the real word, this also helps them further develop their comprehension skills and problem-solving abilities. Students have completed two investigations, helping them explore concepts taught and apply them in the real world.

Science & Design and Technologies

Throughout the term students explored the three main states of matter and how they fluctuate amongst each other through cooling or heating. During lessons, students had opportunities to conduct experiments, determine variables and draw conclusions based on their observations and the explicit teaching that occurs in a weekly basis.

For our Design and Technologies strand, students used their inquiry skills to research and construct their working models for the STEM fair. The use of circuits and kinetics was incorporated into our project elaboration. Students were heavily engaged throughout and the lessons created great discussions amongst students, helping them develop their problem-solving skills.


Students were very excited about learning business and economics throughout the term. We were able to explore through investigations how businesses work, making a budget, needs and wants of society, target audiences for success and evaluating the best approach to help businesses succeed.

Visual Arts

Students explored different elements of drama this term. Linked with their Speakers Challenge, students wrote their own speeches about a topic that they were passionate about and presented it in front of the class. Some students were chosen to compete against other year levels during assembly in front of the school, which was very exciting for them.

Sports Carnival

Students had a day filled with fun during the Upper Primary Sports Carnival. They had the chance to support their sports factions, participate in different events with their classmates and then compete in races. It was a day filled with fun, energy, and lots of chanting!

– Year 6 Teachers

High School HASS

Human Rights Day – 10.12.2021 – Spoken word

Farwa Nahoori – Yr11 Politics and law

Juvenile executions in Iran

Exploited workers in Arabia

Attacks in Myanmar

And Mercury Poisoning in Japan

People shouldn’t be judged because of a Kaftan

Or be threatened for trying to lift the country’s hijab ban

Many human rights are being violated and breached

There’s a story about a girl who looked up at bombs and just screeched

Because she knew that her time had reached

But the tragic thing is that she hadn’t been out for months on the street.

She felt like she was in her house tied and leashed

But it was better to be safe then be remains in concrete.

What’s sad is, she always wondered “will there be anything tomorrow for us to eat”

While we take for granted our rice, salads, bread and meat.

Human rights is what we must all receive

Doesn’t matter what we have or haven’t achieved

Because no person should be trying to escape and leave

Their homes, but sadly the only thing they do is grieve.

And all their government does is deceive

And make them believe, using every trick up their sleeves

Treating them as a naïve and the truth not being what they want them to perceive.

Human’s rights aren’t only for you and me,

It’s for every human no matter what religion, race, class, or creed.

So, we should try and help the less fortunate needs

Like teaching them how to write and read

Because we shouldn’t just ignore and watch nations and countries bleed

While they scream for help and plead

Because human rights deserve to always proceed

That’s why you should take up the opportunities and lead

The ummah to these righteous deeds.

Human Rights Day – 10.12.2021 – Spoken word

Hadja Jalloh – Yr 11 Politics and Law

Genocide in China,

Disasters in Haiti,

Taliban in Afghanistan,

And Zionists in Palestine.

Please don’t tell me you’re uneducated when it comes to war crimes

Or maybe this ignorance is because it doesn’t have to do with yours or mine.

Our countries, our lands might be safe but what about that country that’s on the headlines.

Might be Palestine, Iraq, or Syria or maybe if lucky they’d maybe mention Liberia.

By the way CNN, does that go against your guidelines,

Because it seems that none of your reporters have oppressed countries that they are assigned.

Many of these violations are not to be spoken

But I hadja Jalloh, know that rules are to be broken

Only if simple human rights are not to be spoken about in the open.

Do you know about human trafficking happening in Nigeria,

Or the fact that villages in Eritrea only have water affected by Bacteria

Or did the education department again forget to add it to the criteria??

I’m not trying to throw shade but, open your eyes and witness what is trying to be dismissed

Because these issues and problems really do exist.

And even a child will find it hard to miss

And the truth youse all know, have a little twist.

From starvation to child marriages and on goes the list.

Please inform me about 5 current violations, please I insist.

Human aid is needed in Sudan

Schools shut down in Cameroon

Violence to the Tigray

And protests in India

Human’s rights aren’t only for you and me,

It’s for every human no matter what religion, race, class, or creed.

No one deserves any less because who are you to oppress.

Day to day, inflicting someone to deal with so much stress.

Not recognizing they are also human, and not any less.

Stand up to violations of simple human rights.

Because while you sleep every single night,

An innocent person isn’t sleeping due to fright.

Something we can’t even understand for a slight.

Things they deal with and can’t put up a fight

Because their circumstances are so so tight.

Some more interesting work done by our High School students can be seen below:


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الْسلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته

Alhmadullilah, Term 4 has been a very productive and exciting term for everyone.

 Arabic Live Competition

The Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Western Australia (MLTAWA) organises Language competitions every year. This year they have organized a Live Languages Competition for the first time for all languages across the state. The competition consists of a short reading in Arabic followed by a live quiz. The competition took place on Friday the 29th of October. The AIC participated with two teams, one from the primary and one from the secondary. It was a very enjoyable experience for everyone. The participants of the high school team are:

  • Karim Higazy (Year 7)
  • Lujain Osama Yahya Al-Motawakel (Year 8)
  • Rukya Al Abbasi (Year 9)
  • Abdulmawla Al Mahameed (Year 9)

Arabic Award Ceremony

The Arabic Department organised an exciting Award ceremony to celebrate the students who participated in the Young Translator of the Year Competition and the Live Languages Competition. The ceremony kicked off by our respected Master of Ceremony, Sh. Faizel who engaged the students and staff with his amusing and remarkable style. After starting with the mellifluous recitation of the Holy Quran by Ibrahim Haticoglu, the students as well as staff attentively listened to the principal’s speech. To everyone’s surprise and for the first time in the history of AIC, our principal, Br Mohammad Nazar Khan, addressed the students in Arabic, with our Year 9 student Sama Ebied doing the translation in English. It was an amazing and inspiring way to show his great support to the Arabic Department and his immense love and respect to the language of the Holy Quran! What a powerful motivation for our students! May Allah swt bless him!

The program of the ceremony was full of many educational and entertaining items, including a recitation of all the Quranic verses about Arabic and their English translation, a speech about the importance of learning the Arabic Language from a scientific, religious, business, and cultural perspective by our Year 7 student Zakaria Mashadani, an item on Arabic proverbs and their English counterparts and an item on the Arabic names and their meanings. In addition to these educational items, students and staff had great fun listening to wonderful nasheeds by the Year 8 girls . And the most popular and entertaining part of the ceremony was the melodious nasheed by our amazing teachers Sh. Safdar and Br Jihad assisted by the talented Teacher Br. Timothy playing the Duff!

Alhamdullilah, the event was a huge success!

Class activities

This term, students continued to make progress in their acquisition of the Arabic language. In addition to the vocabulary and structures related to themes of the units covered this term, there was a focus on learning basic Arabic expressions where students use Arabic to talk about themselves. Students have had fun role playing interviewing other students and introducing themselves, talking about their country of origin, their age, their hobbies and other basic information about themselves.

The year 7 girls in Sh. Faizel, Br Salah and Sr Hoda’s classes enjoyed a vocabulary quiz after the Live Competition finished. It was great to see how student were actively engaged in the quiz!

We hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday and we look forward to seeing all our wonderful students next year, insha Allah

والسَّلامُ  عَلَيْكُم

Vocational Education and Training

ALHAMDULILLAH. The Vocational Education and Training (VET) department at the Australian Islamic College have achieved 100% competency across all their year 12 courses in 2021. This is due to the hard work and persistence of the trainers to make sure that our year 12 students achieve their qualifications.

I would to thank and congratulate May Elsaba, Mohamed Farish and Daniel Luxton for their efforts. With the encouragement of management, the VET department are expanding the courses available to the students. On top of what has been offered, we are introducing new courses and also training new teachers. All this is in line with the growth of vocational education at the Australian Islamic College.

The VET department recently were approached by ATC Worksmart and Coffee Club to have our student apply for School Based Traineeships where they would work at Coffee Club one day a week whilst completing a Certificate II in Hospitality. To date 5 of our students have been offered trials and the expectation is that all 5 will be offered traineeships. These students will be getting a qualification and getting paid to work at the same time.

With the expansion of the VET department, more trainers were required. Together with our RTO Ivet, the Australian Islamic College VET Department held their inductions for the new trainers and refreshers for the current trainers. This was conducted on the 15th of November. This is in line with the college starting the New Year for upper school in week 5.l It was a very informative session as the new trainers now know the expectations required from them. The preparation and upskilling required from the trainers can be daunting but InshaAllah our trainers will do what is necessary to make sure that our students are given the best training available for them to be job and industry ready. The new trainers that will be part of the VET department are Meena Rawan (Hospitality), Anita Kakar (Applied Digital Technologies) and Noor Aljrood (Community Services).

With the introduction of new VET courses at the Australian Islamic College, new facilities are required to make sure that our students are given the best possible training available. A block of classrooms has been designated for VET and they are being refurbished. The Hospitality course being offered requires a simulated environment for our students to learn. We have refurbished one of the classrooms to be an actual café where the students will not only be learning hands on but also learning in an environment where they will be working.

The Hospitality students were involved form the start of the semester with the inductions held for the year 11 and 12s. A sausage sizzle was organised for the teachers and students. The VET Hospitality students showed a keen interest in the whole process which was pleasing to see.

InshaAllah all the Vocational Education and Training students will do very well and continue in the tradition of 100% completion and competency of the VET students from the years before.

– On behalf of the VET Team

Tengku Shahrul Shah

VET Coordinator

Health and Physical Education


Dear Parents and Community Members.

Alhumdulilah we have had a great and successful term thus far, in the Health & P.E. department during term 4.  We have had our annual sports carnival which was initially rained out. This was an amazing spectacle. All the students were enthusiastically involved and participated with great sportsmanship. Our students have proven to be very talented in the track and field events, with many students setting record breaking times and distances in the events for Our School. A massive thank you to the P and F Committee for organising lunch for the students and all the teachers who helped in making the day a great success.

On the Friday of week 6, our students competed in the Badminton WA tournament. We played very well and Alhumdulilah our students represented us very well in the finals round. We have steadily been climbing up the rankings in this state tournament and insha’Allah this trend continues. This badminton academy has been achieving great success under the supervision and leadership of Sr. Crystal.

Our Lower School AFL team participated in the Annual Naitanui Competition. Our students did very well. We competed with the best teams in Perth and the students played their best. We look forward to the next competition coming up.

Term 4 has been an eventful term that has been packed with activities for all our students. Our students have had the opportunity to participate in multiple sporting codes and represent Our School in the best of ways.

We look forward to 2022 insha’Allah. This year soccer and netball were the 2 electives offered from the H.P.E department. Insha’Allah from next we intend on offering 3 more electives to our students, which are Basketball, Volleyball and Badminton.

We are grateful for your continuous support. Thank you to Our School’s management team and Our Community who are always willing to support us in every manner. JazakAllah.

Term 4 Badminton WA Tournament

Annual Sports Carnival Kewdale 2021

Annual AFL Naitanui Cup


Character Dress up Parade

Since 1945, the CBCA (Children’s Book Council of Australia) has brought children and books together across Australia through the annual CBCA Book Week, and in 2021 this event was held in October. To celebrate Book Week and encourage students to read, we started our day with a Character Dress Up Parade. Students and teachers adorned themselves with popular character costumes. From Kindy to Year 6, all classes participated in this parade that was held after morning assembly. This event was a lot of fun and full of excitement! It was D.I.Y. (do it yourself) and the most creative and fabulous costume from each class was been awarded with a book prize.

Library Book Bag

From 2022, all students from Kindy – Year 6 will be required to have a library book bag. This is to protect books from early damage. “No Bag, No Book” will be implemented from next year. 

Stocktaking and Overdue Books

The annual library stock take will take place during the last week of school. Borrowing and class visits will stop. Students are required to return all library books prior to commencement of our stocktaking. Please ensure all of your books are returned on time.


Science excursions at SciTech are a great way for our students to get our students out of the classroom and discover a new perspective on the world around them.

Students had a chance to explore the STEM activities in SciTech and explore the night sky in the interactive dome.

Next-Gen Program

Year 9 girls and boys AP classes attending the Energy Club of WA Expo at ECU Joondalup.

Major oil and gas companies running presentations and interactive activities for the students.

Students generated team points by participating in quizzes and completing challenges.

Our students were very engaged in all the activities, displayed great knowledge, creativity, and teamwork.

One of our girl’s teams was awarded second place in the competition and received a major prize of a sailing trip on the Leeuwin.

STEM Exhibition SCIENCE-2021

English Learning Area

Assalam O Alaikum

Dear parents, students and well wishers,

It has been a busy time for students engaging in the curricular and co-curricular activities organised by the English Learning Area. Please take a moment to marvel at the success of the winners of the Spoken Word Competition. Next, enjoy reading the wonderful work samples such as poems, feature articles, interviews, advertisements and news reports produced by students in their English and Journalism Elective classes. Also, have a look at how the Year 9 students managed to unpack a novel inside a bag. Incredible, isn’t it?

Thank you to all the students and teachers for their enthusiasm and hard work in English this term.

Spoken Word Competition

The English Department of High School, Kewdale conducted the Intercampus Spoken Word competition for Years 9-12. Students from Dianella and Kewdale campuses participated with zeal and enthusiasm in the event as this was an opportunity to showcase their creative and oratorical skills in a form that is relevant to today’s youth. Prizes in the Year 9 category were won by students from Dianella, while the Kewdale teams bagged all the prizes in the Years 10, 11 and 12 categories. ‘A picture speaks a thousand words’ is the adage- The pictures below speak volumes of the success of the spoken word competition.

Year 9 Category Winners

First Prize: Sana Mohmoodi, Nargis Allami and Muniira Hussein of AIC Dianella

Second Prize: Nimco Sadi Mohamed and Nadra Haibeh of AIC Dianella

Third Prize: Wajeeha Mahmood of AIC Dianella

Year 10 Category Winners

First Prize: Yara Soliman of AIC Kewdale

Second Prize: Hadja Jalloh of AIC Kewdale

Third Prize: Jasmine Elsaafin and Mariama Diallo of AIC Kewdale

Year 11 and 12 Category Winners

First Prize: Nabeela Khan of AIC Kewdale

Second Prize: Rania Atee of AIC Kewdale

Third Prize: Aisha Elmi and Sarah Saabi of AIC Kewdale

Some Poetical Musings by Year 8 students


By Muhittin Canbakis Year 8

The greens are dying

They are lying

The world is dead

They just sleep in the bed

The earth’s biggest problem pollution

There might be a solution

The poisonous air

Is a despair

Solid and liquids are suspended

Hopefully ended

Water pollution is caused by global warming

Its like throwing paper into the water which is harming

Mood is sad,

Another one is deforestation

Its deflation for oxygen

The trees are bleached, bright birches and brown

It’s knocked with a breeze


The theme of the poem is pollution its mood is sad, heart breaking and fearing. “it’s like throwing paper in the water which is harming” is a simile because it used like.” The trees are bleached, bright birches and brown” is alliteration.” The poisonous air” is a hyperbole because the air is not actually poisonous.

Erupting Volcanoes

By Abdurrahman Parkar & Hussein Qureshi Year 8


RRoaring ash, faster than the sight of the human eye

U-Up into the sky

P-Pouring lava down

TThroughout the Earth

I-In the sea

N-Nothing but rock and stone

G-Grey ash is all you can see


V-Volcanic bombs destroying people like you and me

O-Overflowing through it’s vast, vicious, and violent vent

L-Lahars destroying everything in their path

C-Calderas, so powerful, they explode when they erupt

A-Almost collapsing on top of themselves

N-No mercy to anyone

O-Over years, however, the landscape around becomes fertile and useful

E-Eruptions hotter than the sun

S-So big, some take up entire islands, some a couple hundred feet

Key for Poetic Devices:

Hyperbole = RED                            Personification = PURPLE

Alliteration = BLUE


by Zeynab Farah, Rahaf Al Shadfan, and Amina Haji

Feature Articles by Year 12 English General Students

Students of Year 12 General worked collaboratively to create online magazine exploring issues relevant to today’s youth. Please find below work samples of feature articles, advertisements and interviews:

News articles by Year 11 English students


The Year 9 Cohort has been studying the novel The Giver this term. For their assessment, they were required to create a bag or box all about novel and select or make items that have some sort of symbolic relevance to the book. Students got really creative with their bags and produced some fantastic work!

Newspaper produced by Year 9 Journalism Elective Students

– Sr. Yasmeen Kareem

HOLA, English Learning Area


Year 7-9 Maths students participated in the STEM projects. Maths dept would like to congratulate the students and their teachers for the extra amazing projects they prepared.


All the maths dept teachers always motivate their students to participate in the external competition. This year students from year 7-10 participated online for ICAS Maths assessment during school time. We would like to congratulate the students for their excellent results in ICAS Maths. We would also like to thank parents for their support in encouraging and motivating their son/ daughter for the ICAS test.



YearSubjectFirst NameLast NameAward
7Digital TechnologiesZAKARIAMASHADANIDistinction
7Digital TechnologiesFAJARQURESHIDistinction
8Digital TechnologiesRAHAANWARMerit
8Digital TechnologiesAATIKAHAQQIMerit
8Digital TechnologiesABDUL GHAFFARMOHAMMEDCredit

ACER TESTING – Progressive Achievement Tests in Mathematics

During Week 9 in Term 4, All the year 7-9 students will sit for Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) online Progressive Achievement Tests in Mathematics.

Progressive Achievement Tests in Mathematics provide information about the level of achievement of students from Year 7 to Year 9. The tests assess students’ skill and understanding in multiple-choice format in the six strands of:

  • Number
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Measurement
  • Statistics
  • Probability

The assessments also address the mathematical processes of understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning. The skills assessed by each question are mapped against the Australian National Curriculum for Mathematics.

OLNA 2022

Sitting OLNA at TAFE admissions (for entry into TAFE) while of compulsory school age TAFE admissions will run the OLNA for students seeking to enrol into TAFE courses for Semester 1, 2022. Testing will be held during November and December 2021, and in January 2021.

  • Students will only be eligible to sit the OLNA at TAFE Admissions if they did not sit the OLNA in the September 2021 round. If a student was enrolled for the September 2021 round, but did not sit, the student will still be eligible to sit the OLNA at TAFE Admissions.
  • A student of compulsory school age who sits the OLNA with TAFE admissions will have this sit counted as one of their six opportunities.
  • In addition, Year 12 students who have had their six opportunities to sit the OLNA will not be eligible to re-sit the OLNA with TAFE admissions in 2021 while they are still of compulsory school age.

Students who will complete Year 12 in 2021 can only be enrolled to re-sit the OLNA with TAFE admissions either: after they have turned 18 OR after 31 December 2021.

Year 12s who have not demonstrated the literacy and/or numeracy standard

OLNA FAQs: for individuals who have left school and who intend to re-sit the OLNA

2021 RESEARCH COMPETITION – By the University of Melbourne- School of Mathematics and Statistics

Maths Department would like to congratulate the students who entered into this competition and received the awards.



Ramla Abshir

Farhan IslamMerit
Haroun MohamedMerit
Yousef MohamedMerit
Fatima NoorainParticipation
Mahreen JedidiahParticipation
Iman MiyanjiParticipation
Farsya PutriyudhaParticipation
Fajar QureshiParticipation
Namik RahmanParticipation
Tawqeer SaiyedParticipation
Zidnee SalamParticipation
Usman MariumParticipation


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Alhamdulillah, ten Year 9 girls were blessed to be given the opportunity to join 230 other like-minded girls from across Perth to meet professionals in Mathematics and related disciplines who are passionate about its study and application. The annual Maths Empowering Girls Day, held on Tuesday 30 November 2021, enabled Year 9 girls to recognise the amazing opportunities available from studying higher level maths and appreciate the value of maths and mathematical thinking. The event also highlighted the important role we all have to play in breaking down the stereotypes and gendered roles in our communities.

The day started with very inspiring guest speakers Cheryl E Praeger AC and Renee Gardiner who are experts in their fields of work, sharing their stories and how they use maths and statistics in their day-to-day jobs. This was followed by 3 interesting workshops to see how women are using maths to accomplish great feats.

Firstly, our girls visited the Curtin HIVE (Hub for Immersive Visualisation and eResearch). It is an advanced facility established by the university to serve the growing demands of researchers and industry for visualisation, virtualisation and simulation capabilities in Western Australia. During the session, our girls were introduced to how cratering occurs on Mars, explored a “Crater Counting” activity and even used a VR facility to calculate the actual lengths across craters on Mars.

Next, we attended a ‘Growth Mindset’ workshop, a session aimed at making you think about how you think about mathematics. Our girls learned about ways to tackle problems with a mathematical thinking approach, connecting ideas and recognising the amazing patterns that exist naturally in the world around us.

Finally, we got to have some fun playing with the TI Rover, providing our girls with a new way to experience and connect mathematics, coding and movement. It was a valuable session that encourages them to ask, “what if…?” and inspires them to persist in finding solutions to make the vehicle perform the way they want it to.
Alhamdulillah, it was a momentous day for all of us, evidently helping the girls elevate their confidence and understanding, seeing what they could achieve in the future and how many jobs actually include mathematics. Because notably, mathematics is the doorway to a multitude of exciting educational and career pathways.

– Mdm Surianah Rosli

Year 9 Maths Teacher


Assalam O Alaikum

Dear Readers

The Religion Department had a busy start to term four with multiple events in the first few weeks of the term. The term started with Seerah Week, Islamic Studies quiz competition, Stem exhibition and an assignment on the kindness of the Prophet .

These events have certainly been a major success.

I sincerely thank the principal and the Religion staff for their support and contribution to these amazing events. Read further to understand what the events were about and view some delightful pictures of the events.

Seerah Week

Seerah Week is a yearly event held in the month of Rabi’ul Awwal. It is one of the highlights of the year and probably the most important week of the school calendar.

The purpose of Seerah Week is celebrate the life of the Prophet ﷺ through assembly talks, nasheeds and Quran recitation as shown in the program below.

Islamic Studies quiz

Coinciding with Seerah Week was an Islamic Studies quiz competition held for the year 7 to 9 students.

Year 7 – stories of the prophets

Year 8 – Biography of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq

Year 9 – Mothers of the Believers

Each year level was given 100 questions and answers about their given topic to memorise. A large number of students took up the challenge to memorise the 100 facts during the school break.

The first round was held in the classroom. The topic three from each class then competed in the second round against the top three from other classes in the same year level. The top 5 from round two competed in the finals. 1st, 2nd and 3rd received trophies and a gift and 4th and 5th received a certificate and a gift. The award ceremony was held on the last day (Friday) of Seerah Week.

We thank Br Abdullah Khan, Sr Rana Baghdadi and Sr Sehrish Chaalni for being our honorable guests and for assisting with the distribution of the awards.

3rd place

Yr 7 – Bilal Mohamed

Yr 8 – Latifa Shuard

Yr 9 – Abeeha Kamran

2nd place

Yr 7 – Akifa Kamarul Bahrain

Yr 8 – Hussein Qureshi

Yr 9 – Zainab Al-Ghafil

1st place

Yr 7 – Zidnee Salam

Yr 8 – Ramla Abshir Mohamed

Yr 9 – Fadheelah Shah

Finals participants (other than top three)

  1. Khalid Aliyi
  2. Amira Alviar
  3. Hassanatou Bah
  4. Zaria Amer Malik
  5. Nasrullahi Mohamed
  6. Bushra Daabaj

Seerah Exhibition (part of the Stem exhibition)

This is the first year that the Religion Department is participating in the Stem Exhibition. We sincerely thank the principal, Br Khan, for encouraging the Religion Department’s participation. The Stem project was headed by Br Jihad Houachar and assisted by Sr Hajara Bhorat and a few students.

The Stem project was a physical replica of the house of the Prophet ﷺ as founded in authenticated historical records. The main frame was a gazebo with palm branches as a a front. The inside included many clay items which were made by the students under the guidance and supervision of Sr Hajara Bhorat.

There we also the 9 swords, bow and arrow and other items of the Prophet ﷺ . These were made by the woodwork class under the guidance and supervision of Br Jihad Houachar.

On the outside of the ‘house’ was the family tree of the Prophet ﷺ displayed and a picture of the house of the Prophet ﷺ.

The Stem project also included a VR (Virtual Reality) demonstration of aspects of the life the Prophet ﷺ. This was a major highlight for the students who were all wowed by the amazing images of life in the time of the Prophet ﷺ.

There was a continuous line of people waiting to enter this part of the exhibition, including many teachers and administration. This was certainly a major success.

Kindness of the Prophet

The Year seven Islamic Studies classes were given an assignment to extract the quality of kindness from a verse of the Quran. The verse 159 from Surah Aal Imraan was used to describe the kindness of the Prophet ﷺ. Students were challenged to extract six examples from the verse that shows the kindness of the Prophet ﷺ to the Sahaaba (companions).

Below are some examples of the great work done by our Year seven students.

– Sh Yusuf Parker

HOLA – Religion

Deputy Principal Lower Secondary

Assalamu’Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillah, as the 2021 school year draws to a close, I look back proudly on the huge assortment of activities and achievements by our students. It is a good time to reflect on what we have achieved, update upon some important changes and look forward to an even more successful 2022.

I would like to acknowledge the hard work of all our teachers and parents for their continuous support towards the school.

Year 6 Orientation Sessions

Our 2022 Year 7 cohort from AIC Kewdale Primary and Thornlie had orientation sessions in Kewdale high school. They conducted the High School Assembly as part of the Transition Program before attending the information session and tour of the high school. It was great to see their smiling faces for orientation during Week 6 & 8. I know many had siblings or other family members already enrolled in AIC High School but for others, being the oldest, it was their first taste of high school. They were impressed by the curriculum options available to our students and were looking forward to their high school journey starting next year.

Merit Awards for academic achievement

Congratulations to all the recipients of Year 7 – 9 Merit Awards presented in Term 4 to acknowledge students’ Term 3 academic achievements. It is important to remember that the criteria for these awards is rigorous and not easily handed out – therefore all the worthier!

End of Term 3 Results Analysis

Individual student results were analysed after End of Term 3 reporting cycle to provide students with the opportunity to gain an understanding of how they have progressed through from last reporting cycle in the four core subjects: English, Maths, HASS, and Science.

Year 7 – 9 students received their End of Term 3 result analysis in Week 2 of Term 4 which included their GPA for the End of Term 3 reporting cycle. The result analysis helps students identify their strengths and weaknesses and allows them to plan their next steps towards achieving their goals.

Digital Footprint

Digital footprint, digital shadow, online reputation, digital tattoo — whatever you call it, it’s a term that’s too important to ignore yet often isn’t discussed in homes or classrooms.

When you write the digital story of your life, the pen is not always in our hand.

In just a weeks’ time, you are going to toss your backpacks and schoolbooks aside for a well-earned break. This also means that you will be looking for things to do! Some of those things will inevitably involve tech

Every online step you take can leave a digital trail. It’s called your digital footprint and it’s made up of all the information about you on the internet. This includes the trail that you knowingly leave, such as comments and images, and the information that you may unknowingly leave, such as your logons and your browsing history. We all have the power to decide what the picture of us will look like, so paint a positive picture of yourself.


Think about content and the consequences of posting it. Are you aware that something that happens on the spur of the moment – a funny picture, an angry post – can still be online years later?


Don’t make comments, post images or forward something that might upset someone else.


Strengthen privacy settings, use strong passwords, change passwords regularly and do not share them.


Type your name into a search engine looking for images as well as text. If you’re not happy with anything you find, remove the content yourself if possible, or politely ask the person who posted it to delete it.


Showcase the positive things you do through blogs, images, video, and community participation.

For more information

With the term approaching the threshold of the extended summer holidays, everyone is wished a relaxing and safe experience. Time to recharge and spend time with family, friends and acquiring new memories.

May Allah SWT help and guide us to nurture the souls and minds of our students for them to achieve success.

– Sr.Sehrish Chaalni

Deputy Principal – Lower Secondary

Kewdale Campus

Physical Education

Welcome to our Term 4 edition of Physical Education news!

This term was a VERY busy term with many activities taking place in the Physical Education department.

We had our Fun Run Ceremony, thank you to all students who were sponsored for the fun run. The total amount raised was $2155! Well done to each individual student for their effort.

We had two MASSIVE sport carnivals this term, one for lower primary and one for upper primary. It was a wonderful day full of sportsmanship, team work and fun. Well done to the Royal Bluebells and Golden Wattles for winning the lower and Upper Sports Carnival.


We would like to recognise the top students from Year 3-6 who finished with high points from the Sports Carnival sprints. Congratulations to our winners below:


Year 3: Abdullah Aliyi

Year 3: Maryam Raja

Year 3: Abeer Fayyaz

Year 3: Juwan Fatani

Year 3: Anisa Hendricks

Year 3: Muhammad Yousaf

Year 4: Aboody Ali

Year 3: Mohamed Daabaj

Year 4: Aseel Alkoud

Year 4: Raiha Yasir

Year 4: Abdalrhman Abu Shnaf

Year 4: Zakariyya Holic

Year 5: Ahmed Al Mahamed 

Year 4: Naba Tubar

Year 4: Hamse Aideed

Year 5: Zaheedat Owode

Year 4: Rahma Abubakar

Year 5: Hamedah Mohammadi

Year 6: Mahparah Taher

Year 5: Zakariya Abshir Mohamed

Year 5: Muhammad Tharieq Ashari


Year 5: Rahaf Salih

Year 6: Amina Abdi


Year 6: Zainuddin Zilic

Year 6: Anzal Alvi


Years 6: Dareen Abdelaal

Year 6: Muhammad Al Mahameed

We had our annual Fun Run over two days in Week 6 at Tomato Lake, where the students enjoyed their run/walk with their teachers. Well done to all the students who participated in this year’s fun run!

We look forward to a bigger year in 2022!

– Sr Nuria

Physical Education Coordinator (Primary)

Digital Technologies

Another great term has been completed by the students of AIC Kewdale primary. Our students have been actively involved in many activities this term.

Some highlights to look forward to in this terms newsletter are:

  • Using iPads
  • Coding
  • Minecraft Education
  • Game creation through coding

Pre-primary and Year 1

This term our Pre-primary and Year one students have been exploring iPad use, questioning and thinking about, what applications may offer and how to use them. We have been exploring, planning, devising and making digital stories, using the Art Marker App. Our students have been given the opportunity to generate and record design ideas through describing, drawing, modelling using sequencing in written or spoken steps.

We have also looked at representation of data – and that data can have patterns and be represented as pictures and symbols. Students have worked very hard to produce a digital story with a voice over recording that they will later get the opportunity to save and send to their loved ones.

Year 2

Following on Term 3, students have applied their algorithm knowledge and used Bee Bots to code it to the final destination using various Bee Bot mats. They have also used the online Bee Bot emulator. Students gave instructions to a friend and their partner would show their algorithm on the online Bee Bot platform.


Year 3

In Year 3, students have been exploring peripheral devices and their functions. Students understand that there are more than one device that can be connected to a digital system.

To consolidate their understanding students created a virtual computer using PowerPoint.


Year 4

Year 4 students have consolidated their coding knowledge and have completed various games and animation creations on Scratch.

Year 5

Students continued to create projects on Scratch. This term the Year 5 students created a maze game using Scratch. They have also been introduced to micro:bits and have started creating interactive coding projects using the micro:bit coding platform.

Year 6

This term, we looked at continuing our coding projects on Minecraft Education. Students created pixel art projects. We also explored binary numbers and Microsoft Excel.

Head Office

139 President Street, Kewdale WA 6105

Phone: 08) 9362 2100

Fax: (08) 9362 5810

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