Newsletter – Term 2 – Kewdale Campus

Executive Principal Message

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh

Dear Parent/Guardian and Community Members

Providing quality education, which is full of Islamic manners and values, is indeed a real challenge with current global pandemic. I ask Allah (SWT) to help us all accomplish the objectives we have set for AIC. I am sure that with the grace of Allah (SWT), parental support, and the help of the community we will Insha’Allah be able to face the challenges and will achieve our goals. I shall continue to work with you for the best interests of our beloved children and our community at large.

AIC has been working on swimming pool complex building project for more than two years, and I am now pleased to inform you all that the swimming pool complex at Kewdale Campus is ready for students for Term 3, 2022. We will update you of the start date for swimming classes for Term 3, 2022 and the swimming uniform purchases in collaboration with One World Uniform.

Australian Islamic College on behalf of Human Appeal, took part in fundraising campaigns this term to raise funds for Somalia and Yemen in Ramadan and have raised around $30,489.26. Thank you to all our staff, students and their parents and community who contributed to these very worthy causes. May Allah (SWT) reward you all abundantly.

Make sure you look for AIC on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms for regular updates on all that is happening in and around our campuses.

Jazak’Allah Khairan for entrusting your child to us. I can assure you, we are more than willing to do all that it takes to make sure our schools are outstanding institutions, where our students get both their souls and minds nurtured. Such a mission is not possible without your continued full support and cooperation, and I look forward to working together now and into the future.

We call upon Allah (SWT) the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, to continue to provide, protect and guide us all and I wish our staff and students a happy term break.

Kind Regards,

Abdullah Khan
Executive Principal

Principal’s Message

From the Principal’s Desk

Dear Parents & Guardians

Assalam o Alaikum

As Term 2 ends, I take this opportunity to thank you for your support and understanding. The challenges of the pandemic have caused us to adapt to how we teach, work, and interact while dealing with students’ & teachers’ absences. However, the school continued to offer students the best possible learning opportunities. 

Seeing so many of you on Parent & Teachers evening was great. Thank you very much for admiring and supporting our staff and teachers. Your feedback is always valuable to us. It was also pleasing meeting you during the School’s Annual Quran Recitation Contest

Alhamdulillah, the school continues to thrive as we continue to develop our education programs at school and outside the classroom initiatives such as educational field trips, excursions, incursions, and exhibitions. Our sports program continues to be very busy and successful. We were delighted to support our Year 10 & 12 students with highly subsidized weekend classes. It has been a jam-packed term with students’ success to celebrate, and the details are on other pages of the newsletter.

A vital feature of the school is the active involvement of students in the life of the school. The voices of our students are imperative in school life. The school visions of student leaders are to provide opportunities to develop caring young people who are optimistic, passionate, able to use their knowledge to help others and genuinely interested in people and their needs, supportive, and empathic.

I must mention Sr. Fatima Peyman, one of our former brilliant students, an enthusiastic social worker and a promising politician who has been elected as a Senator from WA in the Australian Parliament.  Fatima joined the Oath Taking Ceremony of the leadership team as a guest of honour. Her presence not only inspired our students but has also provided student leaders to commit to each other to work together, take the initiative & commit to being where each person’s contribution is needed and valued.

I want to congratulate Student Leadership Team for the honour and trust that students have given to them; I hope they will be able to meet their expectations as good Muslim and Australian citizens.

At this juncture, I would also like to draw your attention to the school’s concerns that every parent must take notice of. There has been an increase in non-school issues impacting our students’ academics and behaviour. Unfortunately, we are also experiencing several situations like other schools where social media has been the vehicle for inappropriate behaviour by students.  We have had to deal with students using social media to be unkind to others, causing behaviour coordinators to spend a considerable amount of time trying to manage issues and situations.

The school has been advising and helping students to realize their digital responsibilities and the dangers associated with the inappropriate use of social media sites such as Facebook, Snapchat, and others. Find out what they are putting out there for everyone to see. I also request to be vigilant about your child’s use of social media and chat apps; take time to have your child show you their social media sites and go through their apps.

The school ensures the safety of all students; please be advised that if any student is cyberbullying, sexting, or posting text or images that disturb the learning environment at school, it will be dealt with seriously as a school matter. The Deans of Students will ensure that the School Behaviour Policy & Student Code of Conduct is enforced.

Recently, the school has noticed Vaping, a relatively new phenomenon amongst our young people. There have been some instances of students vaping at high school. We take this issue very seriously due to the adverse health effects vaping can have on our students.

On Friday, 10 June, the Minister for Education and Training, the Honorable Sue Ellery MLC, mentioned her concern and announced the new WA Schools Anti-Vaping Toolkit. At school, through our Pastoral Care Services and Health Curriculum, we continue to raise awareness of vaping and the dangers surrounding e-cigarettes.

The most significant misunderstanding about vapes is that they are harmless compared to cigarettes. It is not true; vapes are not safe.


  • Many vapes contain nicotine making them very addictive.
  • The nicotine in 1 vape can equal 50 cigarettes.
  • Vapes can contain the same harmful chemicals found in cleaning products, nail polish remover, weed killers, and bug spray. They just don’t put it on the pack.
  • Vapes can leave young people at increased risk of depression and anxiety.
  • Young people who vape are three times as likely to take up smoking cigarettes.
  • Vape aerosol is not water vapour.
  • Vaping has been linked to severe lung disease.
  • Vapes that contain nicotine can cause long-lasting adverse effects on young people’s brain development.

Whether you suspect your child is vaping or not, take the time to talk to them about vaping and help them understand the risks. Try to start the conversation in a relaxed, easy-going way, be patient, and remember your goal is to have a conversation, not deliver a lecture. Importantly, have your facts ready.

Get the evidence and facts at

Like all risk-taking behaviours, we need to highlight the dangers to our young people and provide them with the information they need to make informed decisions.

We will continue to provide students with health information through our Health Curriculum, Theme of The Week, and Pastoral Care programs on ‘vaping’ and other harmful activities.

Dear parents & guardians, we ask for your help and support with this. Please have a conversation with your children about the effects these products have on their bodies and outline the serious consequences they will face at school should they make poor choices.

We have zero tolerance for students bringing banned substances to school or supplying them to other students. E-cigarettes or vapes are considered a banned substance, and students involved in this type of activity will face the following consequences:

  • Supplying e-cigarettes to other students (anywhere and anytime): 5-day suspension at home, a parent interview to discuss continued enrolment at school.
  • In possession or using e-cigarettes at school: 3-day suspension at home, reflective activity on the health effects, and a parent interview.

We thank you for your support in keeping our young people safe and well.

I would like to personally extend my thanks to our teachers and staff as we complete another successful term with excellent teaching & learning practice at school.

I hope your child has a restful holiday with the family. The students in Years 10, 11, and 12 need to balance rest with some serious revision as their examinations start soon into Term 3, in sha Allah.


Br. Mohammed Nazar Khan


Kewdale Campus

Deputy Principal High School

Alhamdulillah, Term 2 was once again a busy and demanding time for our students and teachers, filled with academic classwork, exams, assessments, and co-curricular activities.

We have a wonderful student body, and the vast majority are making the most of every opportunity available to them. In the coming term, we will be focussing on a couple of the ‘little things’ – respect and classroom expectations. It is these elements that can have a real impact on our community and the academic life of our students.

Alhamdulillah, Term 2 was once again a busy and demanding time for our students and teachers, filled with academic classwork, exams, assessments, and co-curricular activities.

We have a wonderful student body, and the vast majority are making the most of every opportunity available to them. In the coming term, we will be focussing on a couple of the ‘little things’ – respect and classroom expectations. It is these elements that can have a real impact on our community and the academic life of our students.

Term 2 holiday is a good time to reset and ensure we are starting Term 3 well. To assist with this, I ask that you have discussions with your child/ren about respect and class expectations over the coming weeks in the lead up to their return to Term 3.

School Expectations – In Class

Teachers are always keen to maximise class time. It gives us more time to teach concepts, to support those who need a little longer than normal to comprehend an idea or to extend those who are ready to grasp something a little more difficult – to teach your child as an individual.

Please speak with your child about how they can maximise the opportunity you are providing to them by sending them to AIC. The vast majority do it well, but it doesn’t hurt any of them to be reminded that to make the most of this they should be ensuring they are at class on time, bringing their equipment, doing their best and ensuring they are not interrupting the learning of others.

Year 10 – 12 Academic Support

Throughout semester one, senior school students have been counselled and presented to about setting targets, devising plans to action their goals and to constantly check back on their progress. Regular cohort meetings to share group progress has improved student’s motivation and commitment towards success.

From Study Skills sessions, Career Expo, weekend and after-school exam revision workshops, online after-school support sessions, our senior school students were busy focusing towards improving their academic skills and performance.

Year 10 and 11 students will soon embark on the course selection journey planning forward for 2022. We have conducted Pathway Planning sessions along with one-to-one Career counselling sessions taking place early Term 3.

Year 10 & 12 Tutoring Sessions

Year 10 & 12 after-school and weekend tuition sessions were conducted by Academic Task Force, ACE Tutors and our Year 10 & 12 teachers to feed-forward information that will assist towards delivering the content of current and upcoming curriculum units. Topics covered during these sessions range from understanding the curriculum intent to demonstrating the practical application of subject relevant strategies in exam specific revision sessions.

Student Leadership Oath Taking Ceramony

Congratulations to all the students who were nominated to be on the Student Council.

Student Leadership Oath Taking Ceremony was held at AIC Kewdale on 13 June 2022 where a new student leadership team, elected by students was sworn in.

The event was attended by special guest and AIC Alumni, Sr. Fatima Payman. She spoke to the students and shared her experiences of being in the student leadership at AIC and how it shaped her political career.

The following students have been selected by their classes to be representatives on the Student Council of 2022:

Head Boy: Adni Abdat

Head Girl: Sarah Saabi

Deputy Head Boy: Mohamed Essa

Deputy Head Girl: Hadja Jalloh

Student Council Names:

Year 7 BoysYear 7 Girls
Rida AlabbasiSara Kushkaki
Abdullah YacoutMomina Khan
Ahmed QureshiNazeeha Khan
Wisaam Ismail
Year 8 BoysYear 8 Girls
Ammar FurqanHafsah Hamidi
Anes ElkasehFatima Atra
Mohamud MohamudHibo Omar
Year 9 BoysYear 9 Girls
Layth Al-ObaidiMaida Mahamud
Abdul GaffarRamla Abshir Mohamed
Mohamed MohamedRaha Anwar
Year 10 BoysYear 10 Girls
Abdulmawla Al MahameedRuba Ashami
Zakaria NabySehrish Roshan
Nikhat Sultana
Year 11 BoysYear 11 Girls
Zayd RashidRahma Abdelgadir
Tarek HawcharMariama Diallo
Year 12 BoysYear 12 Girls
Amir Hassan HabibCamelia Abdul Rahman
Farhan IslamZahra Almajbool
Awabdi MustafaHamdi Ali

The Student Council is a committee of nominated students that represent the students of AIC Kewdale. They will be involved in organising fundraising, attending meetings, talking to their peers and to assist the facilitation of activities during field events. Members will be required to attend regular meetings to discuss events that may be approaching. They will be involved in some important decision-making processes across the school. Br. Shady and Sr. Rahat as Deans of Students will be coordinating the Student Council this year.

Excellence Awards

At the heart of Australian Islamic College is a desire for the full flourishing of each student, across religious, physical, cognitive, emotional and social domains.

Excellence awards are given to students across Year 7 -12 who have excelled in both their behaviour and academics throughout the term. To recognise and celebrate students who:

  • Achieve academic excellence
  • Demonstrate exemplary learning skills and work habits
  • Exemplify personal faith and values enabling them to contribute to the spiritual life of the College
  • Exemplify leadership and teamwork
  • Exemplify courage, generosity, community, and perseverance
  • Make outstanding contributions to community service and sport
  • Portray personal qualities enabling them to overcome obstacles and setbacks.

Eid Festival

AIC Kewdale hosted an Exclusive Eid Festival on 20 May 2022 for our high school students in celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr.

The celebrations started with an Eid Exclusive assembly followed by events planned for the day.

3D and 5D Virtual Reality by Light Art VR was a big hit amongst students and staff. It was a one-of-a kind fully immersive experience that took viewers 1400 years back to Pre-Islamic Mecca, before Prophet Muhammad’s first revelation to the Miraculous journey of Isra and Miraj.

AIC had its first gaming competition on the Eid festival. Students had fun competing against each other on the enormous LED screen. A big thank you to Br. Kareem for arranging the gaming tournament.

We had food trucks, basketball matches, photo booth, henna, Movie theatre and cake stalls throughout the day which were enjoyed by one and all.

A big thank you to our student councillors and teachers for organising a day filled with fun and activities. We hope everyone enjoyed their eid celebration.

Year 12 Formal Dinner

By the grace of Allah swt, on Saturday, 4th June, Year 12 students, members from the management and staff attended the 2022 Year 12 Formal Dinner held at the River View Room at Optus Stadium Perth.

Mashallah it was a grand and splendid evening of celebrations and a blessing from Allah swt.

Students were offered soft drinks and juices on arrival, as they greeted, mingled and interacted with each other, before the start of the event. At the entrance of the River View Room a scrapbook was placed for the guests to write some farewell messages for the class of 2022. Students also had an opportunity to take fun photos in the photo booth, which attracted the huge crowd that evening.

The beautifully decorated tables at River View Room were a perfect setting to cherish the evening and to make some beautiful memories.

Gratitude is the path of loving Allah swt, keeping this theme in our hearts and souls, we sailed through that magnificent night beautifully, Mashallah. Gratitude is not only the heart and essence of Islam; it is also the key to attracting abundance, prosperity, peace, and success in one’s life. We can say that Gratitude and Shukr are the most important aspects of Islam. 

The blissful event started by the recitation of some versus from The Holy Quran. Br Abdullah Khan, CEO, and Br Mohamad N Khan, Principal gave some wonderful speeches to our promising year 12 students. The guests had a selection of scrumptious food through the night, followed by lavish desert.

The student’s council organized some very interesting, fun filled events like a Kahoot quiz, superlative nominations, and one of the main highlights of the event was the “Commendations Awards” for various students, which everyone enjoyed.

Alhamdulillah, it was a delightful, amazing and successful night, the college would like to recognize, acknowledge and congratulate the Yr 12 teachers, the senior management and the year 12 student councillors for their unmeasurable efforts. May Allah swt guide all of us to the right path always, and protect our youth, ameen.

Deputy Principal Primary

Assalamu Alakum

Dear parents and guardians, staff and the wider community

 I hope this message finds you in the best of health and Iman in sha Allah. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, parents and teachers for their continual efforts and initiatives to make our school a home and a place where students feel a sense of belonging. I would like to highlight some of the wonderful activities.

School events

  • School life this term has been tremendously full of wonder and excitement. This term, the school has engaged in wonderful activities such as the fun run around Tomato lake, sausage sizzle, pizza day orders and a leadership ceremony where students took the oath of leadership as well as the Kindy and Pre-primary sport carnivals. We have had 2 competitions this term in the areas of religious instruction. One was a Sunnah competition during Ramadan where students engaged in doing as many good deeds as possible and a Quran recitation contest where Kewdale Primary took 5 out of 6 first place positions. We were so incredibly proud of the students and their teachers that helped assist the students to develop in their Quran recitation. The highlight of the term is where the students had an Eid day festival at Kewdale primary. The students indulged in a beautiful day of fun and wonder to help celebrate the Eid festivities.

I would also like to shed light on some important items that I would kindly request all parents to reminded of:

  1. Punctuality
  • It is critical for students to be on school grounds from 8:00 am- 8:20 am. Students need to be on time to start the day off with the recitation of Allah’s names, his book and daily supplications that provide students the best opportunity to start their day on the right foot.
  • Also, the reading lesson is the first lesson of the day. If students come late, they miss out on one of the most crucial part of Instruction which the school has implemented starting from 8:30 am. So please have your children arrive on time so they do not miss out on important announcements and instruction time.
  1. Uniform
  • Now that wintertime is here, I want to see all students take pride and honour in their daily presentation of their uniform including solid black school shoes. School jackets are part of the uniform and students must come to school in the correct uniform. Students need to make sure a clean and tidy uniform is presented daily.  I would like to thank all the parents who send their students to school every day with a high standard of presentation every day.

I hope in sha Allah the future is bright and fruitful for you, your families, and your loved ones.  I hope to see you all real soon inshaAllah.                                                

Zana Hassan

Deputy Principal

Kewdale Primary

Assistant Principal – Upper

Dear Parents,

Having taught at AIC for the past 15 years I think it is safe to say that most of you would already know me, but I would still like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Sr. Hissen, and I was recently appointed a new role at AIC as the upper school Assistant Principal for year 10 to 12 students.

I set myself targets within my new role and that was to make sure that all my students understand the importance of showing up and never giving up. I have spent a lot of time with your child working on their understanding on the importance of working hard to get to where you want.

I have had cohort meetings which I called “Reality Checks” which explained to your child what they needed to do in order to achieve their dreams. I have also analysed your child’s results and given them options of how we are going to achieve better. I have worked very closely with your child’s pastoral care coordinator who are doing an amazing job of helping me keep your child on track.

In Shaa Allah with your cooperation and support I believe when we work together, we can see your child achieve their dreams.

I look forward to working with you all more closely in the future.

Kind regards,

Sr. Hissen Marouff

Assistant Principal – Lower


Dear Parents and Guardians,

It is a privilege to serve as the Assistant Principal for the Lower Secondary at Australian Islamic College (AIC), Kewdale Campus. I have been fortunate to be involved in our students’ academic progress.  My role is to facilitate and increase the capacity of our school to offer and deliver the best education for our students. The most important step towards increasing our students’ academic capacity is to inform them of their current academic capabilities and then plan and implement effective strategies to increase student academic capacity through identifying their strengths and weaknesses. Recently, I have held several information sessions with our Yr7-9 students, and I handed out their Grade Point Average summary sheets to discuss where they are at and how they could plan and progress to increase their academic capacity. Our students were informed about some effective strategies of how to enhance their learning experiences in their classrooms as well as developing intrapersonal skills.

The single most important part of your child’s education is regular attendance. Attendance matters, evidence shows that missing a substantial amount of school can be detrimental for students’ academic achievement. Attendance rate is linked with student success in short- and long-term educational outcomes. Each day our students miss out on school is associated with lower achievement in literacy and numeracy skills. I encourage our students, parents, and our school community to work together and communicate when your child is absent from school.

It is essential that our students’ parents speak with their child’s classroom teacher and find out what work your child needs to keep up. Develop an absence learning plan and ensure that your child adheres to it.   When schoolwork involves parents, students learn more. Parents are a child’s first teachers and can instil values that encourage school learning. At AIC we aim to build strong alliances with parents and welcome their active participation in their child’s educational goals and the importance of setting high expectations for each child through stronger ties of communication.

I look forward to meeting you and supporting your child’s growth and educational journey with us.


Sr Anita Kakar


Alhamdulillah for another wonderful term with the lovely Pre-Primaries.

This term has been filled with many School Events that have enriched our term. The children have worked so hard in all aspects of their learning. It is nice to see them feeling more at ease with the nature of full-time school and excel in their social relationships.


In Pre-Primary, we have adopted the PLD Approach to teaching Phonics which has really assisted in building a solid foundation of sounds. We have begun to consolidate the Letters and Sounds and at the same time began to blend and segment simple 2-3 letter words. We have focused on Oral Language skills as most if not all students speak English as a second language. To do this, we have adopted “News” where children have a go at speaking to their peers in a more formal setting. “News” builds confidence and encourages the development of grammar as well as vocabulary. It also gives the children an avenue to express themselves. The topics we have explored this term were aimed at developing their Descriptive Language.


We also officially visited the Library this term. We made our very own Library Bags and we also got to borrow books. We are teaching the children responsibility by taking the books home for shared reading, learning how to turn the pages, and also bringing the book and bag back to school on the correct day.


In Numeracy, children are still learning the Numbers 0-20 and how to write them accurately. We have been focused on counting and representing quantities up to 20 and ensuring that we can touch and count the correct amount. We also introduced 3D shapes, the children have been practicing their cutting and folding skills by making a 3D shape using the net provided. It is an amazing opportunity to learn about shapes in a hands-on way as well as further developing their fine motor skills.


This term we are exploring Physical Sciences- movement and materials. We explored different ways people and animals can move. We also researched the different types of materials and their attributes. The Pre-Primaries investigated how we move in the playground. They observed their friend doing different things in the playground and recorded the different body parts used to create this movement.

The Arts: Drama

Our focus in The Arts this term is Drama. Children learn the different skills of Drama such as using Voice and Movement. We have participated in many learning experiences that practice these skills like Animal Walk, Facial Expressions, integrating and making actions for the Nasheed- Allah made everything. We are also exploring Tableau or Freeze Frames, as a photograph that tells a story. Children focus on the beginning, middle and end and have to change their actions and expressions for each frame.

Specialist Classes

Physical Education

This has been an Active term for the Pre-Primary children! Sr Nuria has organised a 4-week Footy Clinic for the children where they learn the rules of the game, the skill of footy and how to play together in a team. We have unfortunately had to miss a few sessions due to the rain but will pick it back up before the term ends InshaAllah.

Fun Run

We also participated in our Annual Fundraising event: The Fun Run around Tomato Lake. Children raised funds for the school through sponsorship from their friends and family and win a prize! It was a lovely morning with beautiful weather, for our walk around Tomato Lake.

Early Childhood Sports Carnival

We also had the Early Childhood Sports Carnival that is a great pre-cursor to our Athletics Carnival at the end of the year. The Pre-Primary children had running races and participated in an Egg and Spoon Race, Bean Bag Race and Flag Race.


Constable Care Incursion

We had an amazing experience at the Constable Care Incursion at our school. The topic we engaged with was about First Aid Emergencies. We were treated to a puppet show that discussed different scenarios where an emergency can occur. We learnt to speak to an adult and dial 000 in the event of an emergency. The incursion was extremely engaging and interactive.

Eid Festival

We were so excited for the much anticipated Eid Festival which took place this term. The Pre-Primaries had an Animal Farm and some Bouncy Castles. We also set up some activities for the students and our very own Pre-Primary Teachers provided Face painting to the children. They had a wonderful time and always enjoy petting and feeding the cute, cuddly animals.

It has been wonderful being able to connect with the parents again as the school opened its doors with eased restrictions. It is always so important for parents and teachers to build a strong relationship to support the needs of the children. Thank you to all the parents for connecting with us on this journey for their child’s success.

With that, we have come to the end of the First Semester of Pre-Primary and what a journey it has been. The next semester will be about learning more skills, consolidating and extending knowledge as well as deepening relationships built.

Semester 2, we are ready for you!

Pre-Primary Team

Year 1

We started Term 2 with a bang right after the blessed month of Ramadan! The Year 1s were busy learning and exploring and became more independent and responsible citizens of our school.

Let us take a sneak peek on what they did this term:

Eid Poster and Cards

The students were extremely excited about Eid and made Eid cards for their family, friends or teachers. They created their Eid cards and posters using different words, pictures, paints, pencil, markers and crayons. The cards and posters were displayed on the classroom windows and they took a lot of pride to view and share their thoughts about the cards and posters!

Morning Fitness

Maintaining good health and fitness is important at any age.  Not only does it improve overall physical wellbeing, but it also improves mental health too!  We got our Year 1s started early in life on good health and fitness habits. 

SSEND teacher visits Year 1A:

A teacher from School of Special Educational Needs: Sensory (Department of Education, Statewide Services) visited the Year 1A class. Ms Bron read a light-hearted book to the children and  highlighted the value of effective communication.


In Term 2 we celebrated the hard work and talent of our year 1 students in the core subjects as well as for Quran and Islamic Studies. These are the top 3 positions from the Year 1 cohort Ma Sha Allah!


  • 1st Ama Amanful;
  • 2nd Syed Hashir Ali;
  • 3rd Bareerah Abdullah Haffejee


  • 1st Nubair Hassan;
  • 2nd Omar Ali;
  • 3rd Talal Bin Abid


  • 1st Tobias Mahoney;
  • 2nd Norah Lugumaan;
  • 3rd Shaheer Aijazi


Narrative writing: In writing we have been learning about the narrative structure. We have been using the 7 steps to learn how to piece together our own writing. Be careful parents – the children are superstars! I am sure they will surprise you with their awesome piece of narrative writing!


A lot of focus has been given on reding this term. We follow the Sharp Reading  procedure. It is a teaching and learning framework that provides direction for students and equips them to be SHARP (efficient, cutting edge) in their understanding of reading. Sharp Reading allows students to think while reading in order to unpack and understand text and then answer the comprehension questions. This has been our daily morning routine since term 1 with the year 1 students.


We have had an exciting and hands on term, exploring and broadening our understanding on the basic concepts such as addition, subtraction, mass, 2D shapes, 3D shapes and more.


In science we focused on physical sciences this term 2. We learnt about the 5 senses and how these senses help us in life. We discussed that Allah is the best of creators and that He has fashioned us in the best form Alhamdullilah.


During HASS we continued to develop both our geographical and historical understanding. In History the children have been learning about the concepts of past, present and future as well as the categorization of time into months and days while in Geography the children explored the use of different spaces, they looked closely at spaces in school like the oval and library and spaces in the community such as parks, shops and the zoo.


In Health we learnt about keeping safe and expressing our emotions in a safe and cohesive way. We also learnt about the importance of eating healthy and keeping fit.


This term we explored the use of drama. We learned about performance skills, including how to express feelings to an audience. We also explored the three element of drama which are voice, movement, and facial expressions and how to respond to drama e.g., audience behavior. Year 1A learnt how to present the nasheed ‘The Arabic Alphabets’ in their drama lessons. They learnt about facial expressions, tone and pitch of your voice to make your presentation enjoyable and to communicate with a large group of audience (both children and adults) in a positive way.

Eid Carnival

The school organised the Eid Carnival whereby our children got to experience the true essence of Eid! It was a day filled with fun and frolic where the little ones enjoyed every moment!

Year 2

Literacy: Reading We Can Read!

Every day we practice reading with the SHARP reading strategy. We are now have become confident readers.​

Literacy: Writing We Can Write!

We share and exchange ideas before we write our story.​

Numeracy: We Can Count!

We get involved in lots of hands-on experiences to master the numeracy skills.

Science: We Explore the World with Our Senses!

We conducted many science experiments to help us understand how the world works.​

HASS: We have learnt about the history of Australia.

We enjoyed exploring the map of Australia as we identified and labeled the states and territories across the map. ​


We discuss and communicate our feelings.


Exploring our talents and creativity in visual art and drama

Special Events

Year 3


Sharp Reading

Sharp Reading is a teaching and learning framework that provides direction for students and equips them to be SHARP (efficient, cutting edge) in their understanding of reading. Sharp Reading allows students to THINK while reading in order to unpack and understand text. This is our daily morning routine since the beginning of term 1 with the year 3 students.

Persuasive & Narrative Writing

Persuasive Writing aims to present an idea to a reader and persuade them to agree with the writer’s point of view. Learning to write persuasively is a crucial ‘real life’ skill for students. The year 3 students have been focusing on specific structures when writing persuasive texts. Some of the elements we have been following include sizzling starts, global statements, connectives, high modal verbs and ending with an impact.

Reading Comprehension

The students used comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and began to evaluate texts by drawing on a growing knowledge of context, text structures and language features.

Grammar & Spelling

The students learned a range of grammar concepts including that verbs represent different processes, for example doing, thinking, saying, and relating and that these processes are anchored in time through tense.  Year 3 students have been focusing on segmenting words as well as a spelling skill weekly for term 2 and how words are made up of morphographs.


Number and Algebra

The students have count to and from 10 000. They have classified numbers as either odd or even. Students have recalled addition and multiplication facts for single-digit numbers. They have recognised the connection between addition and subtraction and solve problems using efficient strategies for multiplication. Students have modelled and represented unit fractions. They have represented money values in various ways. Students have correctly counted out change from financial transactions. They have continued presenting number patterns involving addition and subtraction.

Measurement and Geometry

Students have identified symmetry in the environment. They have matched positions on maps with given information. Students have recognised angles in real situations. They have interpreted and compared data displays. Students have used metric units for length, mass and capacity. They told time to the nearest minute. Students made models of three-dimensional objects.

Statistics and Probability

Students have conducted chance experiments and listed possible outcomes. They have conducted simple data investigations for categorical variables. Students have interpreted and compared data displays.


Students have been learning about physical science and heating up of objects and materials. Physical science is the study of how things move, the structure and properties of matter and how nonliving things change forms (i.e., ice to water). Children can “immediately observe the results of their actions” as they engage with objects and materials such as cooling down, heating up, insulators and conductors.


The year 3 students have studied about the importance of fossils to our history. Students have learnt that Australia has six states and territories which can be represented on a map. Each state and territory have a leader and a head. There are three levels of government in Australia. Students have also identified who lived in Australia first and how Australian flora and fauna are unique. They have learnt about the arrival of first fleet in Australia and its related details.

Visual Art

In Year 3, students extend their understanding of role and situation as they create improvised and devised drama. Students begin to experiment with selected forms and styles when improvising or devising drama. They continue to develop improvisation, voice and movement skills. Students are introduced to the elements of space, character and time. Students experience drama as performers and audience members. They begin to use rehearsal processes to support audience engagement and continue to learn appropriate responses to the drama of others. As they make and respond to drama, students identify and reflect on the elements of drama used in a performance. Students can experience drama from a range of cultures, times and locations.

Health & Physical Education

The students worked on range of health topics including: what are rights and responsibilities; what their own identity is and how to identify people they can trust; what power means and the different types of power; what trust is and how to develop a trusted network; the meaning of each of seven values and importance of putting values into practice; what it means to get along and why it’s important to get along with classmates and teachers.

Year 4

Return to School

Alhamdulilah, we’ve been blessed beyond measure to kick off the term with an ease on COVID-19 restrictions. Concurrently, coming back to school with mask free faces, was the icing on the cake. Our term has been jam-packed with wonderous adventures, special guests and a rewarding learning journey. We had our Eid Festival, which was incredibly set up – Allahuma barik!


During this term, the Year Four students have become Engineers! We have been delving into ‘the physical sciences’, focusing on forces (pull/push), gravity, air resistance, magnetism and friction. Our engineers have hypothesised, observed, asked many questions and they reached intriguing conclusions. We also carried out an experiment on magnetism, whereby, the students observed the push and pull forces between magnets. I think it is safe to say, that it felt … magical. Additionally, the 4D bunch skilfully crafted their own parachutes and dropped them and other objects like marbles and tennis balls on various surfaces, to test air resistance. In essence, we have utilised innovation and curiosity this term to unravel various phenomena.


The year 4 students utilised their public speaking skills and became Actors and actresses! It was incessantly delightful seeing the kids use the various elements of drama play to perform, flawlessly. Their uniqueness in their acting was evident when they focused on voice projection, eye contact and body language. We also reviewed the utilisation of props to capture and mirror the storyline of the chosen scripts. Drama was a splendid and entrancing avenue to explore.


Our writing journey has taken us on a trip to learning how to persuade our readers. Students in Year 4 are learning about persuasive writing with a focus on ‘planning for success’ and ‘sizzling starts’, to engage and grab the reader’s attention. Throughout the term, our year four writers have learned to use persuasive devices such as rhetorical questions, statistics, hyperbole, the rule of three and slogans. It has been a pleasure seeing their persuasive writing progress and have them use statistics, which was a challenge – indeed!


Year fours are being introduced to measuring area and perimeter and solving multiplication questions and long division from 2 digits by 1 to 3 digits by 1. Students are deciphering multi-step addition and subtraction word problems using the cube strategy. They warm up before starting each lesson by recalling maths facts such as multiples, factors and formulas of area, volume and perimeter.

In our numeracy investigations students have employed their skills experientially. Students have conducted surveys on preferred ice cream flavours, tallying up the results and representing the results on a bar chart. Students are dealing with real world situations in numeracy to help prepare them for the future.


Overall, this term in HASS students have understood and explored the journeys of world navigators such as Christopher Columbus and Vasco Da Gama – in the late 18th century. Students have learned to connect sequence of historical events on a timeline. Our year 4 historians have carried out extensive research on Vasco Da Gama, they explored trade routes and cruciality of spices during the 15th and 16th centuries in the world. Across this eventful term, we were engulfed in inquiry-based learning when exploring these intriguing topics. It has been a wonderous journey in year 4 – to learn about the navigations of historical explorers.

Year 5

This term, our year 5 students completed their first NAPLAN tests! We are super proud of the efforts put in from home at school, so we had to celebrate in style.


In numeracy, we have focused our minds on fractions – converting mixed and improper fractions, simplifying and finding the equivalent fraction- as well as exploring the duration of time. Prime maths has also led us down the path to describe locations using grid references on maps.


This term in literacy, we have continued to develop our Narrative and Persuasive writing skills using Seven Steps. Procedure writing and poetry are also some amazing writing genres we have really enjoyed creating. From jelly to chocolate balls, we used various command verbs, adverbial and adjectival phrases to explain how me made these yummy treats!


We have been looking into our rights as children, how to keep safe and create a safe, positive environment. This term, we have looked at the 12 rights we have as children, the benefits of physical exercise and how to get along. These are important things to learn as we grow and start becoming more independent.


This term, we have explored how light travels and how shadows are formed. We are also looking into how periscopes work and will be creating one soon!


This term we focused on Drama elements for art. In class, we explored the story of Sadako and her paper airplanes before creating a short skit based on her story.


In HASS, we focused on Civics and Citizenship. Particularly, what democracy is, how it came to be and the various levels of government and voting systems.

Year 6

Assalamu Alaykum Dear Parents

What an eventful term that came along with its own set of challenges and difficulties. Alhamduillah, we have managed to persevere and tackle the challenges head on. In year 6 we focus on preparing students for high school and providing them with the necessary skills that will enable to thrive and succeed in all subject areas.


The Warm-up – 10 mins

Its short, its sweet, it most certainly is effective. What is now a part of our every morning routine. Students start off the morning with literacy warmups that helps develop students’ comprehension skills, vocabulary, creativity and phonics knowledge.

Rotations – 15 mins

It’s a smooth transition from the warm-ups to the rotations activity.  students know exactly where to go and what to do and are immediately on task. Students are divided up into 5 groups each group doing a separate activity with the tasks being rotated everyday. Each week the groups rotate between guided reading, ReadingEggs, complex sentence writing, text exercises and task cards. Each of the activities develop students literacy skills and provides students with a strong foundational knowledge of literature and literacy.

Spelling Mastery – 15 mins

No game can be played without understanding the rules. A well develop textbook that breaks down the most complex rules of the English language into bite size, easy to understand activities. The Spelling Mastery text is an all-in-one pack that focuses on English rules, vocabulary building and phonics knowledge.

Writing – 20 mins

They’re warm, they know the rules they got the tools now its time to play the game. Students were argumentative, definite and very persuasive in their writing. Students argued for against a number of topics such as homework, 4 days schooling, masks mandates and more!


Every lesson begins with a warm-up that cover past mathematical knowledge. We are putting Prime Math to the test. At the Australian Islamic College, we are always looking for the best text for our students. Prime is new to the school but not the world of Mathematics. The students dabbled with fractions, area and perimeter, decimals and percentages, multiplying and dividing decimals. This year we have also incorporated a lesson with rotations that incorporate word-problems, Mathletics and games to demonstrate how math’s is found in all areas of life.


Science this term was electrifying… literarily! Students explored the electrical world and their origins, created circuits both parallel and series and identified multiple sources of electrical energy such as mechanical, hydro, solar and heat. Then explored the journey of electricity from the power plants all the way to our homes.


A topic that covers more than diet and fitness. This term we focused on acceptance and personalities. We are all unique, we are all different and more importantly we all deserved to be treated with integrity and respect, a common theme off the Australian Islamic college. Students explored different personality traits and how we are all a combination of these various skills and qualities.


The federal election was the hot topic of Western Australia as well as the year 6 classroom. Students took a step outside the classroom and into the house of parliament dissecting the upper house, lower house, federal, state and local government from head to toe and built a sound understanding of the roles and duties each of the political powers that run our society.


No, I am not talking about arguments amongst the year 6s. The Oscar nominations will not know what hit them once these students graduate from the fine arts of Australian Islamic college. Students engaged in role play and acting focusing on facial expression, vocals and character presentation. Scripts were planned, written and presented in fine dramatical performances that were deserving of the world stage.

Eid Festival

Why Celebrate it once when you can celebrate it twice with family and peers. You would have mistaken the school for Disneyland with the number of rides and activities on site! Students had a blast and so did the teachers then fueled up with bubble tea and all the delicious food the trucks had to offer.

Fun Run

It was exactly that. Students and teachers got more than their daily 30 with this event. Tomato lake was the venue where some students challenged their peers and teachers for a race while others were happy to smile as they strolled around the lake waving to the Belmont residence as they walked by!

Quran Primary

All praise is due to Allah Ta’aala our Creator Sustainer and Nourisher.

We had a very exciting term at Kewdale Primary that was full of events. The highlight of the term was undoubtedly our Annual Inter Campus Qur’aan recitation contest which was hosted by Kewdale Primary. The event was a great success and the students done excellent in their performance on the day, Alhamdulillah. We pray and hope that the Almighty will accept them to be the servants of Qur’aan InshaAllah and make all our students from the people of the Qur’aan.

The following students were the finalists who made it through the preliminary rounds of testing and represented our campus in the contest. Religion teachers had dedicated a lot of time in testing and helping these students excel in all aspects of Quraan reading. May allah bless all for their efforts. Aameen.

I would like to express my thanks to management for supporting and encouraging such events and to the judges Sh Khaiata, Sh Abdullah Daahi and Sh Muhammad Hassan for attending the event.

  • Year 1 Khadija Hassan
  • Year 2 Nafisa Nur
  • Year 3 Jabir Salam
  • Year 4 Hammaad Haffejee
  • Year 5 Ridwan Abshir Mohamed
  • Year 6 Zakariya Abshir Mohamed

I pray to Allah Almighty to accept all the efforts of one and all.

Abdullah Haffejee

Islamic Studies Department

Kewdale primary

Quran High School

Annual AIC Quran Recitation Contest 1443 A.H. (2022)

All praise is due to Allah who honoured us again with successfully conducting a recitation contest between the high school students at AIC Kewdale, testing their competence in preciseness of memorization and accuracy in articulation of the Honourable words of Allah (Subhaanahu Wa Ta’aalaa). We had a good amount of interest shown by the students to showcase their talent and skill bestowed upon them by Allah to inspire and motivate themselves and others for His sake.

Students from all year groups had the option of registering themselves in either one of the five categories. The categories were as follows:
Year 7- Surah Al-Haaqqah (Full)
Year 8- Surah Qaaf (Full)
Year 9- Surah Al-Fath (Full)
Year 10- Surah Luqmaan (Full)
Year 11 & 12- Surah Maryam (Full)

As initiated in 2021, the students were also tested on the translation of selected verses from the above surahs as we aimed for students to develop an attachment with the meanings of the Quran through the translation. We also wanted students to understand that the Quran is not only for reading and memorization, but most importantly to understand, contemplate, be guided by it and implement it in our daily lives.

The preliminary rounds were conducted during weeks 3 to 5 in term 2 by Sheikh Safdar Parkar. From the pool of contestants, those who achieved the 5 highest scores from each category were chosen to compete in the finals.

The final for Years 8 to 10 was held on Thursday 9th June 2022 in the High School Mosque. The final for years 7 and 11/12 was held on Friday 10th June 2022 in the High School Gym. On Friday, we were blessed with three judges, Qari Abdullah Haffejee, Sh Muhammed Khaiata who has various Ijazaat from Jordan and elsewhere and is also pursuing a PHD in computer science, and Sr Zeinab Abdirahman who has various Ijazaat in the Hafs mode of recitation.

The event was kicked off by our esteemed Master of Ceremony, Sheikh Saleh Ibrahim, who welcomed the guests, parents, Executive principal, principal and deputy principal and continued to keep the audience engaged throughout the event with his wise comments and inspiring advices/quotes. We commenced by testing the finalists from Year 7 then finalists from the year 11/12 category. The final scores were calculated straight after the contest and the 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st places were then announced with the prizes awarded being a $15 gift voucher, $25 gift voucher, $50 gift voucher, $150 gift voucher and an Apple iPad respectively. Br Abdullah Khan advised the students and the audience about building love for the Quran and striving to be a part of and a contributor to the Quran.

Allah blessed the following students to have achieved 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd and 1st places in their respective categories:

Year 7

Ayman Shariff5th
Wisaam Islamil4th
Ukashah Parkar3rd
Hafsah Firdous2nd
Mahparah Taher1st

Year 8

Arisha Alam5th
Ibrahim Maruf4th
Wiaam Ismail3rd
Malak Omer2nd
Muhammed Haticoglu1st

Year 9

Rumaiswa Shariff5th
Abdurrahman Parkar4th
Ramla Abshir Mohamed3rd
Md Ahnaaf Chowdhury2nd
Hussein Qureshi1st

Year 10

Wael Ismail5th
Abdulmawla Al Mahameed4th
Abeeha Kamran3rd
Huda Gazi2nd
Kamal Samir Ali1st

Year 11/12

Abdullah Ali5th
Muath Elzaharna4th
Mahdi Mutashim Taher3rd
Thaakir Parker2nd
Haneen Ahmed1st

May Allah Bless our students and us all to be from among those who are from the Khuddaam al- Quran (Servants of the Quran). May Allah reward the participants, judges, students, parents, school management, Sheikh Yusuf, Sr Manal, Islamic Studies teachers, and all others for their support and contribution to the service of the Quran. Ameen.

Islamic Studies

During Term 2, we have been learning all about Salah.

Five times a day, the Mua’dhin calls out the Athaan to remind Muslims that it is time for Prayer.  Salah is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims pray to Allah five times a day. Fajr is prayed in the morning before the sun rises. Zuhr is prayed after mid-day. Asr is prayed in the late afternoon. Maghrib is prayed after the sun sets and Isha is prayed at night. Praying Salah and understanding its meaning brings us closer to Allah. Salah helps our bodies and our minds too. Whenever we feel worried or upset we should pray Salah as it will help us feel better. Salah is also the key to Jannah. It is the most important act of worship in Islam. On the day of Qiyaamah, the first thing Allah will question us about is our Salah.

“Once Nabi Muhammed (SAW) came out of his house. It was autumn and the leaves were falling off the trees. He caught hold of a branch of a tree and shook it and the leaves began falling in large numbers. He said to his companion ‘Oh Abu Zarr, when a Muslim offers Salah to please Allah, his sins fall off him just as these leaves have fallen off this tree.’” (Ahmad)


الْسلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته

Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Dear Parents, Gaurdians and Community

If you are reading this article, you are one of the many readers who take a keen interest in what is happening at the Australian Islamic College and how the school is providing a high standard of Islamic, language and secular education to our new leaders, fathers and mothers of our future .

The Arabic Department at the Australian  Islamic College has a unique, diverse and professional group of  teachers who are striving to provide learning opportunities and exposure to  the Arabic language.

Our Head of Department, Dr Moayad, has instructed teachers to focus on Arabic instructional and communicative language. Great effort has been made to develop teaching strategies and activities to help students communicate and understand Arabic used at home and in society .

AIC is a multicultural learning institution that has students from multiple cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Teaching Arabic can be challenging in this environment. The Arabic teachers are doing a great job by providing basic Arabic literacy skills according to students’ levels of understanding.

The Arabic department fully understands that learning a new language is not easy. Our objective is to help our students become familiar, love and appreciate the Arabic language. Many of the teaching activities provided help students to have fun and enjoy learning the basics of the Arabic language. As parents and guardians, start a conversation with your children about what they have learnt in their Arabic class. Students are normally shy to speak another language.

New Arabic Books and Classroom Activities

Alhmadullilah, thanks to our visionary leader, Br Abdullah Khan, the AIC has its own Arabic language textbook series now. All students received their books term 1 and Alhmdullilah, they have learnt new vocabulary and expressions and have made noticeable progress, Masha Allah! Students have enjoyed a variety of activities in the Arabic classes and have worked very hard.  Well done to everyone!

The following pictures are presented for your viewing to get a glimpse of some of the interesting and creative activities students are engaged with to develop their Arabic literacy and communication skills.

USIT Young Translator of the year 2021 competition Award Ceremony

Last year, our students participated in the AUSIT Young Australian of the Year Competition. In December last year, the winning students and their families were invited to attend a ceremony that was held at UWA. They enjoyed listening to fantastic performances in different languages. It was a wonderful event!

Amazing colours and display of culture and diversity.

New Arabic teacher

The Arabic Department would like to welcome Sr Asma Efhiaelbum, the new Arabic teacher. Sr Asma is a dedicated and passionate teacher with many years of teaching Arabic in Libya, her country of origin. We wish Sr Asma all the best insha Allah.

The Arabic Language Teachers’ Association of Western Australia (ALTAWA)

Congratulations to Dr Moayad, the Head of Arabic Department, for being elected the Vice President of the Arabic Language Teachers Association (ALTAWA). The Arabic Language Teachers Association is a not-for-profit organisation which was founded in 2016 to promote the study and teaching of the Arabic language in Western Australia and to establish collaboration among teachers of Arabic and foster collegiality in all sectors of Education, including the Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia (AISWA) and the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA).

Masha Allah what a fantastic team of dedicated Arabic teachers representing different educational institutions in WA. Collaboration, sharing views and ideas is vital to ensure progress and improvement of Arabic literacy skills in school across WA.

We, at the Australian Islamic College would like to assure you, the Arabic department at Australian Islamic College is fully committed and working hard to provide your sons and daughters with opportunities to learn to communicate, appreciate and  love the  Arabic language

Your ongoing support for your children and teachers at the Australian Islamic College will inshaAllah ensure the success and wellbeing of your children. 

We invite you to take your child to an Arabic restaurant and ask them to make orders and communicate your needs in Arabic. It would be fun and encouraging learning that speaking in another language you don’t t have to be perfect, as long as your message is understood. 

Year 9 students enjoying a role-play of being at a restaurant. It is amazing and motivating observing these students having fun while attempting to construct complete and sensible sentences in Arabic.

والسَّلامُ  عَلَيْكُم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Physical Education

Welcome to our second edition of sport news for school zine! As always we were off to a great start here at AIC Kewdale Primary, we kicked off with our sport classes where students were learning new skills in the great Aussie game of AFL! We also had a special visit from a legend AFL Muslim player Bachar Houli!! We were lucky to have Bachar come to our school and be part of our assembly and be involved in a clinic with our students.

We also had many other events- Our PP students were involved in a four week AFL clinic and our year 4s and 2s were involved in soccer clinics, all thanks to the sporting school grants.  We officially held our leadership ceremony in week 5 announcing our 2022 leaders. Our year 5/6 boys represented the school at the first ever Freo Docker Shield competition and did an amazing job on the day!

We had our fun runs for years 4-6 and pre-primary and two of our kindy classes which was a very fun day for all. We also had our Early childhood carnival for out little ones in Kindy and pre-primary and year 1!

2022 Leadership Ceremony

Here at the Australian Islamic College, Kewdale Primary, student well-being and student leadership is an integral focus. This year we have selected the leadership group consisted of head boy/girl, deputy head boy/girl, prefects and house captains.  We officially inducted our students into the leadership group. It was a wonderful ceremony enjoyed by all students, teachers and parents.

Head BoyHead Girl
Waiz  FerozeShabnambi Bin Shafiq
Deputy Head BoyDeputy Girl Boy
Dawood SyedRayanna Abdirahman
Class Prefects
Ama Amanful
Taha Ait Benali
Norah Lugumaan
Salsabila Arbi
Rufaida Almehdawi
Manha Naveed
Maten Ali Mohammadi
Adnan Al Mahameed
Amira Mohamed Khalif
Abdalla Ali
Hassan Abdallah
Abdullah Aliyi
Zeynab Mohammed
Juwan Fatani
Hawa Khan
Hasin Hasib
Breshna Fidaie
Nabil Hasan
Naba Tubar
House Captains
Red House Captain
Suntus Musa
Red House Captain
Jihan Mohamed
Red House Captain
Nadiah Syed
Red House Captain
Abdurahman Yusaf
Red House Captain
Lian Saedam
Yellow house Captain
Hamedah Mohammadi
Yellow house Captain
Abdalla Mohamed
Yellow house Captain
Xamse Hassan
Yellow house Captain
Rahma Moftar
Yellow house Captain
Deeqa Handule
Green house Captain
Nurain Hossain
Green house Captain
Sumeiya Aliyi
Green house Captain
Ahmad Al Mahameed
Green house Captain
Yusuf Abdallah
Green house Captain
Zahra Abdulwehab
Blue House Captain
Fayaaz Mahmud
Blue House Captain
Nawal Ali
Blue House Captain
Alya Ahmed
Blue House Captain
Amna Noor
Blue House Captain
Hajira  Sheikh
Sports Prefect
Balqees Ahmadzai
Sports Prefect
Salma Abdi
Sports Prefect
Anzal Yassin
Sports Prefect
Ilham Shukuri
Sports Prefect
Palwasha Khan


Congratulations to the following boys who represented the school in the competition.  

#Year 5/6 boysYear 5/6 boysYear 5/6 boys
1Mahmed HakunXamsa HassanAhmed Idris Omar
2 Abdullah Fayeez AbdiSalam KhairSuleiman Koroma
3Momen Mohamed AliAbdallah MohamedJaffar Hamid
4Abdul Aziz MehamedYusuf Abdallah Ahmad Al Mahameed
5Haroon Abo El AttaOmar IbrahimYahya Rooble
6Elias DaabajYusuf SururMourad Omari
7Tamim Elmisallati Bilal MahamudOybda Khalil
8Musa MusaAbdulkhaaliq MahdiKhalid Mohamud
9Hussein ShawiHudayfa JamalNabil Abdulfarag
10Mustafa DualeSalem Salem 5CAhmed Ahmed
11 Mousa AlhujamiMohamed AlhawariAbdullah Aliyi
12Yaseen RedaAhmed HamidUmar Jalloh
13Zakiraya Abshir

Digital Technologies Primary

A Warm Welcome Dear Parents/Guardians,

Another great term has been completed by the students of AIC Kewdale primary.

Some highlights to look forward to in this terms newsletter are:

  • Hardware and Software
  • Input, output and storage devices
  • Infographics
  • Digital Citizenship
  • CoSpaces – exploring augmented and virtual reality
  • Scratch – Coding platform
  • Robotics

Year 1 & 2

This term students continued their learning about basic computer hardware. We also looked at online safety and how to be good citizens online.

Students have also used computers and started practice on the keyboard using BBC Dance mat and Typetastic.

Year 3

This term students have been introduced to Ozobots. We were exploring coding through robotics. They identified different routes and actions the Ozobot sensors read as they explore various colour codes.

Year 4

Students have been learning about input, output and storage devices. They participated in various activities to identify the devices. Students have used Class Notebook to complete their tasks and have created a PowerPoint on Office365 to showcase their understanding.

Year 5

This term students were exploring coding through Scratch and creating project to explore the various coding features.

Students logins were also created to ensure that they can save, share, explore and practice using Scratch at school and at home.

Year 6

This term students developed strategies on how to be a responsible digital citizen and be safe online.  

We began our term by exploring Digital Citizenship. Students explored various software/apps and researched how to act as a good Digital Citizen while using the app/software. Students also created an Infographic on Canva to show their knowledge of ICT etiquette.

Our students have also had the opportunity to explore the features of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual reality (VR) through CoSpaces. CoSpaces is a mixed reality web-based application that allows users to create and engage with interactive media content.

Students created an All About Me and creative environment project that can be featured through VR.

English & Drama

Term Two has been a very productive term in the English Learning Area with students engaging in the study of poetry, film and novels and composing literary pieces of their own. The Year 9 Journalism Elective students produced their own newsletter. The Year 10 Drama students had their maiden performance of their own play, before an audience comprising representatives from the WA Police, Belmont Council, significant members of the community, teachers and their own peers. The play ‘Take on Culture’ which, under the guidance of Constable Care’s Youth Choices group and their teacher Nurul Huda, based on the principles of Augusto Boal’s Forum Theatre, explored issues that are relevant to today’s youth. Some samples of student work can be found below for your enjoyment and appreciation:

Sr Rockley’s Year 7 English Class –The Message, by Isra Mohammed

Students in my Year 7 English class worked effortlessly in creating short story narrative writing. Here is an example of one of my student’s achievements creating her version of short story narrative:
My name is Isra Mohammed, and I am a year seven student in Australian Islamic College Kewdale. Just like other 12-year-old, I have hobbies, reading stories has always been something amazing for me and it is a magical experience to sit down and just read. When I was asked to write a short story in class, I swept up the opportunity and, in the time I was given, I brought many characters to life and threw problems at them, putting the readers on edge and then just in time when all hope was lost, they overcame that situation. I wrote ‘The Message’ because I enjoy reading stories about children who believe in hope, and I love the different personalities that all the characters have in my short story.


“Oh, for god’s sake Clementine; SHUSH!” yelled Zeus, flinging the poor child’s worn-out rag doll onto the bare tile floor. Clemmie hastens towards my familiar open arms, bubbling with tears that she tries to hold back furiously, I let her tears wet my green cardigan and glare over at Zeus with accusation. “Zeus, do you want to die?” I fume angrily. “No” mumbles Zeus quietly staring at the ground and fidgeting with a loose string on his wrinkly shirt. “Well then you do realize what Head Ellie would do if you had raised your voice any louder, do you remember what she did to the other children upstairs when they yelled while she had some guests over?” I whisper-shout while stroking my hand through Clemmie’s midnight black hair. I am the oldest here and despite being 12 I must keep the orphans here in line because Headmistress Ellievanty finds joy in using innocent people’s donations to keep track with the most outrageous trends of the month.

Steve, Zoe and Mathew tinker away in the corner of the little room constructing a lantern. Why? Because every Friday night something big happens; a single letter is swept out into the silent night waiting for one Londoner to find it, this letter fills every one of the seven children here with the warm, snug feeling that, just maybe they are not so useless after all. It makes us remember how life was before this horrid place entered our lives. All of us gather around the freshly made candle and we slide a thin folded piece of paper in a stitched pocket on the side. “Can I release it?” pleads 6-year-old Anna. I give her a warm smile and hand her the treasured object, her eyes go as wide as saucers and she stands on her tippy toes to reach the window, she releases it into the hands of the calm breeze. We all giggle as the lantern slowly descends somewhere in London, enjoying the magical moment. CRRRR! CRRRRRRRRR! Panic swipes through the room and in an instant were all on our feet running left and right.

“STEVE, YOUR BED, NOW.” I yell “clementine, run faster!” CRRRRRRRRRR! Everyone is in bed now, I start counting heads; 1,2,3,4,5,6…My head spins around and my heart beats like a drum as I dash over to Clementine and pick her up on her bed that she was struggling to climb on to. The door begins to open and my heart stops, sweat drips down my forehead and I am frozen on the spot. Cook walks into the room pushing a large rackety trolley in front of her, the squeaking of the wheels brings me back to my senses and I sigh with relief. “UP, UP, UP YOU LAZY BRATS, MYSTERY SOUP FOR YOU LOT AND JULIE, SIT DOWN” Cook yells and she soon busies herself pouring out unfair proportions of today’s soup.
Earlier the post man (who was on our side) had told us that a little girl named Emma had replied and excitement was charging up our bodies, though food could not do the same; despite having little food already due to Head Ellie’s outrage for shopping and fashion she had announced that she fancied a Gucci limited edition purse made with real gold. And if that was not enough, she desired a diamond engraved top to go with it, so now we were not being fed.

“Escape! Now!” whispered clementine desperately “please!” I look at her sadly and shake my head. “We can’t.” But the other children had already heard what she had said and now everyone was discussing it. Suddenly a young girl climbed onto our window, and she smiled oblivious to the blisters on her hands because of the painful climb.

“Escape!” she grins.

Sr Rockley’s Year 7 English Class – Students’ Group Poetry Presentation

In line with Term’s 2 Poetry creation, groups of students in my Year 7 English class worked effortlessly in creating their version of poetry. These and other group members did a marvellous job creating their poetry version drawing on various poetry elements, themes and imagery highlighting their untapped potential. Given below are TWO select groups with their Poetry Creation:

Group Members: Sarah Weisi, Arykah Parker and Anika Faghiri

Group Members: Zaima Ehsan, Salmah Jacobs, Renad Dahir and Fawziya Abubakar

Please find below analysis of the autobiographical novel Chinese Cinderella by Sr. Sekeena’s and Sr. Rubby’s students. The students have showcased their understanding of the novel and their ICT skills to produce presentations using PowerPoint, Canva and Moviemaker.

Semester 1 Newsletter crafted and compiled by Sr. Rockley’s Year 9 Journalism students

A poem about Air pollution
written by Mariama Diallo, Year 11

A downtrodden environment in desperate need
Is what I see while I browse through my feed.
people throwing litter all over is what I see.
Which leads me to believe…
That humanity has misplaced the meaning of free.

People die of air pollution every year
Imagine living in that fear.
having to hold your loved ones dear
for something that the world has made clear.

The time has come to reduce our pollution
But the only way to do this right is by your contribution.
And I think I might have the perfect solution
It’s all in the matter of our execution.

First, let’s turn it off
It might be tough, but at least that’s a one-off
Start planting trees
And don’t encourage deforestation… please

Raise awareness, share and protest, get involved
it might be expensive, but get solar panels installed.
Reduce the use of plastic
A world without plastic…
Wouldn’t that be fantastic!

And lastly waste not, want not
Oh and I almost forgot
Recycle and reuse
to reduce the amount, we produce

Because we owe the next generation
An explanation and motivation
Unless we now do something
Our children will be left with nothing.
Let us make the change for humanity.

Society, It’s time we changed our mentality.

Sr. Huda’s Year 10 Drama Elective Stage Performance

A take on culture
By Sr. Huda Ridwan

On the 24th of May, the Year 10 Drama Elective group performed in front of their peers to shed a light on the issues of growing up in a multi-cultural household and the cultural expectations youths are facing. The event gave way for a conversation to be had on how unjust some of the imposed expectations are on youth, especially young women. It gave the audience a platform to address these social issues, allowing them to take back control and change the ending of the story.

I would like to take the time to congratulate the group for your courageous effort in performing and your willingness to improvise based on the audience’s comments and feedback. I would also like to extend a big ‘Thank You’ to Kate and Gala from Constable Care for their efforts towards facilitating this program. Once again, I cannot thank everyone enough, especially fellow students, both performing and, in the audience, for their involvement and their willingness to take on this project, going beyond their comfort zones and delivering a memorable performance!

Yasmeen Kareem
Head of English Learning Area,
AIC, Kewdale.


OLNA RESULTS -Years 10 to 12

Online Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (OLNA) results arrived in the school recently. Congratulations to those students who now achieved Category 3 and do not need to do additional OLNA tests. It is especially pleasing for those students who have worked really hard and have taken advantage of the support provided at home and at school. For those who still have one or more tests to do in August/September, additional support will continue to be available.

Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 who are required to sit OLNA SECOND ROUND can use their user names and passwords to and do the Literacy & Numeracy tests on this site

The school has already registered all those students on this site.

ICAS Letter sent to the parents

Maths Students At Work

Year 7 Students
Difference between the scaled model and actual product

“For our year 7 Advance programme class (AP) we enjoyed our kite investigation, where we used ratios to designs our kites and used our scaled drawings to make actual kites. This helped us to see the difference between the scaled model and actual product”.  – Ibrahim Syed

Year 8 Students:

“In my Advance programme (AP) year 8 maths class, we learned rubric cubes tricks and being an expert I was able to teach my friends the tricks I use” – Akifa Kamarul Bahrin

“For our year 8 investigation we learned about Thomas Heather wick’s rolling bridges. We use our knowledge of circles and polygons to work out the suitable rolling out bridges for the given scenario” –  Fajar Qureshi

Year 9 Students:

The Year 9 Girls Accelerated Mathematics Class is looking at ways to design a 3D model of a waterpark based on a blueprint. This is given as part of their assignment to extend their critical thinking skills.
The mathematics concept explored is based on linear relationships. On their blueprint, students have to position a range of waterpark theme-based attractions such as water slides, lazy river and whirlpool whilst also including the Information Centre, toddler play area, gift shop and toilets. Of course, students are encourage to include their own attractions and be as creative and practical as possible
Using the Cartesian plane, students consolidate their skills in linear relationships and get a better understanding of the concept of gradient, midpoint and distance between two points.

Seen in the photographs are students: Spogmai Fidaie, amla Abshir and Hina Fidaie

Year 8 Student:- Computer model of the rolling bridge

Year 8 students did an investigation and modelling on polygons and circles by doing a research activity on a special bridge designed by a famous British architect, Thomas Heatherwick.
Sabbirul Islam, a Year 8 student demonstrated to the class the computer model of the rolling bridge he created.


As salam alaikum parents and students,
I would like to introduce myself as the new Technology HOLA. My name is Gulnaz Rizvi and I have been appointed as the HOLA in Term 2’ 2022. I have a long-standing association with AIC covering a span of 20 years. I have expertise in teaching both upper school and lower school, primarily year 12 Computer Science.
In AIC, Technologies lessons are run twice a week for years 7 to 9. However, for year 10, this subject is optional and therefore, it is run only once a week. Within the Technologies curriculum, students get the opportunity to learn both the subjects:

  • Design and Technology: Food Technology and materials and design technology and
  • Digital technology – coding, image/ graphics editing, application software etc.

I would like to introduce two new teachers who joined the Technology department in Term 2. Sr. Nida, teaches, DT to year 7 – 9 and Sr. Sumaira who is our expert Food and Technology Teacher. We welcome them aboard.

Design and Technology (7 – 10)

Materials and Design Sr. Sana’s class

Food & Technology with Sr Sumaira Shahzad

Sr. Sumaira a qualified chef and have more than 6 years’ experience in hospitality industry. Sr Sumaira teaches her students cooking skills with fun, so that they can implement these skills in their daily lives. Below are some of the recipes made by different year groups.

Sr. Sumaira made 265 desserts cups for fund raising iftar dinner Held in Australian Islamic College.

Digital technologies (7 – 10)

In year 9 students are learning how to code using HTML coding. They are building single page website using This platform allows students to work on their own pace, both at school and at home. This plat form also allows students to problem solve and critically think – two general capabilities in the Australian Curriculum.

Below is the screenshot of the codeavengers screen:

JavaScript Year 8

Students of year 8 consolidated their understanding of JavaScript programming language on Code avengers. Students have learned different commands, functions, and operations in JavaScript. This content will help them learn how to create dynamic and interactive web content such as applications, browsers, and games.

Engineering and 3D design Year 8

Students of year 8 created braille blocks using Tinkercad, a web application. Students learned foundational skills for innovation using engineering and designs. Students have created Braille blocks to help visually impaired people to learn the alphabet, words, sentences, and numbers.

Engineering and 3D design Year 7

Students of year 7 created Mobile Amplifier using Tinkercad, a web application. Students learned foundational skills for innovation using engineering and designs. Students have created and designed Mobile Amplifier and learned the engineering behind it.

Career Counselling

A career counselling session was conducted for the students of Year 10, 11 & 12 by UWA at the school recently.  The Students were made aware of the various pathways for university entrance, career opportunities after conducting a degree in a specific field, and lucrative scholarships that they are offered in various courses.

UWA representative highlighted the criteria required for admission in the University, emphasising, the students need to work hard in their college.

The UWA representative emphasized that the students must have in-depth knowledge of the subject choices, otherwise they might end-up in a career that is not made for them. It is common among students going through this transition phase to get influenced by misinformation and end up making wrong decisions. The team urged the students not to make decisions based on peer pressure.  Students were made aware of the different options in profession and courses they could pursue based on the subject choices they would make. Queries raised by the students were addressed by the UWA team. A detailed Course book was handed to all students. – Sr Rahat Rizvi (Career Counsellor)


In Term 2, the HASS Department arranged a commemoration for Anzac Day which was held at Assembly. Year 11 students Yara and Noora Soliman made the presentation, in which they provided a brief history of the origins and story of the Anzacs and why they are so integral to the Australian identity. Yara composed a moving and beautifully written poem highlighting the tragedy of war and remembering the sacrifice made by all those who participate in wars all over the world, on both sides.



A way for people to come to an agreement once and for all

Soldiers have served and died in bloodshed wars to prevent any of Australia’s downfalls

War is a sacrifice

Where soldiers are on the battle fields their blood as cold as ice

Because you see, War always comes with a price

25th of April 1915

The day where hearts scream

The air filled with lifeless dreams

The plan

The plan to head out and capture the land

The land we now call Gallipoli the land the ANZACS failed miserably

At the end of 1915

Over 8,000 Australian soldiers were killed

As they risk their lives out of their own free will

So, les we celebrate this day

As courageous men fought their way

Although they have failed against their enemy

The Anzacs left the most powerful legacy

Discipline, courage, endurance and mate ship

Were the qualities that created the ANZAC script

As we embrace these qualities citizens of Australia

There will be no sign of any future failures

And so, you see

In memory of the soldiers that sacrificed their lives to be

We must never forget that freedom is never free

The death of the Anzac soldiers leaves a heartache no one can heal, and the love leaves a memory no one can steal

We shall remember them. All repeat. We shall remember them


Asalaamu’alaykum Dear Community, 

Alhumdulilah the H.P.E. department has been involved in multiple interschool activities over the last four weeks. As always our students have worked hard and have represented our school in the best of manners with their amazing sportsmanship and akhlaq.  

With the addition of the new sporting academies, we have seen a major improvement in not only the students skill level but also their sense of belonging and camaraderie.  

During the state volleyball tournaments 2 of our teams had made it to the final rounds and represented our school very well. In the Live Lighter State Badminton tournament, we had one of our year 9 teams make it all the way to the grand final, in the final they played against a year 12 team in the open division and did very well coming out as runner ups. We are very proud of all our teams across all the academies.  

The basketball competition will be taking place at the end of term 2. The soccer academy Annual Futsal State Tournament has begun and will be completed at the end of week 9. We wish all our students the best.    

Thank you. 

Mohammed Khan



Next-Gen Program-Oil and Gas School Program

Year 9 girls AP class recently participated in the first school visit from the Energy Club of WA.

This is in preparation for the grand finale expo held at the end of the year, where major oil and gas companies run presentations and interactive activities for the students.

Year 8 Boys Making Ice-cream

Year 11 students using analytical techniques to identify unknown solutions


Vocational Education and Training (VET) department at the Australian Islamic College has been working with other Registered Training Organisations to make sure that our students have every available option for them when looking at a career after they leave the college.

The department has been really busy and proactive in making sure that all the students are given the best opportunities to build their skills to be job ready. This is of particular importance especially in the shortage of skilled workers currently being face in Australia. At the Australian Islamic College we want to make sure that our students have the opportunities, and Vocational Education and Training is one pathway to achieving that.

Our Sports and Recreation and Sports Coaching students have been doing their practicals with Br Farish and Daniel Luxton. They were involved with the lower school students. They ran drills which they ran impressively. Congratulations to the students and well done trainers. Some pictures and videos are attached.

The Vocational Education and Training Hospitality classes have also been active, raising funds for the formal dinner as well as for the students to go for a Barista course, at the Barista HQ. One group went on Thursday and the next group will be going in week 9. Well done to Sr Meena for organising the excursion for the students.

VET in Schools programs, which are run by South Metro and North Metro Colleges of TAFE, in conjunction with the Australian Islamic College will be taking enrolments for 2023. The enrolments will be open online from July and will end on the 31st of August. Any student interested in participating in the programs, please come and see me to organise the enrolments.

Please note that enrolling for these courses are very competitive. You require a ‘C’ grade for Maths and English as a minimum to apply. This initiative means that they are in school for 4 days and attend TAFE colleges, as young responsible adults, one day per week.

North Metro TAFE have released their courses for next year as per below. You can also click on the links as well to gain access to more information.

South Metro TAFE courses will be sent once received.

Please take note of the dates when applications are open and closing. Places are competitive so early enrolments is advisable

On behalf of the VET Team

Tengku Shahrul Shah – VET Coordinator